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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Honestly, I think it varies according to the symptoms and how severe they are...for me I had my second dose of Moderna on 5/2.  It has been 12 weeks for me...My one and only symptom is ringing in both ears...On July 2nd I had my first breakthrough...went from a 10 to maybe a 6 or 7...has been pretty constant...there have been one or two nights where it spiked...however, I was not freaked out about it and the next day it waned down again...I have been following Tom Bunker...contracted Covid-19 twice...started an intermittent all your meals within an 8 hour window and stop...for the remaining 16 hours NO FOOD...your body goes into autophagy...Saturday & Sunday water week repeat the process...I am in my second week of following this and have seen a real breakthrough...I would say I am now at a 4 or 5 level...Sometimes, I can actually feel the inflammation going down in my body...really weird...but it is working...

Autophagy is the body's way of cleaning out damaged cells, in order to regenerate newer, healthier cells, according to Priya Khorana, PhD, in nutrition education from Columbia University. “Auto” means self and “phagy” means eat. So the literal meaning of autophagy is “self-eating.”Aug 23, 2018

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I have noticed swollen lymph nodes in my neck...actually, just noticed them as the inflammation is waning...actually, lost a little of my sense of taste from it...

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Posted by: @thenystagmus
Posted by: @lonestar92s

Welp, unfortunately like some others here, I have relapsed after 2.5 months of feeling normal. It was almost like I could feel it coming on. I had a couple of days leading up where I would feel off/dizzy for a few minutes, but then it would go away. 

I’m 7 days into this relapse and so far I think it’s less intense than the first time. But maybe that’s because I know what’s happening. I am taking Benadryl and ibuprofen again and hoping for the best. Pretty disappointing to feel like this again after 2.5 months and was considering getting the second dose up until last week!

Couple of questions for everyone here (feel free to DM)

1. Has anyone that’s only had one dose been infected by the delta variant?

2. Have your relapses lasted less time than the original issues?

3. Has anyone with both doses relapsed after recovering?

Unfortunately, I also know how disappointing relapsing is!

I don't believe I've been infected by Covid-19 of any variety since having Moderna vaccine in early March this year.

I have recovered significantly, 85%+ ...but I believe I have remaining permanent vestibular injury.

I definitely will not ever be going back for any more Covid vaccination.

Yes, my relapses have lasted less time than my first post-Covid episode. There has also been increasing interval time between my relapses, which is encouraging to me.

(I believe that I've read here that some others have gotten 2 doses, then experienced relapse following recovery.)

Well wishes for you, and for us all! 😏🙏

I also relapsed but received both Moderna vaccines (1 in beginning of April and 2 in beginning of May) My recovery period was roughly 3 weeks before I relapsed. I'm trying to stay positive and tell myself that if we recovered once, we will recover fully at some point. Our bodies are just taking some extra time to heal from the reactions. 

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I just wanted to pass some information on that may be helpful to anyone hesitant of getting the second vaccine or boosters in the future. After getting vestibular neuritis after the second dose of pfizer I was referred to an immunologist. A highly recommended one and a leader in this field. He believes my vestibular neuritis was an overactive immune response and that getting a future vaccine can be perfectly safe for me if planned properly. He told me that before getting a vaccine my immune system would be prepared to handle the vaccine with 2 medications... One of them was prednisone and Im sorry but I cant recall the second. So it would definately be worth it for anyone worried about getting the second shot and becomming fully vaccinated to discuss with their doctors as its possible to do safely and minimize the risks of these types of side effects.

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@dizzydame thank you I’ve sent you a private message. 

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@peyton3418 I haven’t had hearing loss or constant ringing but I’ve had instances where my ear feels full- like I have a cotton ball in there. I could still hear, but it just sounded off kinda. I’ve been having what feels like a shaky brain and some upper back and neck pain, mainly on the right side. Still feel like I’m in a pool or on a boat. 
I do get some ringing here and there, but it’ll last like 3 seconds and go away. 

I def feel exhausted all day long, but taking magnesium seems to help with it. In an earlier post, I posted the two supplements I’ve been taking to help me with all this. 

ive eliminated caffeine for now, as I noticed that was a trigger. My diet had always been pretty clean though, so I think I’m okay in that area. I’ve barely drank during all this. I’ve tried to have wine here and there, but it’s usually a small glass.

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@redm I’ve been the same. The last 8 days since I relapsed I’ve been waking up with panic attacks which is just awful. I think that’s down to cortisol levels being higher in the mornings but it’s the absolute worst thing to wake up starting the day with panic and dread 😢

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@timeandwater hey I’m in the UK and experiencing the same symptoms as you. My second AstraZeneca jab was on 8th May so I’m almost at the 12 week mark now. I’ve been talking to a very helpful local pharmacist who’s also had similar post vaccine side effects as us, and lasting around 12 weeks so naturally if anyone goes to him with the same issue he is helpful and very frank on the matter. He updated me yesterday on what’s happening now in the UK because he’s following it closely. He advised me to ask my GP to refer me to my local Long Covid Clinic for treatment and if the GP won’t, then to approach the clinics  directly for help. He is a locum so he works in 3 other areas to mine and he said in some areas he is seeing the vaccine injured are now being treated in these Long Covid Clinics but whether or not your GP will acknowledge it’s vaccine injury and refer you is another matter. He also recommended CBD oil to calm nervous system, reduce inflammation and anxiety. I’m on a low dose of propranolol at the moment but ideally want to come off these to go on to CBD but need to pay to speak to a private GP before I do that I think because CBD oil can interact with other medications. NHS referral lists for any kind of specialist are around 6 months at the moment. All of this just adds to the anxiety! Anyway always happy to chat if you want to private message me on here 

