@keith I find the fascination with Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine to be reminiscent of how random drugs for all kinds of various conditions were being thrown at aids patients in the early days of the epidemic before the introduction of highly active retroviral therapy.(A bunch of people back then actually hastened their demise trying Suramin, the African Sleeping Sickness therapeutic.) One year ago sure they may have actually helped a bit to improve the outcome sort of how AZT added 6 months onto a dying aids patient's life in the late 80s. But none were the magic bullet dreamed of. The vaccines do work fairly well, but I also see evidence that they are not completely safe. We are in a pickle with the disease and there are no good choices, but for most people they will work and are the least bad option.
The vaccines do not work "fairly well"—they work brilliantly. It's just a question of understanding the maths when reading the statistics (particularly when reading current UK statistics, for example—I'm British btw). Anyway, I said I was done here (don't want to raise the polemical tone, have already done so enough), and here I am again. Must stop this ☹️.
@gingerjones Thanks for the kind words. I am in the North Texas area. I find the absurd opposition to drugs that hundreds of doctors have said they have had incredible results with to be very sad. Think about what was done for you if you got Covid. You stay home and beat it or you end up in the hospital being put on a ventilator. The doctor that prescribed Ivermectin told me not one of his patients put on Ivermectin were hospitalized or had long term effects. The only time he had to treat truly sick patients is when they waited until the second week to come to him. The virus is replicating in your body even while you are on a ventilator. What Ivermectin does is interrupt that process. So taking it early is the key. It's a choice an individual should have. If you don't believe in these drugs then don't take them. But there seem to be a lot of people even on here that don't believe you should have those choices.
I hope you improve and get well soon. You made a tough decision and didn't really have any easy outs at the time.
Kris, I am so happy for you, and I am so happy you keep updating us with your recovery!! So, glad the tinnitus is 90% gone...that is my hope for myself, although I have a long road ahead...it has only been 10 weeks since my symptoms began...
Hi everyone I'm back from my trip to the West coast. I was nervous but I did take some ivermectin before going. I didn't have any major issues. Felt weird here and there but overall I was ok. I had some drinks for the first time in a while, as well as coffee.
I think I learned how it also helps to not be stressing, as in do something fun or see someone you love that you haven't seen in a while. Something like that. I'm going through a breakup of a longterm relationship and that just doesn't help.
I'll probably continue my weekly dose of ivermectin for one or 2 more weeks. I feel much better today than I have in the past few weeks. Still not 100% but coming up on the 90s
Good for you...and thanks for keeping us updated on your progress with ivermectin...I KNEW it would help!!!
Oh, ha, ha...I saw green monster and immediately thought of Fenway Park...so funny!!
@gingerjones haha It is the name of an old rocket car. But Fenway is a great park.
@gingerjones I didn't mean to stir up a firestorm here. It made me very sad seeing so many having these side effects. I have a coworker that has had tinnitus for 9 weeks now since he got the vaccine. Why would anyone come on here with 400 pages of heart wrenching stories and want to doubt the wonders of the vaccine.
@keith I do not trust CDC. Check how they started to count infections in vaccinated just to makes vaccine looks good: "As of May 1, 2021, CDC transitioned from monitoring all reported vaccine breakthrough cases to focus on identifying and investigating only hospitalized or fatal cases due to any cause. "
@gingerjones I am currently eating some bread and cheese before retiring for the night. I may go outside to get some fresh air before retiring to bed. I may while doing so be mown down by a car and die.
The events of my eating bread and cheese, and my dying from being run over by a car, are consecutive. That does not mean that there is in any way a correlation between those events.
This is ridiculous!!
And who on earth are these fruitcases who have created this www.openvaers.com website (What a pretentious use of name, by the way!) misusing the VAERS data to show that no-one before January 1st 2020 died from taking a covid-19 vaccine (Wow! Incredible!! Amazing revelation!!! I would never have believed such a thing!!!!) but then started dying in droves.
You might as well show us how many people in the whole world died after going outside to get some fresh air (like might happen in my case, or to someone like me in the world, before retiring to bed), how many people in the whole world died after having a meal, how many after going to bed, how many after driving somewhere in a car, how many after having sex, even — why not — how many after taking a covid vaccine. By themselves, totally meaningless statistics. People die all the time and every day, both those who've taken vaccines and those who have not.
The person who drew this graph knew exactly what s/he was doing. (Btw do you notice how the graph starts rising from January 1st 2020, weeks before people began to even start developing the covid MRNA vaccines in the test tube???) This person is fiddling respectable data to create totally junk graphs in order to manipulate gullible people.
How did this site I once visited after getting my first jab that was once balanced and peopled by reasonable folk get taken over by anti-vax conspiracy nutters?? Very, very sad. I'm out of here.
I say this with the utmost respect.
Posting information on fatalities regarding the vaccine is extremely scary and raises anxiety levels to the max. The VAERS site from my understanding is self reported, so we are unsure of the truth behind it, or the circumstances of each potential death. I think posting that information on here increases a lot of unnecessary stress for all of us trying to recover from this nightmare. We have to remain calm to allow our bodies to heal.
And for those on here pushing the efficacy of the vaccine, yes you’re right - most people are ok. But the people on this forum are not, and we are all trying to help one another beat this. Please just leave us to ourselves unless there’s meaningful information to be given on how we can recover.
@gingerjones Look carefully at the graph. Apparently some people were dying after taking the covid-19 vaccine, years before 2020.
..most people are ok. But the people on this forum are not, and we are all trying to help one another beat this. Please just leave us to ourselves unless there’s meaningful information to be given on how we can recover.
Point taken. My apologies. I'll shut up.
Gee whiz ...for multiple reasons, I couldn't Like anything about all that stuff some of you were saying - especially with all those red letters, bold print, large letters - like wanting to stick my fingers in my ears while in the midst of an ugly mud-slinging shoutfest! Whew, I hope everyone can get calmed down and not just because one party has said they're stopping.
I hope we can agree on this?
Forum: a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.
Again, if we choose to not use this space for insisting on our views being the only reasonable ones, or for a place to try to diagnose or treat one another - but instead share what's going on for us and show our support for what resonates with us with our Likes, maybe it can remain an ok place, a "town big enough" for us all?
@megan so sad we suffer alone the hardest part for me is that there is no help fr doctors