@mcross Such a bad time to get this shot for me. I'm allergic to everything blowing in the wind right now. I'm sure it's not helping my situation at all !! Very frustrating
Tomorrow will be 4 weeks after my 2nd Pfizer shot. I think the vertigo is gone- each day it lessens, so it seems like today-nothing. Usually I would feel it rolling over, getting out of bed. I typically don’t get vaccines because I always have side effects. But I was not rolling the dice on this one- I want to get on a plane & visit the grandkids in California, so even though I had basically a month of side effects, I would do it again
I had the J and J shot on March 14th and I have felt bad since. Within seconds of having the shot, I had a warm sensation in the back of my throat and within a few minutes, I began experiencing a tightening in my jaw, mandibular joint, the base of my skull and my neck. These passed after about an hour but have reoccured a few times this past week. It does not hurt it is just pressure or a tightening feeling. The night of the shot and for the next 3 days I had chills and severe body aches. On the 4th day after, I developed a large swollen lymph node in my armpit that I am still dealing with. I have also experienced dizziness when I first get up in the morning which the last few days has persisted off and on during the day.
Hey y'all! I recently got the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine Thursday ( it is now Sunday ). Initially I had no side effects, just a sore arm that is now fine. But I have been experiencing dizziness and lightheadedness since Friday night. I nearly fell a couple times! I am really worried about getting the second dose now :/ I will keep y'all updated if the dizziness gets better! Stay safe!
It's been about one week now and I still feel the same, dizziness is still present :/ I will probably go to an urgent care soon if it does not go away. Definitely leaning towards not getting the second dose. Also please make sure to report your symptoms as this is very serious! I googled the vaccine I received + side effect report and the first link should take you to a form you fill out and report your symptoms.
@susanfeuerstein great to know your vertigo has resolved after the 2nd shot! That you so much for the report, this is the only information any of us have to go on to make our decisions.
Thank you all for your insights and stories - incredibly helpful. I have Sjogrens and Hashimotos. I am 48, a yoga teacher and am active and live a very healthy life style. My autoimmune diseases have been "in remission" for years. I had one bout of vertigo in 2016 due to a sinus infection and flying cross country. Moderna Vaccine on 2/19. 4 days later dizzy and nauseous. A week later first big bout of Vertigo when rolling over in bed. Dizziness got worse, fullness in ears, pressure, mild tinnitus and exhausted. Went to PT - did the Eply. Thought it helped but symptoms continued through the weekend. Pain started creeping in to cervical spine like a burning sensation, some muscle spasms in my neck and back and pins and needles in my hands and feet. Continued PT and he tried the somersault the following week which put me over the edge. Ended up in the ER - felt like the floor was moving when I walked. Did and MRI (totally fine), labs (all fine) and prescribed med for the dizziness. Vertigo has subsided (now 4 weeks in) though I think I'm being cautious - no quick movements, carefully rolling in bed etc. Whole body now in a muscle spasm, with muscle weakness, increased pulse when I do anything active like go up stairs or walk to the mail box, higher blood pressure (mine is typically very, very low and now it's considered normal- so technically high for me)still dizzy, still unable to work. ENT said vertigo/dizziness was likely BBPV and not related to the vaccine (hhhmmmmm wrong...). Neurologist tomorrow. Will report back. Good news is that Vertigo has subsided, not happening when I roll over in bed or lean down. Just light headed, full ears, exhausted and the muscle issues. The perfect storm viral response to the vaccine triggering an autoimmune flare is my guess. I am optimistic that things will calm down and hopeful that CDC will accumulate all of our reports so we can know more ahead of time to make informed decisions and do more research for those of us with vestibular, migraine, various autoimmune conditions etc. so we can safely take this vaccine in the future. Lastly, things I've been doing to relief. Vit C, B12 and D. Epsom salt bath, Yoga Nidra and meditation, PT for balance and eye/ear training exercises, lots of slow walks and upright chair yoga with out a ton of head movement, anti inflammatory diet (no dairy, sugar, caffeine, gluten or alcohol - or the "no fun" cleanse!). Plus advil 2x daily morning and night.
