@lilu906 I suggest you start a daily diary about how you are feeling each day, what you eat and drink and what medication you take. These vaccines can apparently take 12 weeks from the date of the shot for the body to process the spike protein so you should recover within this timeframe, so there is hope. The best thing you can do for yourself is to immediately cut out caffeine, alcohol, cola etc and all artificial sweeteners and follow an anti inflammatory diet just Google that. Ask your pharmacist whether you can take the following supplements to help your immune system along: Liposomal Glutathione (liquid form only Starhonor brand from Amazon) this is a liver detox supplement and made a big difference to me after just 3 days of taking it, Quercetin plus vitamin C, vitamin D and Zinc. (You must take Quercetin with Zinc). Drink as much water as you can, eat whole grains, fish, fruit, veg and berries (strawberries are great for inflammation) and try not to let anxiety and stress add to the problem because it will do. Avoid researching too much or spending too much time scrolling on your phone. So go on short walks and spend time outside if you can face it or do anything you can to relax and take your mind off your symptoms. You can also take paracetamol or ibuprofen safely with these supplements if you feel you need them too but always get advice from a pharmacist or medical professional before taking anything at all because we are all different. I hope this helps x
Dear Sassafras,
I have been out of town on this my 17 month anniversary of Pfizer two. I was hoping to finally get this behind me but not!!! I had a fall due to my continued side effect of Vertigo. We were coming back from a hike when I lifted my foot up on a bench to tie a loose shoestring and when I stood back up straight I was not stable and fell backwards. A total shock. I bonged my head and twisted my ankle.
Since having the second Pfizer vaccination 17 weeks ago I have suffered vertigo and it hasn’t gone away and is especially bad when I look down or up high like to a shelf. I lost my balance a week after the shot when walking up a flight of stairs but fortunately caught myself by grabbing the railing. I had one episode of vertigo six years ago and thought I was healed after PT. I have a telemedicine appointment with my ENT tomorrow and hope he has gained some insights about how he can help me and others through this nightmare since I last spoke with him three months ago when he was just hearing about the connection like the rest of us.
Today my vision is being affected. First time. It seems like I have different vision in both eyes. Very strange but it is hard to even text messages on this tiny keyboard. Anyone else with this anomaly? I’m trying not to think what’s next. I had four terrific Migraines last week that effected my vision after only having an average of one a month for several years. It’s very depressing and disheartening as I expect my varied symptoms to get better and not worse. My fear is that this “vaccine syndrome” as I have heard it called doesn’t become a “long haul” effect. I’m not a religious person in the strict sense of it but am spiritual and ask “please God help us all”. We don’t deserve it as all the masses doing the right thing don’t. Shame on so many for putting the us all and the world through this. 😔😔😔
Hi Gloria, I'm so sorry you're experiencing another difficult time. You're not the only one to have this kind of course. You know I've had a number of relapses also. Not a roller coaster I want to be in line for!
Falling is a risk that has kept me off my bike so far, although I'm itching to ride it. I told my vestibular PT it's one of my goals to get to where I can, but she told me not to try it just yet.
The other goal I have is getting to where I can have my cataracts taken care of. I'm young to need it, but my father was also when he needed it. I was scheduled to start that process, then I got the vaccine. I feel like my vision is getting worse fast since then, faster than can be accounted for just by by my cataracts.
I'm exercising all the patience I can muster and praying for wisdom and health. I am encouraged that each time I've had relapses they've come farther and farther apart. Last time was 6 weeks between and I'm just past 5 weeks this time.
You talked about having been helped by vestibular therapy in the past. I've found it very helpful to do this and my therapist is a great source of information and wonderful support for me. I wonder if this is something you're considering doing again?
I've had a low grade headache for a while now and decided to try ibuprofen today. This time it helped and it amazed me the cheer that brought me! I think I was also less fatigued today for not having that to battle.
I hope you will start experiencing steps in the direction of feeling better once again soon!
Please keep us updated. 👍😔🙏
Update. I took my last ivermectin dose yesterday. I am not trying to sell this drug to anyone, it was my choice and they got rid of my dizziness and headaches. I felt good for the first time in weeks. Going through a heatwave in the UK for several days now and today I have a migraine with a muzzy head feeling. I'm hoping it's because of the weather. I've also had my fan directly on my upper body at night so I don't think this has helped, particularly with the noise it emits. My migraines usually last for four full days. Will let you know how I feel after the migraine has passed. Best wishes.😊🙏
A lot of misinformation here.
Three of the most egregious pieces of misinformation:
1. "There are many life saving options other than vaccines. Think antibiotics just for one." Antibiotics are for bacterial infections. They are 100% ineffective against viral infections.
2. "The idea that a vaccine is going to work for a constantly mutating Coronavirus was a ridiculous pipe dream" All the EUA covid vaccines have proved remarkably effective against every known mutation to date.
