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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@irina1997 let me know how your second shot was.  I got mine on July 4 and I then I passed out 9 days later and have been dizzy ever since and can barely eat anything as I’m so nauseous.    Praying it will go away soon.  Hope you are well and have had no symptoms so far. 

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@djmatera I fell my head head and heads are shaking vibrating so scared when I hold my phoney hands are shaking sometimes I fell my head is vibrating please anyone help with your experience .

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@jardelina I really want to know 😣😣

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Had my second Pfizer vaccine on the 15/7 and felt fine the next morning apart from a small pain at the injection site so decided to do my double gym session and lay in the sun for a few hours as we are experiencing a heatwave in the UK. Everything was ok until I woke up the following morning. Felt a bit nauseous but still tried going to the gym but returned straight away as weakness got the better of me. Decided to lay in the sun for an hour instead stupidly drinking lots of hot tea. After around half an hour I got a suffocating feeling where I couldn’t breathe and was getting dizzy. Had lots of water and lied down but it came back again 20 minutes later. Rung 999 and they said I should get a lift to ER. Once there the nurse checked my blood pressure and the doctor checked my heart beat and everything was fine and she said it most probably was the anxiety. I was just happy everything was ok I didn’t question it too much even though I’ve never suffered from anxiety before. For rest of the day I just rested and drink water but felt dizzy when standing up. Naturally I thought this would go away in a day or two but 6 days later it’s still lingering around. Yesterday I felt better and even did a 20 minute on a cross trainer but this morning I feel dizzy again. Initially I thought it might have been dehydration due to time spent in the sun but now I’m certain it’s to do with the Pfizer jab. 

Sia, Jen, dragonlover and 5 people reacted
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Thank goodness for this group! I want to post my story which has a lot of symptom similarities to others, but the timing is unusual.


I’m a 45 year old man based in southcentral Pennsylvania USA with no health problems prior to receiving the J&J vaccine on March 16th. I had the typical headache, sore arm, feeling run-down for 24-36 hours after the shot. I can't say that I had any lingering affects after that initial 2 days. I'm a healthy guy, and I never "don't feel good."


Fast forward to Tuesday, June 8th where I'm driving a car on the highway and a dizzy spell hits me hard with no warning. I got the car pulled off the side of the road but my world was spinning for 2-3 minutes. It scared me enough to go the ER an hour later where I had blood drawn, EKG, CT scan of brain, overnight monitoring, and an echocardiogram. All were normal, but over the course of the next week, I felt the full force of the following symptoms: lightheadedness to the point of almost fainting, brain fog, nausea, neck tightness, headaches, anxiety, and fatigue.


I had so many lightheaded moments where I felt I would pass out. My life was affected because I couldn't do anything without feeling like I would pass out. Driving more than a mile is out of the question. Fortunately, I'm a school teacher and all this started on the 2nd day of summer vacation. I certainly would not be able to teach if school were in session.


How bad was my brain fog? I have a 9 year old son with Down syndrome who loves to play board games like monopoly. My brain fog prevented me from playing monopoly with him. It was too complicated for me to roll the dice, count the dice, move my piece the number of spaces. My family was really worried because they noticed how I couldn't think. I felt like a 90 year old man.


As far as my lightheadedness, I never actually fainted, but there were many times I had the "sense of doom" feeling where I was going to die. I visited the ER again a week later and they did another EKG with normal readings again and ordered a holter monitor to be worn for 24 hours, which came back normal.


When I finally got into my primary care physician on June 17th, he suspected something terminal, so he orders a brain MRA the very next day. That came back clean, so he orders me to see a neurologist. Once I received news that the brain MRA was normal, my anxiety went away for the most part--I was not going to die! The neurologist prescribed gabapentin 100 mg daily (which is anti-migraine/anti-seizure meds) and a carotid artery ultrasound, which came back clean.


Because of the neck tightness/pain/uncomfortability, I visited a chiropractor thinking neck alignment was off. Chiro realigned me but I didn't feel any better or worse.


