As much as I don't want to, unfortunately due to how things are getting with all these variants I've decided it will be best for me to get the vaccine. I'm more likely going to get the Johnson and Johnson due to it being one and done. In the event I get bad side effects I won't have to worry about getting a second shot. Of course I'm still extremely worried that it might make my existing dizziness even worse with additional symptoms. Which is the last thing I need. As I said in previous posts, I strongly suspect I might have BPPV and with the way things have been due to the lockdowns I haven't been able to go to doctor to get any diagnosis or treatment started. So I'm in a tricky situation. Having been dealing with this for now a year I'm pretty much at my wits end and ready to get help. If it wasn't for this damn pandemic and vaccine issues I would've already made an appointment with a doctor. Now I have to rethink everything.
I'm thinking it may be a better idea to just skip the doctor all together and head straight to a physical therapist that specializes in treating vertigo/dizziness and balance issues to save time and money plus reducing getting exposed to the virus although I'll still be wearing a mask and social distance.
Wow, after dealing with this for a year, I'd be more than good and ready to get some help also! I think you're on a good track in thinking vestibular physical therapy would be worth trying. You probably know that if you do have BPPV, there are physical therapy maneuvers that can help "crystals" in your inner ear end up back in their proper place and work towards relief of your symptoms.
Depending on where you can get therapy, you may or may not need a doctor's prescription. One place I checked would offer me therapy without a prescription, but then it wouldn't be eligible for coverage by my health insurance and I'd be paying the whole $40-$50 per session out of my own pocket.
As to the issue of vaccination you've been wrestling with, if I'd known that my one night of vertigo 6 months prior to getting a Covid vaccine in early March would reoccur and persist after my vaccination, I would have chosen the risk of Covid infection over what I've been through since then.
I believe that those of us that have pre-existing vestibular issues may be more than likely to have them aggravated by these Covid vaccines.
Yeah, this probable vaccine injury was the last thing I needed, for sure!
I wish you wisdom in all your forward steps! 😔🙏
Hi. I'm so glad I found this forum. I'm on a similar path. Took the first shot in July 2nd. I just read this journal article about how things like stress, depression, loneliness, unhealthy diet and lack of sleep can decrease the vaccine's efficacy and also cause long term symptoms.
Like many of you I've been to doctors and did xrays and everything has come out normal. My GP says to just wait it out. Meanwhile I've taken some of the same supplements. Quercetin seems to be the one thing giving me energy.
Besides dizziness which affects my ability to drive, I'm profoundly fatigued to the point that I've been bedridden for 3 weeks. Just talking is exhausting and I have brain fog.
Prior to getting my first and only shot of Pfizer I was stressed taking care of my parents and had I known I would feel like this would have waited longer to take it. I'm pretty much unable to help them now or take care of my kids.
My kids will start school in fall and I'm also afraid that since I only have one shot I won't be protected since they are too little to get vaccinated. Anyway, I know I need to keep my spirits up since stress will keep me from getting better.
It's nice to see I'm not alone in this. Every day I wake up I hope I'll feel normal.
@ryanpd the moderator took down that post because it’s misleading and untrue. Although some people have died from direct cause of the vaccine the number is less than 100. What your numbers reflect is that maybe 6000 people have died that have previously gotten the vaccine, however the deaths were not attributed to the vaccine as they died in other ways. So if you want to report numbers in this forum, make sure you can back them up with verifying evidence from peer reviewed articles.
@markm please tell me about tour head ache and dizziness how many days after dirst/second dose of vaccine recovered?
@himom4 you mean that if with dont have stress then we dont get these long lasting side effects?!!
Im almost 28 days post first dose and my headache/dizzeness didnt recover!Im sure its not stress!
Hey fellas,
Just wanted to share my experience so far. Got my first pfizer jab on 25 May and the only side effect I had was tiredness on the following day. Interestingly, few days later I started to see vivid dreams (more like nightmares) and woke up every single night around 2-4am. I thought it was because of my elevated stress during this time (which could be true as well), but now I'm also thinking it could be due the vaccination as this has lasted for 8 weeks now (fortunately I have been able to sleep for the last 2 nights which is awesome).
But the 2nd shot was a bad one. It was the first time when an injection was actually painful for me. I think the needle went in just way too deeply. Anyway, fast forward 14 hours and I woke up in the middle of night with 38.2 C fever, had neck stiffness, high pressure feeling in my ears (+ ears "locked" feeling - like on a plane), muffled hearing with loud ringing. Fever went away in a day. I also had a derealization feeling with stronger dizziness which lasted for 5 days. Then I experienced pain in my ears for a week and visited GP and an audiologist. All tests came back normal, no inflammation was detected and hearing was OK. Started to take zinc, vit C & D.
High pitch ringing was present in both ears and quite frequently the loudness and frequency changed which was the most scariest part as it got pretty loud for few seconds but fortunately fell back down quickly. The feeling of a strong pressure in my ears was also concerning (interestingly, it also changed when I was walking between my rooms, or entered buildings). Also the muffled hearing and loud ringing made it difficult to understand quieter talk. But the feeling of pressure and muffled hearing gradually decreased over the next 3 weeks whereas tinnitus was quite persistent and both ears were still "locked". However, around 4 weeks post 2nd jab I suddenly felt how the loudness of ringing fell ~25% over two days and right ear doesn't feel to be "locked" anymore. Now the ringing is slightly quieter and mostly on a left side where I also got the jab (and left ear still "locked").
