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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@tabby as I thought. I’m best with the propranolol then I think. Thank you 😊 

Tabby and Tabby reacted
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@ladyd What a coincidence, I relapsed after feeling 100% back to normal the morning after attending a loud concert. That was June 4. Vitamin C worked wonders for me before my relapse, so yesterday after no sign of feeling better, I went over to a local IV clinic and received a mixture of Vitamin C, Zinc and Magnesium. The remainder of yesterday I was extremely dizzy and this morning I'm still as dizzy as I was before I received the IV. I'm so bummed that we have found ourselves some solutions and then end up relapsing weeks after feeling better. I'm trying to stay positive, though it's been extremely hard. I'll continue my research and hope that time is on our side and within the next several months, our side effects eventually subside all together. Hang in there, I know the relapse period is the toughest, but know that you are not alone.

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Hello everyone.  So sorry you are going through this. I am 9 weeks in (dizziness, headaches, heart palpitations, ear issues, neurological twinges, etc) and have been researching extensively.  I want to suggest anyone experiencing long term reactions to the vaccine (or covid) should get their vitamin D level checked and make sure it is in the normal range.  Mine was low, and with supplementation things seem to be improving. I don't want to jinx myself because things seem to go up and down, but Vitamin D is important in regulating immune function. I am also taking high dose vitamin C and drinking plenty of fluids. Good luck!!

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Canada checking in. 

I'm not sure if I feel more relieved or scared about finding this forum. 

I had my first Pfizer shot June 2nd. The month that followed, I had varying level of headache with bits of vertigo so I touched base with my care provider who told me to drink more water (I am currently breastfeeding). 

I did, and the headaches gave place to onset of vertigo. I have had crystals displacements before so I was familiar with the manoeuvres, which I tried to no avail. Now have had vertigo for the past three to four weeks. Sometimes for days at a time, sometimes just mornings. 

The past 3 or 4 days, symptoms subsided but this morning, I woke up with bad vertigo and started having sudden uncontrolled eyes movement and I feel a stiffness/pressure in my upper neck. 

I am not improving and decided to cancel my second dose for now, as lots of you mentioned their condition got way worst after second shot. I contacted my ostheo, who specialised in neck/cranial issues and will touch base with my doctor again, as my condition does not seem to be improving at all. It feels like it might be getting worst. 

Maybe it isn't vaccine related and the whole thing is just a big coincidence, but it got me wondering. My daughter had an autoimmune disorder (celiac), and while I didn't think I did, I do seem to get some weird none life threatening autoimmune response sometimes, like geographic tongue and another one which name I forgot. My aunt has Meniere's disease...Now I'm worried I might have a chronic neurological disorder which symptoms got exarcebated from the vaccin. 

Anyway, thanks to this forum, I will be straightforward with my doctor and will ask to be taken seriously and to see a neurology specialist or at least get a CT scan or something. It's just a lot of symptoms, I doubt it will pass now.. 


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@rockingonaboat thank you for telling your story. No, they do not know the side effects. Or, I think they do. They have to. I am just not that special and there had to be a demographic of their trials that this has happened to, but they decided it was too statistically insignificant compared to the damage the virus is doing to focus on it or inform people about the possibility? I was under the impression that this vaccine was safe and effective. It doesn't really seem to be stopping folks from catching Covid either, so that would seem a no on both of those points. I did have a few days of almost normal feelings and I seem to be better at certain points throughout the day. That gives me hope that this will run it's course and what I think is inflammation will eventually calm itself and the neurological symptoms will stop. I believe they will. In the meantime, you are not alone. 

Charsen, Charsen, dizzydame and 9 people reacted
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@ladyd so sorry about your mom. I hope your symptoms ease quicker this time and you can get back to 100 percent. I hope we all can, but I was following you as a success story. I hope you still will be. 

LadyD and LadyD reacted
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@3gee thank you for sharing your story. None of us are stupid. We were not fully informed and made a decision too soon for the amount of information available, but not stupid. If any of us had known it was possible for this outcome, none of us would have done it, because that would be stupid. But, the information provided was safe and effective. No hint of months of dizziness or migraines. No mention of long haul symptoms like brain fog. That would have weighed a little differently, so stop beating yourself up. You feel bad enough already, right? 