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I had my first Moderna vaccine five months ago 3 days after I started having migraines 3 days a week. Prior to this I had a migraine maybe once a year. Unfortunately I was talked into getting the second dose and things got even worse. I now have migraines almost everyday sometimes three times a day and I have retinal migraines which I never had before. I’m also suffering from vertigo which is new. It’s been five months! I’ve tried steroids which I couldn’t take I’ve tried Nurtec didn’t work I’m about to start an antiviral medication. I’m so scared this is not going to end and that I might have ruined my life by taking this vaccine.I’ve even thought about going out of the country to get IV stem cell therapy. Does anyone have advise or hope? 

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Posted by: @rockingonaboat

@peyton3418 I haven’t had hearing loss or constant ringing but I’ve had instances where my ear feels full- like I have a cotton ball in there. I could still hear, but it just sounded off kinda. I’ve been having what feels like a shaky brain and some upper back and neck pain, mainly on the right side. Still feel like I’m in a pool or on a boat. 
I do get some ringing here and there, but it’ll last like 3 seconds and go away. 

I def feel exhausted all day long, but taking magnesium seems to help with it. In an earlier post, I posted the two supplements I’ve been taking to help me with all this. 

ive eliminated caffeine for now, as I noticed that was a trigger. My diet had always been pretty clean though, so I think I’m okay in that area. I’ve barely drank during all this. I’ve tried to have wine here and there, but it’s usually a small glass.

The good news is, the ear fullness does goes away. So if that is something you are worried about, it sometimes takes a week or two but generally does resolve itself. I have struggled with episodes of ear fullness since a little girl, and have found that wearing ear plugs when out or around loud sounds definitely help prevent irritation. Good to know that magnesium has helped you! Keep me posted on your symptoms as I will with mine. Hopefully the end is near, I'm ready to get off of this cruise ship from heck.

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Posted by: @isismadec
Posted by: @tnd112

For what its worth I had small extra symptoms from first pfizer shot, bit hot and extra dizzyness for a while but nothing really that mush worse than a usual vertigo day.


Don't  assume that because YOU didn't have any severe side effects that no one else will.  There are accounts, one after another, on this forum of those who DID suffer long-standing and severe vesibular side effects.  Some did have preexisting vestibular or migraine conditions, some had no preexisting conditions.   So there is no way to know who will or won't suffer these affects, or long long they will last.  


I never said you wont have some effects from vaccine but the population of this forum thread is infinitely smaller than the population as a whole that have quite happily had no symptoms, but the main point being the absolute nonsense and scaremongering being peddled by the wannabe doctor. If you have genuine concerns talk to your actual doctor directly rather than the pretend doctors on the internet claiming mRNA genetic modifies you, telling you to take chloroquine or Ivermectin to protect against covid and don't get jabbed you will regret it.. well you will regret it more if you happen to one of those unlucky people that get covid badly and die tbh. Incidentally, you think the scientists that created these vaccines might have also thought about the known risks of ADE with vaccines already (which they did long and hard). Has Trump got a lot of spare time these days to be on here or something? 🙂

Laugh a minute already this forum thread and I only happened upon it by accident as I am due the second jab and wanted to see people experiences with existing vestibular conditions and whether it increased their issues.

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@beto something that really helped was a back massager. My muscles were rigid. Real bad. It really did lessen them up and I believe it helped some symptoms in my head. Also, time. It sucks, but that is what seems to help a lot of people. I am following the I-Recovery program on the FLCCC website. It will lost the vitamins and amounts that a lot of people take and help you out with finding a doctor if you need one for some of the prescriptions that may help. Also, antihistamines help. Nothing has cured it, but it seems to lessen in severity with time and many folks recover. Baths seem to help me too, especially if I'm having a migraine, which used to never happen to me before this. 

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@s-m-a thanks for the information. Let me know what vitamins worked for you. 

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Hello everyone. I wanted to update everyone with my status since I decided to get my second shot. I still feel fine a few days later. Some mild symptoms similar to the first shot but nothing as bad as it was before. I have made the decision to stop posting. Over the past few months this forum has been a ray of light for me during troubled times. However posts have become more extreme and divisive. It’s not a single person but seems to be more of a growing attitude as this forum grows. I would remind everyone that it is your personal decision what you decide to do with the vaccine. Don’t let one person sway you either way. Let’s not bash others if they decide or don’t decide to get the vaccine. We are all in the same boat. If I have a major setback I will let everyone know. Thank you everyone. It’s been nice getting to know a lot of you. 

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@ladyd its horrid. I mean at times you're just like why am I feeling like this, because it doesn't pass like a panic attack. I hope you are better soon. 🙏💙

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