@greenmonster I think that the advice if you have been recently sick, vaccine should be postponed for some weeks would be helpful and will likely be forthcoming. My side effect from Pfizer (possible) second dose is, according to neurologists, an inflammatory response on top of another inflammatory response from having had shingles too recently. I should have waited at least 6 weeks from end of symptoms. My symptoms from shingles were more loss of balance and vision distortion than pain from the rash. I waited only 10 or 12 days from the last off balance feelings to taking the Pfizer. I felt sort of okay after the first. After the second, two weeks later, the dizziness and vision distortion returned as if I had shingles again. This has lasted, diminishing about 85%, over 10 weeks. I also know people who have had this same reaction to other vaccines, like a flu shot. One friend, a doctor, had balance problems for more than a year after a flu shot. It’s not the Covid vaccine per se. It’s the inflammatory response we get from a vaccine. People with Covid have worse responses many times, or die. Nearly no one dies from the mRNA vaccines. I have no issue with people having personal decisions about their health. I do have issues with people feeling they have a right to get infected with Covid, possibly make more variants, and infect me and my loved ones. I think it’s best to take the vaccine, wear a mask while variants are a threat to vulnerable people, or if that’s not possible because of intuition or internet reading, stay home and let the rest of us get on with our lives.
@lynner all please read the forum at this link - it as strictly medical professionals forum and they discuss exact same simptoms, as you discribed https://www.medscape.com/sites/public/covid-19/vaccine-insights/how-concerned-are-you-about-vaccine-related-adverse-events
@ladyd It must be hard being on your own all day. So sorry about your mum. I've had lots of symptoms since 18.3 numbness, tingling, pins and needles in alot of my body, muscle spasms, gastric issues, groin and stomach pains headaches, dry eyes so many things. Like yourself I've tried so many supplements, diet and been through so many tests. I try to carry on but even just walking is hard, I get out of breath easily. My mum is elderly and lives in another town so it's difficult for me to get to see her now. I am UK based, I live in the north of England. Please look after yourself and message me anytimexx
@himom4 that’s a good idea. I’ve been thinking about having an Indian head massage and some reflexology when I feel up to leaving the house! Glad you got some relief from that 👌🏼
@lynner so many symptoms we are all having! Have some subsided over time at least? And thank you Lynne I will do xx
you mentioned that a doctor friend of yours had balance issues for more than a year after a flu shot. Did those issues eventually resolve completely for him/her? Or are they still present? Wow, a year is a long time. I really don’t want to continue to feel like this for another 6 months+
@himom4 The problem is that many people who may have gotten it were asymptomatic. So how does one know one got it last year? The antigen only remains on your body for a few months, so if you did the antibody test now, it would be negative.
@ladyd I'm sorry to hear that. My dad takes Clonazepam 0.5 for his anxiety and it helps him a lot. The good thing is that at least you know what may have triggered it and you know what works with your body. Not only that but what is important is that you did get 100% better. I've also accepted the fact that my off-feeling may come back at some point, so it makes me less anxious. I have had vertigo before the vaccine so I have also accepted that at some point, it may appear and it may not necessarily be a vaccine effect.
Hey guys…how we all doing? Guess what?? I relapsed again last Wednesday (after announcing on here how I was 100% better just a few days beforehand!).
Absolutely gutted but I think I know what caused it and that was due to heat exhaustion and dehydration because we’ve had a heatwave here in the UK and I tried to do too much physically too soon after feeling well again and in extreme heat and that set me back to square one again. Also started to introduce a few naughty diet changes which could have triggered inflammation again.
Tomorrow will be the start of week 12 post 2nd vaccine and my anxiety is through the roof again. I stopped the Liposomal Glutathione the other day but carrying on with the Quercetin and Zinc and taking beta blockers as needed to cope with the physical symptoms of anxiety. My thinking now is this is either vestibular migraine or just simply inflammation but would just be so nice to have a Doctor actually diagnose me and treat me rather than having to research everything for myself! I know you all feel the same.
When I’m feeling up to it I’m going to go back to see that pharmacist that gave me the 12 week window to improvement based on his own response to the vaccine being done by then. He did say that exercise does seem to make people worse and cause symptoms to relapse and that also applies to people with long covid too. So I’ve learned my lesson now; next time I feel 100% better I am still going to take it VERY easy and not rush back to normal stuff. I have to continue with the clean anti inflammatory diet and some of the supplements. I do need to acknowledge and address my anxiety which is always looming under the surface because of the cyclical nature of these symptoms.
Anyway sorry if that’s just brought another negative to the table but as Sassafras said we need to be real about stuff so I thought I’d update you all on my progress or lack of in this case!
Hi LadyD,
Sorry to hear about your relapse. I too have taken a backward step since the heatwave and today feel almost back to square one. The migraine I had that lasted for just over 4 days threw the spanner in the works for sure. Just wanted you to know you are not alone. Hopefully this will pass too. Sending best wishes to you and all.🙏😊
@lpycb42 thank you 😊. I’m on propranolol 40mg 3 times a day which is for migraine prevention and for the physical symptoms of anxiety but I’ve only just started taking them. I’ve made sure to keep a diary every day since the second vaccine which helps me identify triggers, be it weather, food exercise or stimuli. There’s a definite pattern to it so I am now leaning towards it being vestibular migraine and anxiety combined. Despite having never suffered with headaches or migraines before in my life, after the first shot I did suffer with bad headaches for around 8 days afterwards but all were controlled with the usual ibuprofen or paracetamol. So now I’ve had the second and had the extreme dizziness, photosensitivity and definite reaction to barometric pressure drops it does seem highly likely to be the cause. I’m waiting for my GP to refer me to a neurologist but god knows how long I’ll have to wait for that! Hope you’re well??
@tabby Hiya Tabby oh you too? Ok then we’ll that figures doesn’t it..it must be vestibular migraine. Which apparently are common after a virus and some medications! You’re not alone either honey 😘 What are you taking for it??xx
@tabby Hiya Tabby oh you too? Ok then we’ll that figures doesn’t it..it must be vestibular migraine. Which apparently are common after a virus and some medications! You’re not alone either honey 😘 What are you taking for it??xx
Hi, the only pain killers I take are anadin extra which is a combination of aspirin, paracetamol and caffeine. I occasionally take the odd paracetamol but everything else just makes me feel nauseous. I've tried all the migraine tablets. I am taking Citalopram 5mg for anxiety which helps a little. I wish the nightmare would end.🙏😊
@tabby that’s interesting I was recently prescribed Citalopram 10mg but haven’t taken them because my friend said they take 3 weeks to work and the side effects are dizziness and fatigue, so I decided to take the propranolol for now instead as that tackles both migraines and anxiety and the effects are pretty much instant. How long have you been on the citalopram?xx
@lynner hypnic jerks- I had them around during 8-10 weeks out. They were worse for a few days, random muscles would twitch just prior to drifting off to sleep and prevent me from falling asleep. After a few days, these stopped but started getting brain-zaps, which are even worse, right before falling asleep. It felt like a sudden jolt in the brain right before falling asleep. Thankfully all of this went away within 2 weeks. And I don't think this was 'just anxiety' causing it. It is yet another weird side-effect that I have seen other people report after vax. Hope it gets better for you soon.
@ladyd Hi, several years, they do take a while to get used to, several weeks sometimes and there are side effects as you mentioned which are not pleasant. I used to be on 10mg but am weaning off ever so slowly and have been on 5mg for around a year. They are difficult to come off once you start.