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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@tomg Thank you for posting your experience, and very sorry to hear that you are having such a rough time of it and still no improvement.  Your experience needs to be heard, especially that there are some here who continue to assert that this will not go on beyond 12 weeks, when the reality is that it can go on much longer, and has for some here. Newcomers need to hear the reality of it, not just the sanitized, unrealistically positive "it won't go on beyond 12 weeks". 

I'm sure you will find support among the other long-haulers here. 

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Profound and uplifting. Thank you. 

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Posted by: @gloriam


Profound and uplifting. Thank you. 

I confess, I plagerized some of it from doing a Google search on toxic positivity. I did also add some items here and there from my own hard-knocks experiences. I find an anticipatory realism-based approach to living keeps me from driving off a few cliffs of unrealistic expectations at times. In my experiences, the hairpin turns one encounters on the way down can be somewhat twisty at times, but preferable nonetheless. 'Nuff said?

Gloria M, dragonlover, Lynne and 3 people reacted
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Posted by: @thenystagmus

All the usual herding towards vaccination, with a surprising new twist! Top US powers that be not advocating for boosters, at least for now...

Great if it’s true but getting any truth from these people is subject. 

MountainMama, MountainMama, Sassafras and 3 people reacted
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Updated Jul. 9, 2021 8:54 PM CDT

Pfizer developing booster shot, but FDA and CDC say booster not necessary yet

By Zach Rosenthal, AccuWeather staff writer

Soon after Pfizer announced on Thursday that it was planning to seek U.S. Food and Drug Administration emergency use authorization for a booster dose in August, the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention jointly announced that a booster shot is not yet necessary, CNN reported. While Pfizer says it is seeing waning immunity from its vaccine, the FDA and CDC say the vaccine remains highly effective. “People who are fully vaccinated are protected from severe disease and death, including from the variants currently circulating in the country such as delta," the joint statement reads.

Pfizer cites real-world data from the Israeli Ministry of Health, which found that the vaccine efficacy against the delta variant had dropped from 94% to 64% against the delta variant. The CDC and FDA, however, say that, alongside the National Institutes of Health, they will use a “science-based, rigorous process” to determine if a booster is necessary, without relying upon data from pharmaceutical companies.


mRNA vaccines may be linked to new side effect

By Lauren Fox, AccuWeather staff writer

Pfizer and Moderna’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccines may be linked to rare cases of heart inflammation, according to a new analysis released on Friday. The analysis considered 321 cases of COVID-19 that were post-vaccination, Politico reported. After the Pfizer vaccine, 145 cases of Myocarditis and 138 cases of pericarditis, both inflammatory conditions of the heart, were analyzed by safety committee PRAC. PRAC also analyzed 19 cases of each condition after the Moderna vaccination. The committee now recommends including this potential side effect on the product information. They also advised that the AstraZeneca vaccine include a warning of potential cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), which can cause nerve inflammation, pain numbness, muscle weakness and difficulty walking. The current data "neither confirms nor rules out a possible association with the vaccine,” according to PRAC, but it has advised warning people of the possibility due to the seriousness of GBS.

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Posted by: @ladyd

I just want to update you all because I had a very interesting and frank conversation with my pharmacist yesterday. I told him I wasn’t getting any diagnosis from doctors and when I described the symptoms (rocking like on a boat, red hot flushes, fatigue, heavy legs, weird nerve tingles, anxiety and loss of appetite) to my surprise he said “Yeah I had that after the Pfizer and it lasted 12 weeks!”. He said doctors are quick to tick boxes and diagnose it as anxiety or vestibular migraine but really they don’t actually know! He told me to stop taking the Betahistine and when I told him about this forum and the recommended supplements he said I wouldn’t normally advise people to get their supplement advise from forums (beware charlatans!) however the advice that’s been shared regarding Liposomal Glutathione, Quercetin and Zinc plus vitamin C and D are the best supplements you could possibly take. He advised against the use of Ivermectin. He reassured me that these symptoms will disappear within 12 weeks of the date of the last shot because our bodies are done processing the vaccine by then. He said because he’s gone through the same awful side effects he is following studies and data carefully and he told me it has been covered up for obvious reasons but these side effects are now coming to the fore and it’s only a matter of time before it’s common knowledge and more will be done to support people like us as part of long covid clinics. I tell you..the weight lifted off my chest as I left him. I had to share this with you WE WILL BE OK I PROMISE. I’m the meantime eat whole foods, walk, breathe deep, get in nature, relax and take immune support supplements. ☮️ 

This is encouraging, thank you!

