Just wondering where everyone gets there head pressures, my dizziness is mostly gone and ear clogging seems alittle better but I get wierd head pressures at the back to of my skull, it doesn’t feel like a migraine just pressure then some times it moves towards the front of my head or down by my temples but mostly the top back.
“Gee whiz ...for multiple reasons, I couldn't Like anything about all that stuff some of you were saying - especially with all those red letters, bold print, large letters - like wanting to stick my fingers in my ears while in the midst of an ugly mud-slinging shoutfest! Whew, I hope everyone can get calmed down and not just because one party has said they're stopping.
I hope we can agree on this?
Forum: a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.
Again, if we choose to not use this space for insisting on our views being the only reasonable ones, or for a place to try to diagnose or treat one another - but instead share what's going on for us and show our support for what resonates with us with our Likes, maybe it can remain an ok place, a "town big enough" for us all?”
Amen and Awomen, Sassafras. 👏
@keith I appreciate your posts and the perspectives/information you have shared here. When experiencing uncertainty, it's easy for people (myself included) to focus on their fears, but it's helpful to hear positive stories of improvement/recovery, as well as other information that might reveal blind spots in our own thinking/positions.
Most certainly side effects from the vaccine...good to see you are coming around...I am 10 weeks out and 2 weeks ago started to experience ear pressure.
hey i think this might help you out, https://sites.google.com/view/health-improvement-vertigo/homepage
@baiseren Could you please share the answers you received? Most of us want to know if the second dose will make it worse or better? Thanks a lot.
Let me just say I apologize for sending that link out regarding the VAERS reporting...In no way did I mean to frighten anyone on this site. I am here like all the rest for support and to give support...
So, I truly apologize...
That said, going forward, I will think before responding to things being said...
Hi there. I didn't experience as long a delay as yourself but mine was 2-3 weeks after my first dose and I still have symptoms lingering 8-9 weeks later.
I have had a neurologist consultation today who has said my symptoms are out of the norm and do not point to anything specifically which in my mind cements that it's vaccine related. I mentioned the vaccine and although he was nice about it, I received the standard 'typical reactions are within the first few days'. In my head, all I was thinking was that there's a reason the word 'typical' is used and not 'absolute'. I will be having a MRI scan in the next week so that may help to provide answers.
There are some similarities but it does seem to affect people in different ways and for different durations based on what I've read here.
I got my first vaccine (moderna) June 22 2021 felt fine the day of. The next day I felt off, but still worked out. 3 days afterwards my ears starting to feel like they needed to be popped, but anything I did to relieve the pressure did nothing. 5 days after I felt dizzy, nauseas, and on and off headaches. The nausea went away after a couple days but the dizziness has been around since. Some days it's not bad and other days i'm not functional. Exercise seems to make the symptoms worse.
I am a healthy 29 yo f on no medications except birth control. I have never experienced anything like this. I was supposed to get my second vaccine yesterday, but postponed it due to these symptoms. I feel like it's never going to go away and I don't know what to do.
@apollo Hi Apollo, I have been suffering head pressure pretty similar to you, moves around back of head, around and behind eyes , jaw and sometimes around ears. Today I have booked a telephone appointment with an flccc dr based in the uk regarding taking ivercetimin, not until October he was fully booked until then. I wanted to go through a dr as was a little nervous to just start taking it myself. It's quite thorough, you have to fill in a really detailed medical questionnaire for the dr to look at, before he will prescribe it. Did anyone who took ivercetimin have a fast heart rate, I'm suffering from this but on a beta blocker, also have skin problems so unsure whether he will agree to me taking it. I'll find out then.
Hello everyone!
I am healthy 29 year old female who got her first shot of moderna 4 weeks ago. I am so happy I found this forum because I am experiencing a lot of the same symptoms everyone else is. The first couple days all I felt was ear pressure and then it progressed to dizziness, nausea, body aches and headaches. I am still currently experiencing these symptoms. I was supposed to get my second vaccine yesterday but pushed it back because I was scared of making these symptoms worse. I hope these symptoms go away soon.
@samtay dear friend in this dizziness situation! I live oversees and we do not have such qualified neurologist s as you do in your country. Would you please share what kind of therapy you did, exsersizes, etc, to help you to fight the vertigo. Please pm me or post here! Huge thanks!
@baiseren Did you get any answers from the person who took the second shots? Could you please share the answers to us? Thanks
@brittwalt24 Im excatly have similar situation like you.26 days post pfizer first dose!Im in this forum almost 2 weeks .I didnt see anybody who is free from this dizziness .Its strange and scary.I didnt go for second dose.The thing is that these side effects are there with all types of vaccine mostly with pfizer and moderna.I dont think it will go with these supliments or vitamins.we should pray and hope.we need an expert in this forum to know when is the time which the vaccine will be cleared from our body system. I hope we can find a solution🙁