@geronimoThe half Somersault only works if you have BPPV which is a condition where you have calcium crystals that have moved to the ear canal where they do not belong and obstructs the fluid and causes vertigo. Vertigo caused by inflammation due to an immune response to the vaccine has nothing to do with crystals in your inner ear and the Half Somersault will have no effect on resolving the vertigo. Many people on this site have had similar maneuvers done to no avail and I personally have done the half somersault twice and it did not resolve my vertigo. There was one person on this forum who did have positive results from the Eply maneuver and that just proves that her vertigo was just correlating to the time she was vaccinated but not caused by it. The Half Somersault is a great technique to know if you have BPPV.
I've posted several times now. It's 5 days after the second shot. My dizziness seems to have been vestibular migraine triggered and vestibular migraines can last weeks or months. I was dizzy from 4 days after my first pfizer shot to a day before the second shot. Two days after the second shot, I got dizzy again and felt migraine symptoms coming on again.
I managed to head off the migraine (it started hitting hard again day 4 after 2nd shot) by taking two Tylenol and two Ibuprofen every 4 hours all day, drinking ginger water, and doing acupressure massage all day. I felt a bit dizzy, but it hasn't degraded to crazy-town like it did after the first shot.
I've also been watching my posture while sleeping and awake to make sure I don't trigger migraines to trigger the dizziness.
Much better after the second shot so far than after the first one.
However, sitting on my butt, wiped out for 4 weeks has led me to gain a bit of weight. Grumble. Gotta work on that!
My sister received the vaccine 4 weeks ago. No light headedness or dizziness but she has paresthesia in both of her arms and extreme pain around her wrists. She also finished radiation treatment for breast cancers 2 months before her shot. She went to several doctors and they are saying this has nothing to do with the vaccine but is not a side affect of radiation treatment. Has anyone else had this? How long?
I got my second (Moderna) shot in mid-February. Then about a week ago I started having severe episodes of dizziness which I have never had before. I almost fell over while gardening this past week when a sudden dizzy spell happened. I have dizziness again today and am not sure whether to see my physician or wait and see? If it continues or worsens I will see my Internist. This has to be vaccine related!
I'm definitely not anywhere close to being a doctor but have they checked her for Guillain-Barré syndrome??
Just came back on to update on my Mother's situation. She just got back from seeing an ENT. He told her all the fluid has dried up that they had seen on her MRI (they said she had Mastoid Effusion). he told her at this point to try to not take as much of the Ativan(only medicine that was helping her) and that she should start physical therapy. I believe she was able to get an appointment today, however I'm not sure how much that is going to help as I truly believe this is related to the vaccine and the inflammation it has caused. I am praying that it does not make her worse again because she already had a very scary trip to the ER in which her blood pressure was skyrocketing, she had double vision, and extreme vertigo and nausea. I am praying every day for all of you are as well that you all get better and they start to really address the side effects that are so clearly related to the vaccine. as I had mentioned before my mother had never had any prior vertigo or vestibular issues, but she does suffer from to auto immune disease is and I'm wondering if there is some type of link there. Perhaps if any of you have autoimmune diseases, we can sense if there's a link between the two. Anyway, that is my update for now! I will keep you all posted!
I am new to the forum and just received my first dose of the Moderna vaccine yesterday. Within one minute of receiving the vaccine my whole body experienced a wave of heat from head to toe. I also experienced a drop in my blood pressure (104/62), all over tingling, eventual extreme heat from my bellybutton to my toes and then shaking. I feel very alone with this response and just wondered if anyone else had these symptoms? I feel that it was possibly an allergic reaction to PEG which I had no idea I was allergic to. Thank-you for any feedback if you experienced the same thing. I'm afraid I will be unable to get the 2nd dose so I'm really hoping the first dose protects me some.
@markbruner thank you for providing some hope. I have not had the vaccine yet but have had BPPV on and off for years. I’m thinking I’m going to wait on the vaccine until there is more data about this. The BPPV is terrifying enough but at least the Epley maneuver works for it. I’m so anxious about these side effects.