3. "they are giving millions of people untested experimental vaccines" The covid vaccines have been extensively and thoroughly tested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bBmQaX2k4w
@jardelina my theory was that if I also had an underlying infection (I suspect I have chronic sinus issues) that could be contributing to the inflammation. Do I really think the ammoxil helped, I don’t really know. I’m 50:50 about it but would take it again. It didn’t really help with the dizzyness but helped cleared up the excessive fatigue (I think).
my understanding is that ammoxil is supposed to be fast acting but at day 7 I didn’t see any real improvement….
sorry this isn’t more helpful.
I do think the vitamins were more effective.
@jardelina I should also add though that after that course of meds I did turn a corner…. It was a couple of weeks later my dizzyness and brain fog disappeared. Im still hesitant to attribute it to the antibiotics though… it was just something I wanted to try before steroids which I ended up not needing after the 6 week nightmare ended
A lot of misinformation here.
Three of the most egregious pieces of misinformation:
1. "There are many life saving options other than vaccines. Think antibiotics just for one." Antibiotics are for bacterial infections. They are 100% ineffective against viral infections.
2. "The idea that a vaccine is going to work for a constantly mutating Coronavirus was a ridiculous pipe dream" All the EUA covid vaccines have proved remarkably effective against every known mutation to date.
3. "they are giving millions of people untested experimental vaccines" The covid vaccines have been extensively and thoroughly tested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bBmQaX2k4w
I've read through all 7 of your posts on here, and every single one of them is you advising "it's only a small number of people with these symptoms after the vaccine" and that the vaccine is "conquering this virus".
In what way is the virus being conquered? In the UK we're heading for another peak, whilst the majority of people dying are now people that are double vaccinated. I know personally a lot of people that have had both vaccines and still contracted COVID afterwards and been in a bad way.
You come across as condescending, to the point you've had to apologise for the way you came across in a previous post. If you have no issues and just want to point out that there's only a small number of people effected negatively by the vaccine then why are you here? Emotions are high and people are at breaking point - people that are ill but having to look after children and carry on working. What contribution do you hope to bring to the forum, genuinely?
@yoki My side effects themselves weren't as severe as others here. I only had three proper vertigo spells: one medium, one severe and one mild. But for 4 weeks I felt drunk, I could not sleep lying down at night because whenever I tossed and turned, I would start feeling weird and as if vertigo was about to kick in but didn't. I would be OK some days and then would feel like crap some other days. I did have an accelerate heart rate in the middle of the night and in the mornings, and I would feel faint because of it. Anxiety, I assume. For about 5 weeks I felt off... not normal.
@lukenick I don't know if I'm in the clear yet, but my reactions to both shots have been completely different. The first shot, she put it lower in my arm, but started feeling pain and discomfort immediately in my arm and then got a headache that went away. My arm only hurt the first day and then the pain went away after the second, right around when my other symptoms started.
This second shot was more painful. I actually felt the prick, but she put it higher in my arm. My arm didn't really hurt until 4 hours after the shot, but the localized pain lasted like 3-4 days. No headaches, only extreme fatigue which started at night the day off and lasted until the next night. Nothing else after that.
I read in an article that the way the vaccine is administered also has weight on the side effects and the longevity of those side effects. They say that if the vaccine is administered in the fat rather than the muscle, side effects tend to be worse and also last longer, because apparently fat cells metabolize the vaccine component much slower than muscle. These are a few excerpts from articles:
"Muscle tissue also tends to keep vaccine reactions localized. Injecting a vaccine into the deltoid muscle may result in local inflammation or soreness at the injection site. If certain vaccines are injected into fat tissue, the chance of irritation and inflammation reaction increases because fat tissue has poor blood supply, leading to poor absorption of some vaccine components."
"Injecting a vaccine into the layer of subcutaneous fat, where poor vascularity may result in slow mobilisation and processing of antigen, is a cause of vaccine failure—for example in hepatitis B, rabies, and influenza vaccines. Compared with intramuscular administration, subcutaneous injection of hepatitis B vaccine leads to significantly lower seroconversion rates and more rapid decay of antibody response."
I'm not saying that's always the case, but it could definitely be a contributing factor for some of us...
@masectid I have not read through his previous posts but it does not surprise me. My statement referring to antibiotics was just to state there are other medicinal ways of treating disease besides a vaccine. If Ivermectin proves to be as effective as the real studies are showing then Covid would have been knocked out before the middle of last year. I have never heard of even a single person dying from Ivermectin or suffering serious injury.
I have tried to at least advise people to wait on taking the vaccine. My conscious is clear. The only people I know that have died or suffered bad effects are ones that have taken the vaccine. Nobody I know that had Covid have not recovered. People have died of Covid with almost all of them with multiple comorbidities. The people I am seeing dying from the vaccines are in many cases young healthy individuals.
He also said these vaccines have been extensively tested which is nonsense. They are experimental for a reason while the drugs have 100% immunity from law suits. I have had multiple doctors tell me the past test results with different viruses for the MRNA vaccines had very poor results when the test animals were reintroduced to the virus up to 1 year later. One additional fact these masks people wear are useless against viruses. My daughter is a doctor and caught TB while wearing a mask and social distancing. TB is 1000 times larger than a virus.
And I still believe Ivermectin along with Zinc and NAC could help with many of the side effects. But even if not what does it hurt to try. It's obvious the medical community is not helping the victims on here.