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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Posted by: @mariad

Hi there I am new to this site. Just curious as to what side effects people are experiencing who have Meniere’s disease

I was first diagnosed with Meniere’s when I was 16. I frequently experience vertigo, migraines, tinnitus and even ocular migraines/auras. It’s only been this past year that I have been able to keep my condition stable with less episodes without taking medications.

I work in the medical field and I am being pressured by my work to get my COVID vaccine. After reading other people’s experiences, I’m scared to have any adverse reactions. What should I do?


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@thenystagmus thank you for taking the time to write this words any thing would help I feel alone and frightened .

I have an irm for next week and  a doc appoint 

dragonlover, Sassafras, dragonlover and 1 people reacted
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Hello everyone,

This post today is inquiring about relapsing symptoms. I've posted here once before... Months ago. I am now 5 months post-second Pfizer shot. Initial inflammatory reaction/symptoms was 2-3 weeks after my second dose. I had worsening tinnitus, slight dizziness/off-balance feelings, eye pressure and eye fatigue, generalized tiredness/taking naps daily, and feeling just *off* and not right.

Is anyone having a sort of relapsing pattern with symptoms? My tinnitus remains at a constant level, but I've been having what I think are relapses of the other inner ear/eye symptoms. My initial "reaction" with symptoms noted above was in March and lasted 7-8 days. Then 2 months later (end of May), I had a relapse of 3-4 days of ever-so-slightly milder symptoms but along the same lines.

Then just recently I had what I think is another relapse. What's really strange is they seem to be connected to the same time in my menstrual cycle (when I start my period or within a day or two of that). I don't know if it's connected hormonally or what, but it's unsettling because I don't feel like myself after this vaccine but my doctor says there's nothing we can really do. 

Thanks in advance for reading.

This post was modified 3 years ago by loglady93

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Posted by: @lili23

@thenystagmus thank you for taking the time to write this words any thing would help I feel alone and frightened .

I have an irm for next week and  a doc appoint 

Thanks for letting me know. I had to look up the meaning of IRM, medical. In the US it's called MRI. It took me a lot of time to get someone to order this test and then longer to wait for an appointment to have it. I was very relieved when mine came out ok (even though I'd had a concussion many years ago)!

I'm glad you will be getting your IRM soon. I hope your doctor appointment is helpful.

You have the company of many here, scattered all about the world. We may be alone, and yet we are not alone in this. This is truly a frightening thing to go through, but it's good we're doing it in the company of each other here. You're much in my heart and prayers, Lili 😔🙏

Josephine, Josephine, dragonlover and 3 people reacted
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Posted by: @himom4

Hi. I'm so glad I found this forum. I'm on a similar path. Took the first shot in July 2nd. I just read this journal article about how things like stress, depression, loneliness, unhealthy diet and lack of sleep can decrease the vaccine's efficacy and also cause long term symptoms.

Like many of you I've been to doctors and did xrays and everything has come out normal. My GP says to just wait it out. Meanwhile I've taken some of the same supplements. Quercetin seems to be the one thing giving me energy.

Besides dizziness which affects my ability to drive, I'm profoundly fatigued to the point that I've been bedridden for 3 weeks. Just talking is exhausting and I have brain fog. 

Prior to getting my first and only shot of Pfizer I was stressed taking care of my parents and had I known I would feel like this would have waited longer to take it. I'm pretty much unable to help them now or take care of my kids.

My kids will start school in fall and I'm also afraid that since I only have one shot I won't be protected since they are too little to get vaccinated. Anyway, I know I need to keep my spirits up since stress will keep me from getting better.

It's nice to see I'm not alone in this. Every day I wake up I hope I'll feel normal.

Hi, Thank you for sharing this article; I found it quite interesting!

Time and relaxing into acceptance of my recovery rate have been the most helpful things for me since starting this unexpected journey in early March.

It sounds like your family has been finding out how valuable you've been to them! It's hard to be in those helping roles and then be thrust into being one needing care and consideration instead.

It also sounds like you've been resting as your body has demanded it. I spent a lot of time couch-ridden myself. My experience has been that your doctor is right ...time will make a difference.

No, you're not alone, and it is good when we discover that! One interesting thing I noticed in the article you shared was about therapeutic writing being good for our health. I've found that the sharing and support here has been that for me.