You are not alone. 

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@soll thank you for sharing your story. I will likely pass. Many people get better fairly quickly. I have gotten better from where I was. It's been a long 13 weeks though. I did find I had the stiffness in the neck muscles and a neck massager off of Amazon has helped that mass of stiffness disappear. Which has helped a lot. Do not lose hope. The vast majority of folks, even if they do get these symptoms, get better fairly quickly. 

Covid vaccine side effects, LadyD, So_LL and 3 people reacted
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@ladyd Unfortunately no they haven't really subsided,  I try to go out abit for a walk and do little jobs slowly around the house but it's so hard.

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@s-m-a Thank you. It definitely helps to know I’m not alone. I’ve been feeling anxious about my MRI that I have scheduled in 2 days. I just don’t want to get any bad news, you know? I’ve been trying to think positive and force myself to do normal things, but it’s hard when you can literally feeling your brain shaking and like you’re floating in a pool. 

Ionic magnesium drops seem to help calm my system down. I haven’t taken my ginkgo since yesterday, so I’m hoping the magnesium is all I need. It’s beneficial regardless if you’re sick or not, so I’m hoping that’s all I’ll need until this is all over. 

Having to move slowly while dealing with this AND having ADHD has been such a struggle. 

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It will likely pass. 

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Posted by: @s-m-a

@3gee thank you for sharing your story. None of us are stupid. We were not fully informed and made a decision too soon for the amount of information available, but not stupid. If any of us had known it was possible for this outcome, none of us would have done it, because that would be stupid. But, the information provided was safe and effective. No hint of months of dizziness or migraines. No mention of long haul symptoms like brain fog. That would have weighed a little differently, so stop beating yourself up. You feel bad enough already, right? 

You are not alone. 

It's tragic that people took the vaccine thinking they were doing the right thing.  They made the best decision they could with the information they had at the time--which as it turned out wasn't the truth.

What I fail to understand is WHY anyone who had a terrible reaction the first time would go back for more, knowing what they are signing up for.  In those cases, it's all on them if they get a bad reaction again.

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@peyton3418 Oh no not you too I’m sorry to hear that. Hmm I think stimuli like a concert would do it! It’s so tempting to get back to doing things you enjoy in life when you feel normal again but now we will both have to be more careful! There must be so many triggers, sound, heat, light, food, weather etc. I’m taking vitamin c, Quercetin, Zinc and Vitamin D and tomorrow I’m going to ask about Magnesium actually as I’ve heard it’s good for vestibular issues.

I'm trying to stay positive too, and I’m with you it's been extremely hard! You hang in there too and thank you for your kind words.xx

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Posted by: @s-m-a

@rockingonaboat thank you for telling your story. No, they do not know the side effects. Or, I think they do. They have to. I am just not that special and there had to be a demographic of their trials that this has happened to, but they decided it was too statistically insignificant compared to the damage the virus is doing to focus on it or inform people about the possibility? I was under the impression that this vaccine was safe and effective. It doesn't really seem to be stopping folks from catching Covid either, so that would seem a no on both of those points. I did have a few days of almost normal feelings and I seem to be better at certain points throughout the day. That gives me hope that this will run it's course and what I think is inflammation will eventually calm itself and the neurological symptoms will stop. I believe they will. In the meantime, you are not alone. 

I absolutely agree with you. I believe they did know the side effects.  They only told people what they wanted them to hear, and not the truth.  They suppressed the rest.  People were lied to and duped into taking this poison, and they didn't find out until it was too late.  From what I read and hear, the vaccines aren't even working as well as what we were told.  Vaccinated people becoming ill doesn't seem all that uncommon.  And those people can spread it.  But, oh no, we don't hear about that.  All we hear is how unvaccinated people are totally to blame for the increase in cases.  And the push, push, push goes on.  At this point anyone  willing to get the shot has already done so.  Those unwilling won't change their minds.

Anything that caused as many terrible adverse effects as these vaccines have caused, would have been pulled from use by now.  

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@lynner yep that’s fatigue same as me. I get such heavy legs some days. It is very hard but doing little things to distract ourselves is good so I might get some of those mindfulness colouring books or something. Definitely going to get some reflexology at some point soon too. It can overwhelm some days otherwise can’t it 

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