I'm currently 5 weeks post 2nd jab and I feel like it is getting better reaaalllly slowly - at least I think so, but hard to determine because changes are so slow. I do feel more optimistic than few weeks ago and I can listen podcasts in the evening and focus mostly on the talk instead because the ringing is not so apparent as previously. I also feel tired and have slight dizziness which kind of comes and goes. I had to cut down coffee as I noticed how this made my feel worse (louder ringing and higher pressure). The same happened when I tried to exercise, so I had to stop this as well. There was a day or two when I was really stressed and anxious which instantly made my condition much worse. So probably blood pressure related. Haven't had any alcohol either.
All in all, it is not very pleasant experience and I have a long way to go, but I'm hopeful. I would recommend you to try lower your stress and anxiety levels by staying calm and optimistic (pretty difficult tho, I know..). Have a good rest and eat well. Give it some time. I don't think catching covid would be any better.
@thenystagmus The Thing is that I didnt have any vestibular problem before this vaccine!they dont inform people in official websites.If I knew that I wouldnt do that.But now its too late.nobody usually cheks these forums before vaccination.They just want to inform that we vaccinated a high percentage rate of people.they dont care our side effects.I dont trust cdc or official channels any more.They are mixed with politic!
@dizzzy2021 I had dizziness "off balance" feeling for a total of 3 weeks which has completely resolved. No headaches. I was fine for 3 weeks after my vaccine and that's when problems started. I am over 3 months from vaccine and still having other side effects.
@thenystagmus I have triu Les with my vision I can hardly read on my phone now one eye is different that the other one I am lost my eyes are dropping heavy and blurry
Add to that shaking on my head and arms anyone help me
@vincent after my first shot with Moderna my eyes were filled both with eye floaters 😩😢😢😭 my vision is really bad I saw the optometrist before my shot and and after she was surprised by the amount of floaters in my eyes
@dizzzy2021 I am so sorry for the problems you have been having. I saw a person post on here that only 100 have died from the vaccine and the rest died of other things. Such a absurd argument. You could also say that nobody died of Covid just organ failure or their lungs filling with fluid.
The medical community will never admit they were wrong in pushing these vaccines out. They have pushed them like nothing I have ever seen in my life. The spike proteins created by the Moderna and Pfizer vaccine are effecting every part of your body. Any place that blood flows can be impacted. Think of the tiny capillaries in your ear and middle ear or even in your eyes.
I think answer is in medication that reduces the inflammation caused by the vaccine such as Ivermectin and even supplements like NAC. Covid is a Coronavirus. There has never been an effective virus for any Coronavirus because of the mutations. Explain how 6 to 7 different companies working in a vacuum all came up with a miracle vaccine in roughly 7 months. The people on this forum are owed an explanation.
I am not an antivaxer but there is no way I will ever take these. I already have pre existing optic nerve damage in one eye and have had tinnitus for over a year 40 years. Anyone of those got worse my life would be finished.
I didn’t want to post until I found out what worked. I have been following the forum for weeks now and read all the posts. What worked. ACUPUNCTURE!!! Wow god sent. Glad so many suggested it. I have never tried it and was very hesitant. Beyond happy it worked. I go once a week. If I miss an appointment I feel it a few days later. So for now I’m just going to keep going until 12 weeks. I’m half way there. I already eat clean and take supplements so I couldn't add or change anything there. I was also very healthy before all this. I have found it’s difficult to exercise. So for now I’m doing very light exercise. Tia chi. Etc. And lots of rest. Especially when the symptoms kick in.
@thenystagmus The Thing is that I didnt have any vestibular problem before this vaccine!they dont inform people in official websites.If I knew that I wouldnt do that.But now its too late.nobody usually cheks these forums before vaccination.They just want to inform that we vaccinated a high percentage rate of people.they dont care our side effects.I dont trust cdc or official channels any more.They are mixed with politic!
Hi! It seems that most people that come to this VEDA forum with dizziness are having this problem for the first time.
My thing is that even though I'd had one episode of a vestibular problem that lasted one evening, I had no reason at that time to think I'd have problems again because of getting a Covid vaccine. It's only after the fact that I now believe I was probably likely to have this problem again with Covid vaccination.
There's really very few Covid vaccine reactions that people are being warned about. And the problems that we're having aren't one of them.
The world's health leaders are desperate to convince as many people as possible to get Covid vaccination in an attempt to squash this pandemic.
It makes me angry and sad that there doesn't seem to be recognition of vaccine injuries that are happening. Our vestibular issues are only one kind of a number of different problems that are being shared about in other places.
I hope that as time goes on this information will come out and appropriate diagnosis and treatment will result. Even though this information isn't coming through the world's health organizations, I hear that our medical providers are starting to recognize our problems in some locations. I trust that this will spread and as it does they will get braver in admitting what is happening and respond to our needs more and more appropriately.
In the meantime, I'm super glad that we can support each other here! And I continue to hope we all recover soon and well. 😌🙏
@thenystagmus I have triu Les with my vision I can hardly read on my phone now one eye is different that the other one I am lost my eyes are dropping heavy and blurry
Add to that shaking on my head and arms anyone help me
Hi Lili, This is such a hard thing to be going through! I've been dealing with dizziness, visual problems, and a number of other symptoms since early March. Over time I have significantly improved. I don't react well or in usual ways to medication most of the time, so I've been conservative in what medicine I've used, but maybe medication for some of your symptoms could be helpful while your body is working on recovering?
I know you've talked about losing faith in your doctors, but if I had the problems that you share, I'd be sure to be checking back with my doctors to update them on how I was doing. If I wasn't able to get the help I felt I needed, I'd be looking for a second opinion.
As you probably know, health insurance companies have different rules. With my insurance a referral isn't necessary to see a specialist, but some companies require a referral from your primary doctor. Have you considered finding out what it would take for you to be seen by a neurologist for your shaking problems? Maybe your primary doctor, or a new primary doctor, would be willing to consider helping you to do this?
I hope you get the help you need and start feeling better soon. 😔🙏