I hope you are able to start being up more and feeling better soon! 😌🙏

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Okay. So I have been reading these posts for months. They have been a source of comfort knowing its not just me and its time I give back to this community that has helped me so much. This will be long. First, I had a suspected case of Covid in March of 2020. My doctor would not send me for a test because I was not sick enough and tests were limited. But, I was treated with a z pack and did not need to be hospitalized. After, I had horrible headaches for months. Really bad. I figured it was because of Covid, but maybe allergies. Then I was fine sick wise. I had a couple of procedures, a surgery, etc all unrelated to covid. In and out of the hospital and I never got sick again. I was excited about the vaccine. I signed up as soon as I was able and got the Pfizer. I was told they were safe and effective. The first shot, my arm was super sore the day after and then, nothing. I literally forgot I took it. Then time for the second shot. April 19th, 2021. The shot was automatically different. It hurt. I didn't even feel the first one. And it bleed. It FELT horrible, and the rest of the day I felt off but not scary off. The next day, I was sick feeling. Like shaky and cringy. My husband, who got the shots at the same time as me, was much sicker. Chills, fever, fatigue, etc. He was better the next day and I was too, but still felt off. A few days later, my lymph nodes swelled up on the left side of my body, the side I got the shots in. And not just under my arm, but the entire left side of my body, and especially under the arm. I could not put my arm down beside me. I was scared and called my doctor. His NP told me it was not super common, but it was normal and not to worry. Okay. It took weeks for the swelling to go down. In the meantime, I started getting headaches. Horrible ones, but not unfamiliar. The exact kind I had after I had the suspected Covid infection, but even more severe. And they lasted and lasted, but I thought I went through this before so I will eventually stop having them and be fine. Besides, I'm fully vaccinated now so I have even less to worry about. But then, almost a month after my second shot, the dizzy spells began. I have only had dizzy spells one other time in my life. About two years ago, I had severe anemia. I needed blood transfusions and that was the primary cause if the surgery I had to have during the pandemic that I mentioned earlier. This dizziness is different though. Like a light-headed, floaty, almost passing out dizzy. I was scared and thought maybe anemia again so I went to my doctor. I explained everything and at that time it had been about a month and a half since the second shot. They took my blood and vitals. Everything was perfect, including my hemoglobin so I knew it wasn't my anemia back. Blood pressure was only slightly high which is really good for me. Having my blood drawn makes me nervous after the transfusions, so a little high but nothing to worry about. The doctor, not my regular one, did not believe it was related to the vaccine. They said there was no way anything from the vaccine was left in my body after so long and it had to be fluid behind my ears, since I had fullness in my ears and a weird wetness in them and they were itchy. But there was no sign of ear infection. She still believed there was some fluid there and she gave me a shot of steroids, antibiotics, and a prescription for antibiotics and dizzy medication. It didn't even make a dent. I was super scared and I came across this forum. I was literally at the point where I told my husband I didn't think I was going to make it. But then, this forum. Which has brought me back from the edge when I was convinced that I was the only person on Earth this was happening to. Thank God for this forum. When I realized I wasn't alone and others were getting better, I decided that the powers that be will not be able to hide this forever. Us forever. And they can't. Even though this reaction is rare it seems, it's not that rare. There's 400 pages now of this not being that rare. My symptoms were delayed onset. They were severe. I realized any test I take are going to come back good because my bloodwork has not been that perfect in decades, and yet I have never felt worse. I had to find another doctor that would believe this is happening to me, even if it turned out it was not the vaccine. Spoiler alert: It IS the vaccine. Or rather the reaction to it. That search led me to the FLCCC website and the I-Recover protocol. I started following it and telehealth-ing with a doctor from that website. All my symptoms at this point: migraine headaches, dizzy spells, roaming numbness, especially hands, swollen neck, back, shoulder muscles, fullness in my ears and nose, in my head generally I guess, brain fog real bad to where I couldn't quite say the names of simple objects, like a broom, forgetfulness, fatigue, and general malaise with setting in despair from lack of hopefulness for so long. I never had the ear ringing real bad and I was nauseous but not throwing up nauseous. The first thing we tried was Ivermectin, and I was going to try anything. It had been two and a half months with no signs of slowing. I really did start to feel better after two weeks of high doses. Five days a week. But it had also been three months by then, and it wasn't always better, just good days which I was grateful for. For two days I wasn't dizzy and you would have thought I had won the lottery. But then it came back hard. After two weeks, my doctor added Fluvoxamine for my ongoing neurological symptoms. I have felt better since, for maybe three days, as far as dizzy spells go. Only slight instead of all day and I am grateful for that. I did have a migraine two days ago, but not a dizzy spell after which has been the case. Only slight fullness in the head as of today and a dull headache. Is it the medicine? Maybe. It has been three months (12 weeks) as of the 19th of this month, and a lot of folks are feeling better at 12 weeks. I do feel better, but I don't know if that is permanent or not. I've been tricked before only to have the symptoms come back, but it does feel different this time. I am hopeful, and that started with this forum, so I hope this story gives someone else hope. I didn't think it was going to get better. The thoughts of if it ever would consumed me. That was a mistake. Do what you can to get your mind off it. I know it is nearly impossible, but try. Meditate, etc. Anxiety only makes it worse. You are not alone. You are not crazy. This is happening and it's valid. It will get better, but it may seem like it won't for a long time first. My experience isn't nearly as bad as some folks on here and yet it was all consuming and terrifying. Breathing exercises did help with the anxiety. I took the supplements as well. It think they helped to a certain point but once you are not deficient in that supplement anymore, the benefits stop as well and they don't cure you. I do believe the Ivermectin helped, but again, was not a cure, and at the very least, it didn't hurt. It really should be readily available. But do not take it unless it is prescribed and is made for humans. We are not livestock and should not take medication intended for livestock. Not yet anyways. I do believe the Fluvoxamine has helped the most, although I was hesitant to take it. I do think my head is having an inflammatory response it cannot stop on its own and that is causing my neurological symptoms. I think the fluvoxamine is helping with the inflammation. Also, I bought a neck massager off of Amazon and I began daily massages with it. That has helped tremendously. My husband went to rub my shoulder one day to help with my headaches and he said it was super swollen around the base of my neck, shoulders, and upper back. The massager has losened it and that is really when I felt the first sign of relief, on the 9th of this month. It helps. Get someone to rub your neck and shoulders. Hard. And daily. I have had blurred vision lately but I only just noticed it. My husband got the eye floaters but nothing else after the next day uglies as we called it. Everyone else I know that had the vaccine felt slightly bad the next day if at all and are all fine now. I am the only one to have these severe reactions. I am grateful to finally be feeling better. And I got my vaccine a long time ago. I'm sharing now because I know a lot of you are obsessing over this like I did and feeling hopeless. Do not. There is hope. Also a lot of you want to know about the Iveemectrine and what you can do to try and treat this, and I thought my experience might be particularly useful since I have taken both of the medications of interest. However, I cannot be certain if I feel better because of them, or because it's been about the amount of time that a lot of folks start to feel better, but not everyone and still not me 100 percent. A lot better though. I think we can all recover. I will try to answer questions if anyone has them, but I won't check everyday because I have to concentrate on other stuff or the anxiety will make it worse. Just know you are not alone. They can't pretend this isn't happening forever. 