Today, I am 6 weeks from the June 8th out-of-the-blue dizzy spell that changed my life. If I gave a percentage of how good I am today, I would give a 75%.


During all this time, I've never had a fever and my blood pressure has been normal every time it's been taken. According to all these tests, I'm the healthiest 45 year old in the world--my heart, brain, bloodwork is all great.


My episodes are less and less frequent, and I drove today for about 5 miles! Yay! I feel like there's light at the end of the tunnel. In the last week, I've been playing board games much, much better with less brain fog, but I have my moments with brain fog and lightheadedness. My neurologist and my primary care physician feel like there is no correlation to the vaccine, but the chiropractor I visited has said that he's treated multiple patients like me who are looking for relief from these symptoms in the past 4 months.


Is it related to the vaccine? The timing is certainly off (3 months!), but the symptoms are like most everyone else in this group. Thank goodness for this group--reading the posts on these 383 pages is so, so reassuring to me! I empathize with you and appreciate how supportive everyone is. I start teaching school in a month, so I hope to be 100% by then.


I'm curious--please respond if you had a delayed response to the vaccine like I experienced.

Deborah and Deborah reacted
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@lpycb42 just here to say that my experiences have been similar. Terrible dizziness, vertigo, brain fog for 6 weeks after Pfizer #1 that began the very next day (cleared after antibiotics and the vitamins mentioned here)  ….. currently 3 days after dose #2 (4 months later) only a sore arm and a bit of mild fatigue so far (I take Advil non-stop and stared dosing before the second shot to reduce immune response/inflammation).

LPV, 279janka, Covid vaccine side effects and 3 people reacted
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Just wanted to offer a possible idea that I’m considering. I know many (including myself) have found vitamins helpful. I’m considering doing an IV vitamin drip with C and B vitamins. You can get these at most medical spas/spas, I know friends who have had them for “fun” pre covid and we’re impressed with the effects. Might help with hydration and inflammation but I haven’t yet gone myself. 

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Yes, avoiding anxiety will definitely reduce the heart situation. Befor taking the Pfizer vaccine I was very healthy and very active. For me it is now 10 days I am taking Bisoprolol Tab 1,25 mg given by heart specialist. It is 5 days which I don’t have an irregular heartbeat anymore, but very low heart beats (between 48 and56) . This tablet will regulate and reduce the heartbeats, but I still hope that it will go away and I can stop taking the tablet and everything normalize by itself like when took the first Pfizer vaccine. It went away by itself. My plan is to continue taking this tablet for a month then carefully reduce it and see if it will normalize or I have to take it all the time. I hope you and every one get well soon from this horrible condition.

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@nadine Did you suffer from side effects from the first one?

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@dizzybrainfog They don't recommend that you take ibuprofen before the shot because it does disrupt the immune response.  That being said, if you are feeling effects, then you're having an immune response to an extent.

I'm 9 days post second shot and I'm still fine, so far.

279janka and 279janka reacted
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Hello everyone 🖐️ I'm 28 and I was very healthy guy. I had first Pfizer shot 29/04. Few days later I had weird felling, it was like depersonalization. In next days appeared right eye blurred vision and sinus pain. I ignored these symptoms. In May I had first time paroxysmal dizziness and clogged ears feelings. I went to ophthalmologist and otolaryngologist, but they didn't find any reasons. All time I have these symptoms some times harder, some times lighter. I didn't take second dose of vaccine, I was scared. In the beggining of the June, I felt very bad and fall down, next brother take me to hospital emergency ward. They redirected me to neurological department. MRI, CT, blood, EKG Holter, everything was good. I went back to home and when I search info about vaccine side effects I found this page.
Now I take a lot of vitamins, suplements and CBD (hemp oil). I found new neurologist, smarter than other and she told me that vaccine or covid little injured my neuro system.
She tolde me to take Preato (pregabalin) and Neurovit (Thiamini hydrochloridum + Pyridoxini hydrochloridum + Cyanocobalaminum).
Now I feel little better, but some times I have clogged ears again and don't have any power.
I'm really happy I found this forum, cause I can share my support and experience with you.
If someone has similar issues tell me please. Greetings from Poland.

