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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Did your dizziness go away?

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49/M / No prior conditions.   Moderna


What kind of tinnitus is everyone getting?  Mine is hissing.  I wonder if it differs.

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Hello! I will start out by saying I have Hashimotos and Hypoparathyroidism and am also a nurse. In precaution,  I had all my bloodwork done and it was all normal,, everything.....I received my first vaccine on January 13th with no side effects other than a sore arm. I had my second dose on February 10th, and about 2-3 days after I had dizziness and pressure/pain around my sinuses and temples. I have been on 2 courses of antibiotics and a taper of steroids, with maybe 2-3 days of relief after I started the steroids. Also, I will have some random heart palpitations. Somedays are better than others, but as of late, I have found that antihistamines are seeming to help some of the dizziness/pain around my sinuses and temples, so am unsure if it is just my immune system causing the inflammation or what? My doctors haven't been any help so I am going on 6 weeks of this.

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Mine is a loud whoush sound. If I lie down on side I can also hear a soft beep. 

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Soft constant ringing in both ears but pressure only in right. 

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Posted by: @sybarton



Soft constant ringing in both ears but pressure only in right. 


Is ringing the same as hissing when it comes to tinnitus?

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Ok. Now it’s Tuesday morning. 6 days after my trip to the ER with debilitating vertigo and 13 days since my second Moderna shot. 
I’m still adjusting to being a back sleeper and still getting the jolt of vertigo if I inadvertently roll over on my right side. It abates quite quickly when I return to my back. 
I can get out of bed now with only mild unsteadiness.
I normally upon rising run water from the sink over my bed hair so I don’t look like Albert Einstein’s deranged brother but this morning I made the mistake of turning my head sideways while running the water and almost fell backward from the jolt of dizziness. 
I certainly hope this vaccine vertigo reaction isn’t permanent and eventually goes away.  I’m glad there’s a vaccine but if a third shot was required I wouldn’t do it. If this had happened after the first shot I wouldn’t have gotten the second. 
I can at least function during the day if I restrict certain head movements, but it’s not what I consider a quality of life existence.  Of course, it’s preferable to having Covid and facing death on a respirator. 
Considering doctors are currently downplaying the cause and effect of the vaccine and vertigo I’m glad we who are living (suffering) proof of the correlation have this forum to share and commiserate!

twa, twa, Baylor02 and 1 people reacted
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Hissing/soft ringing could be the same. Constant and annoying for sure. 

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Yes! I experienced the same vertigo symptoms one week to the day after the second Moderna shot. I know there is a reluctance by the medical community to see the vertigo as incidental to the vaccine and not coincidental. 
It’s time we face this fact:  Vertigo is incidental to receiving the Covid vaccine in many people; some with and some without underlying conditions. 
We all want the vaccine to be perfect and when it comes to preventing the deadly Covid infection it damn near is!  However, as welcomingly wonderful as the vaccine’s existence is, we have to give credence to the very real examples of some dreadful side effects like vertigo that can last for weeks if not months after onset. 

RNinMA and RNinMA reacted
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Yes! I experienced the same vertigo symptoms one week to the day after the second Moderna shot. I know there is a reluctance by the medical community to see the vertigo as incidental to the vaccine and not coincidental. 
It’s time we face this fact:  Vertigo is incidental to receiving the Covid vaccine in many people; some with and some without underlying conditions. 
We all want the vaccine to be perfect and when it comes to preventing the deadly Covid infection it damn near is!  However, as welcomingly wonderful as the vaccine’s existence is, we have to give credence to the very real examples of some dreadful side effects like vertigo that can last for weeks if not months after onset. 

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Has anyone had mild symptoms before the first dose only to have them become worse after the second?

Also specifically has anyone had mild tinnitus after the first dose and have it become worse after the second?

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I am completely healthy, young, no underlying conditions whatsoever. Vertigo, heart palpitations, sharp headaches, dizziness is related to the vaccine. I have never experienced any of this before I had the first shot. I began feeling spacey an hour after receiving the first dose. After a few days I started to experience dizziness, which turned to severe vertigo, brain fog and difficulty concentrating. I am in great shape physically, but now I am out of breath easily after doing simple tasks. I had scary episodes of heart palpitations where I checked my BP and it was normal so I didn't go to the doctor. I understand that vaccines are important for public health and safety, but if there are no answers for why these things are occurring I don't think we should be guinea pigs or continue to get them until our questions are answered. It seems like this is happening often enough for our concerns to be addressed. These are only people who have found this forum, made accounts, and posted. I guarantee more people are reading this than are posting. This is scary. 

Deborah, Deborah, April and 11 people reacted
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I am finally feeling mostly normal again. supposed to get the 2nd pfizer shot this sat. I am strongly leaning towards postponing. Thoughts?

Has anyone gotten the second and it DIDN'T cause the symptoms to come back or worsen?

April and April reacted
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Have a friend who works in the IC unit at a local hospital, who I told about my concerns with vertigo and the second shot.   She told me to get the shot.  "The vertigo can be managed until it subsides, but pales in comparison to the horrors of covid in an IC unit.  Its not the way you want to go.  Its horrific to see.  Get the shot , full blown Covid isn't something you want to mess with."

Like many of us, I'm concerned about the second shot, but after hearing accounts at an IC unit and what happens with Covid patients as it severely progresses, I'm going to get the shot and try to manage any side effects.  I'm very concerned about the vertigo, and hope if it presents itself it goes away over a few weeks or months.  

Aria and Aria reacted
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Pfizer vaccine #1: The first night I got a sore throat. After that terrible head congestion, fever, headache, fatigue and chest congestion. 14 days later I am still fatigued, can take 3 hour naps in the middle of the day, headaches every afternoon and still coughing up phlegm.   This is the longest I have ever been sick in my life. I'm a health nut and exercise enthusiast.

It is hard to make it through the work day because of fatigue and afternoon headaches which last until I go to bed at night.

No way I would reccomend this vaccine and no way will I get the second shot.

April, dragonlover, April and 1 people reacted
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