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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Thank you for sharing your story with us ,I ha ve vitamin D defiency too myself I am taking D3 supplement just a question please when you say tremors on your left arm what kind ? 

I truly hope you will get better and see some improvements.

 mostly keep us updated it's helping so much this is the only place I found help .

Thank you so much 


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thank you! How much does it cost and does insurance cover it?

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today in about an hour I will take my 6th dose of ivermectin,

overall my head and ear pressure have be diminishing till today. Last night I was craving something to eat and decided on chocolate. Which is high histamine. And long and behold I have head pressure headaches again. Though not as bad but they came back. 
so back to low histamine for me.

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When did you get the vaccine?

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I got my vaccine 4 months ago and I am still dealing with dizziness. I hope this goes away soon! I'm going to try a chiropractor tomorrow

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4 months ago

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I have been dizzy since April from the vaccine. I got a bad sinus cold two months ago and it set it all off more

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Posted by: @jbeatthis1

So I've been reading this forum for over three months and never replied to anything. Just wanted to take it all in and see what other people were experiencing. Here is what I've learned. First I had only one shot it was Moderna back on March 27th. Almost fainted while at work three days later and had a massive array of symptoms from Brain fog, short term memory loss, cold sensations, out of control goosebumps 20 times a day, tinnitus, feeling as if I was on a boat every moment of every day, feeling of impending doom etc. Needless to say it has not been fun. I am now dealing with the tinnitus, lesser on a boat feeling and slight warm sensations from time to time on left side of my body. I am definitely a lot better 4 months end to this than I was day 1. My recommendation for anyone dealing with this is to #1 stay calm, breathe, meditate and rest. This will pass over time but nobody can tell you when or how. 2) look into FLCCC I- recover protocol. Start from the top and work your way down. You can order generic ivermectin from Canada if need be. Make sure to start the Mast cell activation section asap as it helped me tremendously. Using an H1 and H2 antihistamine. This combo made a huge difference for me. I used 24 hr allegra and Pepcid AC max strength and it seems to stabilize me to some degree. I am now also using Lipitor 20 MG and I think that is also helping. My next step is to go through the IncellDX protocol with my doctor they recommended as I tested positive for long haul covid syndrome using their patented blood test. I see the Dr on the 17th and will hopefully start their protocol to wrap this experience up over the following 6 to 8 wks. 

I hope this helps somebody out there. This has been a hell of an experience and both scared and tested me. I am starting to see the end of this horrible experience coming soon. I will let you all know how I do with the incellDX/Dr. Bruce Patterson protocol goes. Praying for an end to this nightmare.


All my best.


I'm from Canada and curious to know what do you mean by "generic Ivermectin from Canada". I really want to get my hands on it but non of the doctors are on the FLCCC list. Can you please elaborate. thanks in advance.

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I got my first dose of Pfizer 6 days ago.  I felt nothing but a slight headache and maybe just slight arm pain if I lifted my arm out.  

2 days in, I started to feel some slight light headedness.  It comes and goes and is still there after 6 days.  It doesn't keep me from sleeping and it's not constant but it's enough for me to notice.  It seems to increase if I get hungry.  It was hard for me to tell if it was due to anxiety from getting the shot or allergies.

I have always had inner ear problems.  I need dramamine to ride on a plane or boat.  If I look at my phone while driving I star to get car sick.  And when I get headaches it usually is from the inner ear.

Needless to say I am terrified of getting the 2nd shot and making it worse.  There is nothing normal about this and was shocked to even know so many are experiencing this as a symptom.

This post was modified 4 years ago by acs3781

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did anyone with the dizziness side effect get the J&J vaccine?

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I reported mine

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@stars182 i've been having some pretty lucid nightmares that turn into nocturnal panic attacks - not nice at all


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@ladyd Here is a quote I read somewhere "Many experts recommend that you try and sleep on your back, as the crystals within your ear canals are less likely to become disturbed and trigger a vertigo attack." I use two pillows to keep my head angled upward.

I also found that head movements during vestibular exercises induced dizziness and eye movements alone did not while still clearing my brain fog. 


This post was modified 4 years ago by Tom Germana

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Hey guys, I'm back for another update. Originally I had dizziness as my main vaccine injury but that went away over time. I thought I was in the clear, then I got cocky and was very active, went out and got a cold (not covid, got tested) that set me back. I now have brain fog, brain zaps, fatigue, weird dreams that wake me up at night. 

This is clearly long haul covid from the vaccine! I don't know if you all have figured that out because I haven't been on here in awhile. 

I have contacted Incelldx to run my immune markers and have a call with them today on what they recommend for treatment. I'm sure it will be Ivermectin. 


I have two questions: 1) has anyone tried Ivermectin and what was your experience? 2) has anyone fully recovered 100% from this horrible nightmare? 

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@jassy1957 My friend had a lot of these similar symptoms after having COVID. She was dealing with the dizziness/vertigo, nausea and what she called brain zings for weeks that seemed to come out of nowhere well after she was over her mild case of COVID. She went to her GP, an ENT and her chiro. One of them told her to look up a half somersault maneuver and to follow the instructions completely. Apparently you have to stay in the position through the dizziness. She had pretty much given up hope that anything was going to make it better, but the maneuver worked! Just a thought that maybe it can help! 

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