@hollyd What you describe is almost identical to what I have been going through for over 5 weeks after the first shot. Finally, I get to see my Doctor tomorrow and will be prepared. I can only wonder how many people are having these kind of issues that do not know about this Forum. Thank you so much for explaining your symptoms.
@mvall Same here. As long as I'm sitting I'm mostly okay but when I stand all bets are off.
Still getting dizziness four weeks and three days after my first AstrZeneca vaccine, headaches, aching eyes. I've reported my symptoms online via Yellow Card reporting. It was easy to do.
@ditty50 - you’re the first person I have seen mention PEG on here. I had run across that before finding this site. Yes, I had and am having symptoms like yours and yes, I have been treated with meds containing PEG in the past. Am wondering if that is why my reaction and subsequent problems have been so bad and none of my friends have had any problems.
I developed extreme vertigo the night after my second Pfizer shot which I received on February 25. My first shot was uneventful only a sore arm for a day or so, the second shot same sore arm but the next night I got up for my nightly bathroom visit and fell back into bed un-controllably. I laid back down for a few minutes then completed my mission. Next morning I researched the vertigo and did the Dix-Hallpike maneuver when I did the test for the left ear the room started revolving wildly but finally came to a halt in about 30 seconds. That told me the vertigo was in my left ear so I did the Epley maneuver for the left side and it seemed to work but the next day it was back so again the Epley maneuver and then the Foster maneuver which cleared my vertigo almost completely. i also did the maneuver for the left Horizontal canal and that helped a lot. Still I've have bouts of dizziness for the past 27 day but it is slowly getting sort of back to normal. Last night I decided to take a 40 mg Aleve to see if it affected the dizziness and tinnitus, I started noticing the dizziness going away last night and until this afternoon dizziness and the left ear tinnitus were controlled but tonight the tinnitus is back with a slight amount of dizziness. I have decided that there must be inflammation of my left inner ear creating the dizziness and tinnitus as a result of the Pfizer immune response.
If you are suffering from vertigo by all means try to make a determination if it can at least be partially relieved by using one of the BPPV maneuvers, the maneuvers helped me so don't rule anything out that may help. The things that have helped me were the BPPV corrective maneuvers plus an ant-inflammatory.
Good Luck
I’m new here. Stumbled upon this forum after searching Moderna vaccine dizziness. I’m 17 days past 1st Moderna shot. I got an instant headache during the 15 minute wait time. When I stood up, my brain felt like it was wrapped tightly with a bandage, suspended in jello. I have had no spinning just a continuous feeling of having just gotten off a boat and not quite able to feel balanced. I fell night before last. My eyeballs feel bruised, I am light sensitive, lose my train of thought instantly in the middle of a sentence and am unsteady on my feet. On day 5 - 6, I could not stay awake, sleeping for most of 36 hours. All of these symptoms are new and nothing I have had before. Other things are high blood pressure with low heart rate followed by high heart rate with low blood pressure. Oxygen fluctuation. One morning I woke up with a “resting heart rate” of 95. (I typically have low/normal blood pressure and heart rate) Before finding this site, I had discovered something that looked like it could be a culprit....PEG (polyethylene glycol)...used in antiviral medication. The article I read said that one could build antibodies to PEG and if one had had treatment with PEG in the past then subsequently given meds containing PEG at a later date, the body would attack causing similar symptoms mentioned. Think treatment for Hepatitis C or herpes....For me, given the fact that most doctors won’t admit to symptoms being related to the vaccine and knowing first hand how drug companies refuse to admit or acknowledge correlations between symptoms many people have after being administered their drug, I don’t feel comfortable taking the 2nd shot. If my symptoms were to get worse than they are now, I would be disabled with no medical professional to turn to. I know I didn’t instantaneously come down with a new malady within the 15 minutes I was waiting after getting the shot. This is all vaccine related, whatever the cause. Thanks for this forum. There should be this kind of support in the medical community. I’m not holding my breath.
@sandram. Yes I’ve got the same side effects mine started about 3 to 4 days after my first vaccine shot I received Astra now I’m dizzy most of the day sometimes it comes in waves , 1-10, very often it’s only a two or three but the waves can be an eight or nine the fatigue has been amplified after the vaccine and what I thought was a fibromyalgia which has been in remission for years came back strong hard and heavy with muscular pain tingling nerve burning aches fatigue and by the evening I am freezing to death and cold in my 90° environment ,no answers from anyone.