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Does anyone experienced pain in the ankle when you stand up to walk ? And then disappeared after walking i only took 1st dose of pfizer vaccine  and also i have numbness in one of my toes 

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Hi All,

Created an account just to post here. Been reading close to 300 posts in the last 24 hrs and i wold like to thank many of you from the bottom of my heart for all the insights/suggestions. so here is my story:

- Got the first Pfizer Jab(11/June). Heart racing within 15 min and shortness of breath, cleared up in 5 min
-Sore arms next day
-4 days later: slight headaches, hot/cold flashes
-6 days later:Blurred vision, weakness in limbs, lightheadedness, brain fog, nausea, stomach discomfort
-14 days later:severe back ache, fullness in right ear, previous days symptoms still around
-5 weeks later: All symptoms improved except the backache, new symptom:fullness in head

My symptoms improved naturally, Every one is different so the time taken to recover is different as well.There are multitudes of symptoms discussed by everyone, some mild some extremely severe but i think all of us can agree that it was the vaccine side effects causing it.

There are very good posts by Ali W and dizzyfromvaccine that should be read by everyone here seeking comfort.

Here is my conclusion:

1)The vaccine is supposed to mimick the covid virus, so us getting similar symptoms or long covid symptoms is expected.

2)Our immune system is working and being taxed overtime, so all previous aliments in the body is being reactivated + new symptoms.
Covid induces cytokine storm in the body of a infected person causing serious complications. Vaccine is not supposed to do that BUT what are the studies done to say that we the sufferers are not experiencing something that is similar to this? Did anyone notice that some of the meds we are taking (steriods)are the same to what is offered to Covid patients? Just like covid patients, we have to ride this out ourselves, with our body naturally healing. Supressing some of body's immunity is needed if we have severe symptoms.

3)Dizzywithvaccine mention in a post about monoclytes, and what are the supplements to help. I believe this is very useful.

4)Ali W has mentioned in a long post that i think would help everyone. Suggest to read it.

5While many people are looking at meds in addressing the symptoms, i think we should be looking at the root cause as well with higher priority, which i think are that possibly histamines(allergic to vaccine ingredients)/immuno overdrive and problem in getting rid of the vaccine "left overs(dead cells etc)" from our body is causing a flare up of all of our symptoms in the first place. 

