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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@itsaw I know it's awful, you want not to COVID and now we have these awful debilitating  symptoms.

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Thank you all for sharing, I have had the same issues and while the doctors have not wanted to link it to the covid vaccine (it all has happened in the 2 weeks following the 2 moderna shot), I did get a diagnosis of vestibular neuritis and i am finally seeing a ENT specialist next week.

I have not seen this in the chat, so my question to this group is: Has anyone fully recovered? If so how long did it take?

Thank you!

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I’m so glad to find this blog. I’m on day 9 after my 2nd dose of the Phizer vaccine. I waited over a month to get the second dose because I’ve been so busy, but during the time from the first dose to the second dose I have had a little vertigo and fatigue. I just felt a little off and did not associate it with the vaccine. Now, I know I’m not the only one. My symptoms are a lot worse after the second dose. Jelly legs, headache, racing heart at times. I also feel hot, like I have a fever, but every time I take my temp. It’s normal. I went to a thyroid doctor thinking that maybe my thyroid was off. He said I have severe inflammation and is running bloodwork. I think I am having inflammatory response from this vaccine and hope to get some relief soon. Drinking lots of water and herbal teas. Resting a lot. Tried walking my 4 miles on Tuesday, 3 days ago, and didn’t think I’d make it home. My legs felt like they were jelly. Got home and had profuse sweating, then chills, then panic attack. Today, day 9 I’m experiencing vertigo, loss of appetite, still feeling hot, but no temp.

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I wanted to respond to Maria who started the discussion around Menieres and the Covid vaccine.  I too have been diagnosed with Menieres once at age 28 and went away after a few years.  I am now 59 and the Menieres flared up again about 7 years ago.  I had the steroid shot in my ear and the Menieres went into remission.  So far I have been ok for about the last 3 years with no Menieres symptoms.   I wanted to let folks know that I had the Moderna shot on March 25 and the second shot on April 25th and so far I am doing ok with no long term side effects. I had the shakes and chills after the second shot on the first evening. Thankfully no vertigo or nausea.  It's a really tough decision since I do not wish those symptoms on anyone...been there done that. However, the chance of getting Covid and having severe symptoms doesn't sound too good either.  Definitely talk to your doctor before making a decision on whether to get the vaccine. 




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@gingerjones do you mind sharing what doc you saw from the FLCCC website? 

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@jardelina Hi! It's not just the Pfizer vaccine. I had 2 shots of Moderna.  Five weeks after second shot I developed a feeling of "wobbly", tipping over, falling forward.  Also I am very tired and weak.  In the past couple years I have had episodes of Vertigo.  Yesterday I saw my ENT.  Sadly he said he has seen "several" patients with exact symptoms as mine.  I am scheduled to have a brain MRI, a VNG test with him. I also saw my PCP yesterday requesting an intense battery of blood work.  I use a grabber if something falls to the floor, I don't bend over or sideways.  I am 78 years and my life has completely changed in the past few months.  I feel and act like my age.  🙂  I asked my ENT if this would get better, or hopefully go away. He said, "It "could".  We shall see.  

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@elallen17  hi please I'm really suffering from all the symptoms you've mentioned fatigue blurry vision dizziness please helpe I. So afraid I have three kids and don't want something bad to happen to me I am at 1 month and half but it's not  getting any better when you say 80% better how do you feel.please share your experiences with me 


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@lynner thank you for answer my vision is blurry did it get any better 

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I'm a chronic migraine sufferer and 5 weeks after my 2nd AZ vaccine jab, I still have vertigo and migrainous symptoms. Ringing in my ears too.

I feel like it's all getting worse. I've spoken to 2 doctors at my clinic and they've both been useless. They've suggested nothing apart from riding it out but I'm being driven mad by this.

I guess I'm here to see if there are people who are migraine sufferers who've also had vertigo issues and constant migraine symptoms that have recovered. 5 weeks in with my symptoms worsening I feel like there's no recovery at the moment. 

Lynne, StillDizzy, Lynne and 1 people reacted
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Hi to new people, so hard to follow the near 400 pages!! I suppose the summary is that a lot of people get better around 3-4 Week mark, then there’s the 12 weeks gang and there are a few on here well into 4-5 months so it seems very personal and individual. I’m 70% better after 4 weeks, blocked ears and headache and the odd dizzy patch are still here but I can function albeit at a lesser pace.
lots of success with supplements (search dizzywithvaccine In the search bar, she’s gave great advice), lots trying ivermectin (FLCCC protocol) with success and most agreeing time, trying to ease anxiety and healthy diet are the key. (Claritin/steroids/chiropractors also get success in some people)

its weird, I was SO angry but now covid has taken over London again and everyone has it, I suppose I feel a little relief knowing I’ve had one dose!

Ill know I’m better when I have my first sip of rose in the garden!! I’ve got ivermectin in the post so I’ll let you all know! 

Good luck everyone on this crazy adventure we all find ourselves, the amount of success stories have to keep us going!!!  

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Hi, just curious if anyone here is in their 30s and has had AZ, interested to know more about your experience.

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Hi, I’ve been lurking on this forum for a while while debating getting my second dose. I got my first at the end of March and had symptoms for 6/7 weeks. Ear pressure still lingers now 4 months later…

I wonder if anyone else has waited like me and gone to get their second dose… if anyone out there has - how were the  side effects?

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I wanted to add my side effects lasted for 7 weeks (mainly dizzy with brain fog and occasional weakness in my arms and hands).

At week 4 ish I called and got a course of antibiotics (10 days of amoxicillin with clavulan - high ish dosage) and that really cleared the fatigue and helped me turn a corner. I did not really think I had a bacterial infection but I wanted meds before steroids… I figured if I did have an underlying infection then it couldn’t hurt to reduce the inflammation.

Just throwing that out there for what it’s worth. 

I would love to hear more about people who have recovered (or mostly recovered) and had a second dose…

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@heybro please you mentioned burning right my skin fire is that you have please help me is it.true symptoms.dispere after 12 weeks ?? Please help with any information Bessie shaking 

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