@kirstymiller Cheers! I’m hoping you too will find relief soon. This extreme weather we’ve had lately definitely doesn’t help though does it! I’m continuing with the supplements until I finish them all and I think they key thing going forward is staying hydrated and eating anti inflammatory foods as I have been. The ONLY positive to come out of all this is that it’s made me more conscious of what I eat and how that effects me. Just praying I don’t relapse but controlling anxiety can also help to prevent that from happening.
Will still be thinking of everyone on here because you’ve been the ONLY support out there. I’ve heard that a lot of Facebook support groups have been deleted which I find shocking! Thank god for this forum…long may it continue!
Take it easy x
I'm starting to really hate the saying "get the shot to protect the ones you love" or "take the shot to show you care" because it's utter BS. So far it seems the vaccinated don't even care about those that are suffering from the bad reactions to these vaccines and wind up gaslighting and accusing them of being conspiracy theorists or anti-vaxers cause they fear if enough reports of bad reactions get the attention of the FDA, CDC, etc they're going to stop the vaccines altogether to come up with new ones and once again back into lockdown. The vaccinated only care about one thing - getting their lives back to how it was pre-pandemic. That's it. As long as nothing bad happened to them then not their problem. They can enjoy life while the rest are suffering with all these effects. Really makes me angry towards society as a whole.
I did my part and wind up worse off then get abandoned by the very ones that kept on preaching "take the shot to show you care" or "do it for society". How can one not be disgruntled or just have mistrust with the medical system?
Again my opinion just voicing frustration.
For the reasons you describe, I've cut people out of my life. I had someone go so far as to tell me that I should be willing to suffer "for the greater good." These people couldn't care less what happens to me. My suffering is no skin off their nose. And they would be the last people on earth who would be there for me. They can go to hell.
When I've told people about my issues since the vaccine I've had a lot of - "Oh, that's really bad isn't it" but I can tell they don't believe it's from the vaccine and just think it's long COVID and I'll be okay soon.
I had one tell me that I should be informing my doctor that I've ordered Ivermectin - why? My doctor has been useless so far, what is he going to tell me that will benefit me now?
With the heatwave in the UK I've noticed my tinnitus has been a lot worse. At night I could ignore it most of the time, but with the heatwave it seems the humming/ringing is a lot louder.
Yes, the supplement regimen really helped me. I also took one dose of Ivermectin. Not sure how much that contributed since i was supposed to take it for over a week.
@lili23 for the first 6-7 weeks I felt awful. In fact, weeks 3-5 I thought I was literally dying. So much debilitation. I couldn’t even lift the garbage out of the garbage pale.
I’m on week 8, just coming off a vacation at the beach, and started prednisone 2 days ago. I feel about 80-85%. Strength is back. I’m able to work. But I still have pressure in my left ear, slight dizziness/rocking on a boat feeling, and achiness that comes and goes. I do feel like I’m going in the right direction but it’s incredibly SLOOWWWWW.
I spoke to a doctor on the FLCCC website who prescribed me Ivermectin which I will be picking up this week. And an extremely high dose of vitamin D (50000 IU, 1x/week).
Hang in there. For whatever reason this is taking a long time to heal, but hopefully we will all her better.
@lili23 for the first 6-7 weeks I felt awful. In fact, weeks 3-5 I thought I was literally dying. So much debilitation. I couldn’t even lift the garbage out of the garbage pale.
I’m on week 8, just coming off a vacation at the beach, and started prednisone 2 days ago. I feel about 80-85%. Strength is back. I’m able to work. But I still have pressure in my left ear, slight dizziness/rocking on a boat feeling, and achiness that comes and goes. I do feel like I’m going in the right direction but it’s incredibly SLOOWWWWW.
I spoke to a doctor on the FLCCC website who prescribed me Ivermectin which I will be picking up this week. And an extremely high dose of vitamin D (50000 IU, 1x/week).
Hang in there. For whatever reason this is taking a long time to heal, but hopefully we will all get better.
@djmatera thank you so much for sharing your experience I am In Canada and it's so hard to get any medication from doctors some don't even believe on your symptoms 😢
I suggest you start a daily diary about how you are feeling each day, what you eat and drink and what medication you take. These vaccines can apparently take 12 weeks from the date of the shot for the body to process the spike protein so you should recover within this timeframe, so there is hope. The best thing you can do for yourself is to immediately cut out caffeine, alcohol, cola etc and all artificial sweeteners and follow an anti inflammatory diet just Google that. Ask your pharmacist whether you can take the following supplements to help your immune system along: Liposomal Glutathione (liquid form only Starhonor brand from Amazon) this is a liver detox supplement and made a big difference to me after just 3 days of taking it, Quercetin plus vitamin C, vitamin D and Zinc. (You must take Quercetin with Zinc). Drink as much water as you can, eat whole grains, fish, fruit, veg and berries (strawberries are great for inflammation) and try not to let anxiety and stress add to the problem because it will do. Avoid researching too much or spending too much time scrolling on your phone. So go on short walks and spend time outside if you can face it or do anything you can to relax and take your mind off your symptoms. You can also take paracetamol or ibuprofen safely with these supplements if you feel you need them too but always get advice from a pharmacist or medical professional before taking anything at all because we are all different. I hope this helps x
I have been doing VOR exercises, which can be found on the internet, every morning while on my stationary bike. It seems to clear my brain fog completely for the day. Going on 17 weeks after second Pfizer shot and showing very slow improvement.
@happyhourglass I think your comments here have really hit a nerve. I can't stand that either. I can't believe we have been lumped in with anti-vaxxers and are being ignored, to the point that people are not getting care, and sometimes really risking their life and health. It's absolutely ridiculous. I am pretty angry too. I have reached out to my Senators, the CDC, FDA, the vaccine manufacturer, with no assistance.