Things to do:

- Sleep well/Exercise(Sweat)
-Drink plenty of water
-Loads of Vitamin C and D
-Lyposomal Gluthothione, Zinc and Quercitin. Dosage wise pls see recomendations from supplements or consult doc.
-Antihistamine meds(Zyrtec/Claritin) or low histamine food
-Supplements for improving liver functions/detox
-Avoid offending food (caffeine/Alcohol/high histamine food)

1 reason which i think many people are not getting better is that while they could be address say a tinnitus issue, the root cause above in bold is not resolved, so the medication could only provide temporary comfort but as your immunity kicks in again all the symptoms will be back.(sometimes with a vengence)

Also, just like what many had said, the vaccine is indeed a "poison", so we need to get rid of the waste products as fast as possible, through excrement/sweat.Thus food/water intake, exercise and liver functions are very important here. 

I will be getting my 2nd jab soon in a week. Hopefully the antihistamines meds just before the jab as suggested by another user here helps. Good luck everyone and stay safe!







KitKat, KitKat, Jen and 13 people reacted
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@happyhourglass Please consider using Ivermectin if you get Covid.  In many people it only takes one treatment.  Ivermectin is an incredibly safe drug and I can promise there have never been side effects in numbers like I have seen reported from these vaccines. I have talked to multiple doctors that have been prescribing it since last year and have have not had a single patient hospitalized.  Remember Ivermectin stops the virus from replicating.  The only hospitalizations were from patients not seeing him until the second week of having Covid.  The variants are having a much harsher effect on the people getting the vaccine.  These vaccines are not boosting your immune response.  They are making it worse.  Please just use some critical thinking skills and you will realize.  

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Many people reported having floaters after taking Covid-19 vaccine based on the fact and evidences in this forum.

Floater MUST be written on the official paper of side effect in order to warn people to take Moderna vaccine.

The vaccine is unsafe to be injected with some serious side effect,

Can we claim the compensation and treatment from the worldwide medicine provider?

This post was modified 3 years ago 2 times by Vin

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@sia77 the first sound too simple— she had me stand, feet together, eyes closed, close to a counter or something to grab in case I got too dizzy, just standing for 30 seconds.  This retrained my brain to accept the signals from my inflamed inner ear she said.  When that became easy, after a week, she had me shift one foot back a bit, so standing with feet together, but big toe against, say, my instep.  When that became too easy she shifted this to an unstable surface like a gym mat.  These are done standing, 30 seconds, eyes closed (when doing “semi tandem “ — feet not right beside each other but one slightly back — you reverse to the opposite to front, do another 30 seconds).  Next, she would have me stand, feet together, and eyes open, look up then down, over and over, not too fast, for 30 seconds.  Advancement to semi tandem standing, same routine.  Next exercise would be standing feet together, eyes open, look to right, look to left, back and forth, not too fast, one minute.  When easy, move feet to semi tandem.  This advanced to stepping forward with right foot and looking right, step back, left foot forward, looking left, step back to feet together, repeat these for one minute.  This has helped me to get back to normal.  I’m actually less clumsy now than I was before this started!   Hope these make sense to you and hope you get well very soon!   The neurologist(s) I saw said this can come from any vaccine, any virus, especially Covid, and is generally transient.  The retraining helps to speed it along.  Good luck!

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@elenao I reported my side effects (suspected, as I had just had shingles and had the same problems as I then did after the vaccine — dizziness and double vision —.  The CDC has contacted me 4 times to follow up, asking many questions.  I think they are doing the needful.  

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@loglady93 hello

this forum is very good but getting a refrence drom a user is very difficult.You are not alone in this.I had my first pfizer dose exaclty 28 days back.3 days after the vaccine I had constant head ache,dizziness ,lightheadness and brain fog.It last until today with me but with less frequent.Im not fully recovered but in a better condition compare to the first and second week.The most strange thing about that is headaches and dizziness will not settled by any medicstion or pain killer.I went to ENT doctor and they gave me betaserc tablet dor 21 days.I also used some siplements which other users mentioned like vit D E and etc I used a little but I dont think it helps.hope you and other users will get well soon and Im scared that these vaccines will make irriversable damage to our body system which will make us in a big trouble.Try to update your situation when you see some changes.

Sia and Sia reacted
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@samtay they know these but if they declare it ,rhen nobody goes for these terrible vaccines.

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So before all this, I was seeing my doctor to go through tests to find out why I occasionally have dizzy spells. It’s been happening for around 6 years now - I’ll randomly just get dizzy for about 30 minutes every couple of months, and then I’m back to normal. We’d just started reviewing my bloods before I got the vaccine. 

So maybe I had underlying vestibular issues and that was causing my dizzy spells, and now after taking the vaccine it’s even worse?


I’ve been a lot worse this week. This is my 12th week post-vaccine and it’s probably the worst I’ve felt. Super dizzy and the past couple of days I’ve felt sick. My legs have felt like jelly as well.

I’ve just got Quercetin and Zinc so I’m going to try taking these. 

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