KitKat, jacquelyn sauriol, KitKat and 15 people reacted
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@lpycb42 yes very true, I did it on purpose because from what I’ve read I didn’t think any potential effect would be significant but I’m certainly not an expert… as you said, the general advice is not to dose before shots. 

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Grateful for everyone sharing their experience here, sorry for what everyone is going through but glad to not be alone! Have been having a nightmare since my first Pfizer shot 6 weeks ago which various frightening and debilitating symptoms.

Problems started around 36 hours after my shot.

Week 1: Short episodes of extreme fatigue, dizziness and weakness hit me out of nowhere each evening around the same time. 

Week 2: Fewer episodes (every other day) but stronger and additional symptoms. Dizziness / vertigo worsened, blood pressure felt like it was suddenly dropping, heart rate was dropping low (in the lower 40s) before suddenly spiking, to 120-140 whilst standing still which led to heart racing and pounding in my throat and chest.

Week 3: Dizziness, fatigue and weakness became 24/7. Could hardly move throughout the day or lift my arms or head up.  Had to sleep sitting up as dizziness and heart palpitations were bad when laying down. Episodes like week 2 got worse and more frequent. End of the week nearly fainted and was taken to hospital. Had ECG, blood tests, blood pressure taken every hour, chest x-ray, echocardiogram, CT scan. Only thing that showed up was my white blood cell count was high – was told I must have a virus and it’s nothing to do with the vaccine!

Week 4: Still had bad dizziness and vertigo 24/7. Felt on the verge of a week 2 & 3 type episode about to happen most days but it seemed to pass with less severe symptoms. Extremely fatigued, sleeping 16 hours some days.

Week 5: Vertigo finally went. Still had constant dizziness / feeling off-balance. No further “episodes” but could feel my heart beating more than I would usually with noticeable skipped beats.

Week 6: Am still feeling dizzy and off-balance. Fatigue and weakness have lifted a lot. None of those awful episodes from previous weeks have returned but heartbeat still not feeling 100% back to normal when I lay in certain positions and have a lot of discomfort in my abdomen and chest. Could just be anxiety now.

Not planning on getting my next shot at this point, am too scared that I’ll go through this again or something even worse. I’m in my early 30s and very physically active, yet this has left me unable to do even basic tasks for weeks like cooking without feeling like I’m about to collapse. Luckily things seem to be getting better for me as time goes on but am super anxious I’ll have a relapse at any moment as still don't feel right.

FYI was already taking high dose Vit C, D3, Omega and B12 before this started and have a very anti-inflammatory diet but did increase my intake of fresh ginger and turmeric etc which I do think helped a bit. Getting blood work done again in a few days, if my white blood cell count is still high they're gonna put me on antibiotics. Will post back here if they do and it makes any difference. 

Hope everyone improves soon. 

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I received my first Pfizer shot on 4/6, felt perfectly fine. On roughly 4/14 I was at work and my left hand started to go numb. My heart rate shot up and I became dizzy, lightheaded, and had weakness in my arms and legs. Paramedics were called and I was taken to the ER. ER doctors checked me out and said there was nothing wrong with me, but to see a cardiologist. Saw cardiologist and went through a series of tests. Cardiologist says there is nothing wrong with me. He tells me to "Drink less coffee and stop vaping".

Since that time I have had symptoms which have slowly decreased in severity and frequency. Dizziness and a sensation of vertigo, sometimes with some very light nausea.  The symptoms seem to only happen in the morning (9-noon ish), and strangely, only at work. I am starting to believe that perhaps the symptoms are a form of mild stress induced panic attack, as they seem to only happen at work and never at home. I have never had anything like the reoccurring symptoms or the initial event ever happen to me, and these symptoms started roughly 10 days after my first covid shot. 

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I got my 2nd moderna shot a few hours ago, I keep you guys up to date.

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