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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@maggie829 I have arm, neck, shoulder and back pain ever since my 1st Pfizer vaccine and had bad heart palpitations waking me in the middle of the night. It was very scary and now I'm due to get my 2nd dose on Tuesday and I'm quite scared. On the painkillers for my back for the last 3,5 weeks 

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New member and happy to found this forum. But it's also very unnerving to see so many posts...

I had my 2nd dose of Moderna 4 days ago. My symptoms started 2 days ago. I had a feeling of vertigo waking up from the bed. The rest of the day was fine. In the evening I tried doing Pilates and it got a lot worse. Next day woke up dizzy as well. I never had these kinds of issues before as an active person in early 30ies.

Will keep checking how it goes. Made an appointment for the end of week with an ENT. In the meantime I have a lot of reading to do I guess...

Sassafras and Sassafras reacted
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Sixteen weeks out and about 70% back to normal. Vertigo not as bad, but still there. Brain fog gone but now have blank spots in memory. A whole new symptom I’ve never experienced before. Daily Headaches much better but migraines have increased. Anxiety? You betcha, but manageable and once we all get back to normal will be gone I’m sure. Tingling and numbness in legs and arms plus jerky movements still annoying but less. Happy camper. No. Getting a booster? No way. Betrayed by Big Pharma’s lies and coverup? Plus Government turning a blind eye and deft ears? You bet!!! This didn’t need to happen with should have been rigorous testing and honesty. Very sad. And guess who’s paying? You and I are by trying to protect ourselves and our friends and family. (Will not use well deserved profanity on this forum.) May we all fully recover from our error. Hopefully we are protected from Covid after our health sacrifice with this unpredictable Vaccine Syndrome caused by the mnRa therapeutic, not even a real vaccine. Shame on them all.  

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Posted by: @memphismel
Posted by: @thenystagmus

All the usual herding towards vaccination, with a surprising new twist! Top US powers that be not advocating for boosters, at least for now...

Great if it’s true but getting any truth from these people is subject. 

We have been lied to so much, I don't know who or what to believe anymore.

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hi, I had my first and only moderna shot January 17. 3 days after started the dizziness/lightheaded. Other symptoms are tinnitus, heart palpitations, anxiety(if that’s what we’re calling it) muscle twitches, dull headaches, 3 icepick headaches(these are terrifying) fatigue, muscle weakness, short of breath. Oddly these symptoms were lessened when laying down and at night. I know most of you have symptoms at night and trouble sleeping, it’s opposite for me.
The headaches and lightheadedness have lessened quite a bit over the last month or so, worse during my period. All other symptoms are still here though. I feel good enough to drive most days now so that is definite improvement. I’m finished with the drs. I’ve had almost every test available with no results. My pc doesn’t have anything to say about it being due to vaccine so no help there. I’m taking all the supplements, walking everyday and eating well. I guess I’ll either get better or not. There’s nothing else I can do but wait I guess.

Jen, Lynne, FogDizzShip and 5 people reacted
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I didn’t say that to be mean. I’m just frustrated with my own situation. It’s great to hear about people recovering at any timeline, it gives us hope for sure. Please don’t leave because of me. I find this forum mostly helpful, I just don’t read the links that are posted. There’s too much scary info out there and there’s no going back so I’d rather stay hopeful. 

Iris Lynne, Jen, Sassafras and 9 people reacted
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Posted by: @memphismel
Posted by: @thenystagmus

All the usual herding towards vaccination, with a surprising new twist! Top US powers that be not advocating for boosters, at least for now...

Great if it’s true but getting any truth from these people is subject. 

Hi Mel, Thanks, I agree, they have well-earned our skepticism.

My kids used to cry, "You don't trust me!" I'd tell them, "Yes, I do... You've taught me what to trust you for!"

I doubt they've gotten corrective lenses or hearing aids for their apparent deficits, I don't think we're being heard, and I b'lieve they'll still try to herd us whichever way their current wind is blowing.

I trust you'll help us keep keen eyes and ears trained on them!

MemphisMel, dragonlover, MemphisMel and 1 people reacted
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Although I’m not completely better I am feeling much more like a normal person lately. Much less dizziness around the 5 month mark. It is so frustrating and scary but hang in there:)

Jen, Tom Germana, CarrieB and 5 people reacted
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An interesting article about tinnitus and emotional processing.

(Other articles have links at the end, but I didn't read them.)

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