I guess the next question would be what happens when we go for the second shot
Hi @martina
Could you please update us on how this went for you? I got dizzy after my first shot and I'm nervous about my second one
I wanted to write about my recovery because so many people are in the middle of this and looking for some sort of timeframe for getting better.
The short version: It took me about four days to be able to do anything other than sit perfectly still. I started doing work on the 5th day (barely) and by day 7 felt like myself for the first time. Here on day 10 I still have mild dizziness, particularly when straight down or up, and very mild headaches. The Epley maneuver and other things I found online did not seem to help; ondansetron and meclizine did not help. I drank tea with lots of ginger and turmeric each day and made my diet even more anti-inflammatory with my dietary choices.
Slightly longer additional case info: Ten days after my first Moderna dose, I woke up with debilitating vertigo - falling down, vomiting, etc. I went to a physician thinking I had an ear infection and he prescribed allergy meds (?) and said my ears looked healthy. I am 34 and in great health, with no prior balance issues, health complaints, or prior Covid infection (as far as I know.)
I have no idea whether I will get my second dose, which is scheduled for T-minus nine days. I'm about to finish graduate school but if I lose yet another week being on my ass with dizziness, I won't be able to finish on time.
Thank you everyone for sharing your stories. This is just about the ONLY source of information I have found about these symptoms.
I would have serious second thoughts about the second dose given your circumstances. Did you report the problems you were having immediately after the inniculation?
Following as I received the J&J vaccine 2 and 1/2 weeks ago.
I had severe vertigo the night of starting 5 hours after.
it seemed to get better, but dizzy everyday. The Sunday a week later I had severe vertigo again that knocked me off my feet. Again it got better, but felt some dizziness everyday.
This past Sunday I again had severe very with vomiting. It’s now Wednesday and I’m still struggling. I spend most of my day in bed. I can’t walk straight and feel awful. I spoke to my doctor today. I’m taking lorazepam and prednisone. He said it’s should get better in time. It’s likely my immune was shocked and it triggered my Ménière’s disease. I haven’t had anything like this in about 20 years. I’m 54 and was diagnosed I’m my 30’s. I’ve had it under control for years.
i was worried about the vaccine and how my immune system would respond, but after my husband west so sick with covid I decided to get it.
I am miserable and hoping I made the right choice. Praying I feel better soon. It’s very upsetting.....
I'm still having dizziness with brief vertigo episodes today on my 3 week anniversary of receiving the Moderna vaccine. Spending a lot of time being inactive to be at this point after starting vertigo, nystagmus 2 days after vaccine. Tonight I googled vaccine side effects once again and kept asking for additional pages ...came across this one about adverse effects being reported to the official reporting site in the US with comments following the article where many are sharing accounts of symptoms similar to many of us here:
If I knew how to push this kind of information to be a top result from a google search, I sure would. I know these side effects aren't the most common ones, but information about them sure needs to be easier to find!
Has anyone that has received any of the new Covid Vaccines, did you experience any increased dizziness or other symptoms?
Yes, I am so glad I am not going crazy. Hate you all are feeling so bad but I am too. First shot (pfizer) 10 days later I woke up with numbness In My arms, hands and lips felt swollen and tingling. Thought I was having a stroke. But I waited to go to hospital with this being a Sunday and because of covid I waited. Few hours later felt dizzy spinning nausea, so went to ER. COULD hardly stand. Did a cat scan, nothing showed up. MRI department closed, yes at hospital. So they kept me overnight. Since In 2019 I had an unexplained blood in brain, they treated me for the worst. After MRI next day couldn't find anything they sent me home with mecizine and told me to see Dr. Dr. Couldn't explain what was happening so changed my drugs, and recommended not to get second shot. By this time I am feeling better but still had to hold head still to control dizziness. So I got second shot. Just want to be around grand kids. Got shot 10 days later same thing happened but seemed to be worse. Blood pressure is high. Dr put me in 4 pills a day. Still running high. Now it has been 6 days after second dizzy spell and starting
to feel like I can walk and control dizziness but blood pressure is still high. Hope this all goes away. Having a hearing test Monday and inner ear checked. Dr. Wants me to go to balance therapy but they won't take insurance and $125 a visit. I will let you know when this passes Dr thinks it is vertigo. Not so sure after ready all your systoms. Will watch your feedback and keep you posted about my outcome