Hey guys, I'm back for another update. Originally I had dizziness as my main vaccine injury but that went away over time. I thought I was in the clear, then I got cocky and was very active, went out and got a cold (not covid, got tested) that set me back. I now have brain fog, brain zaps, fatigue, weird dreams that wake me up at night.
This is clearly long haul covid from the vaccine! I don't know if you all have figured that out because I haven't been on here in awhile.
I have contacted Incelldx to run my immune markers and have a call with them today on what they recommend for treatment. I'm sure it will be Ivermectin.
I have two questions: 1) has anyone tried Ivermectin and what was your experience? 2) has anyone fully recovered 100% from this horrible nightmare?
I went to my Chiropractor today he took away the shaking and most of the numbness he said I was reacting negatively to the ingredients in the shot and he could make me better over 3 visits he has all kinds of schooling and diplomas in integrated health and healing. He told me I would get better and to make sure I was doing light exercise and eating alit of green vegies and cleansing foods. He also cured the dizziness I've been eating watermelon no salt today and alitte free range chicken with broccoli and organic spinach.
Stay away from bread, sugar, white rice and non-organic fruits and veggies and soda drink only cleansing teas and distilled water
I live in Canada so was given AstraZ Covide Vax 1 and Vax 2. Vax 2 was at the end of June. so about 5 weeks ago. 10 days ago I went to bed and experienced intense room spinning and had to sit up on the side of the bed until my balance returned. Now, every day I experience dizziness for the majority of the day. I hope this goes away. Until then I will not drive my car as I don't trust my balance. the room spinning stopped after two nights. I feel about 10 IQ points have evaporated. I am glad I searched this online and found I am not alone. I have no other health issues. My co-worker was told by the doctor I was about to go see that this is related to the Vaccination and to just wait and it will go away. Until he told me this, I did not even think it was the shots that had this side effect.
@dizzzy2021 I sure will! Still feeling crappy. Day 11. Will update when I start to feel better.
@hidden1959 Hi you mentioned in one of your posts shakiness please I am dealing with this I don't know what to do ? Did chiropractic helped with that ? Want part of your body is shaking thanks
This post focuses on non-pharmaceutical remedies that have been helpful to me (just wanting to save you time if you are looking for something else!)
I don’t post very often but I’ve returned to this site many times over the last month or two and have found many of the recommendations helpful. I want to share some other things in case they might helpful- grad school starts up again next week and so these are my last moments of free time. I have posted maybe once or twice before with things that have helped me so I will now just share new things. I am so much better than I was a couple months ago, not 100% but sooooo much better. K, here goes:
After my 2nd Pfizer Feb 4th, my digestion was horrible for weeks and liver support supplements and practices were very helpful in returning my belly to a balanced state, including: liposomal glutathione; castor oil packs (I found these mentally soothing as well); a supplement called “Lipotropic complex”; coffee enemas which I know can be controversial and I’m still on the fence about these; and avoiding fatty foods.
The vertigo and full head feeling which has been articulated so well by others on this site, for me happened about 5 weeks following my second shot but that is still within the range of vaccine-related side effects and I am certain the vaccine was the cause. I went to 3 doctors to try to get to the bottom of this, had the MRI, came back clean. A Doctor of Oriental Medicine recently diagnosed me with “Reversible Cerebral Vaso-Constriction”, which is constriction of the blood vessels to the brain and of course my favorite part was the word “reversible.” She gave me a bunch of supplements like amino acids: L-arginine and L-carnitine; a supplement called Dio-vasc; and a homeopathic remedy called Euphrasia.
These provided some relief but then I did some research on my own and found out that a bunch of yummy foods are vaso-dilators (work to open the constricted blood vessels) like pomegranate, cayenne, beets, berries, ginger, onions, garlic, cinnamon and I am actually finding that including these in my diet is super helpful, perhaps more so than the expensive supplements. The vaso-constriction concept could also explain why our symptoms worsen when we are stressed- stress is a vaso-constrictor.
Gosh, this post is long but I want to add another important thing. Upon reading some of these posts, I was interested in trying Ivermectin. My PCP said she couldn’t prescribe it because I didn’t have parasites but she said that if I thought my symptoms might be vaccine related that I could take Activated Charcoal. I did take this for a few days and it was kind of helpful but I felt like I needed something stronger so I decided to try Purified Bentonite Clay which I had heard is a good detox. I absolutely felt a shift towards better health from taking 1-2 tbsp of this per day for a week- AND drinking lots of water and making sure I was near a bathroom in case I needed to poo. Not because it speeds things up down there (it’s actually kind of constipating if you don’t drink enough water) but because the toxins come out in your poo and holding it just seemed like a terrible idea, like perhaps the toxins might get re-absorbed.
For whatever that’s worth, I thought I’d share and I sincerely wish vibrant health upon all of you.
Just want to add an addendum to my last long post. Re: Purified Bentonite Clay... on days I took it, I sometimes for an hour or two sometime that day felt worse for whatever reason, or very fatigued or light headed. I think it was the clay working through my system. I found it important to replenish my system on those days- with fresh pressed juice or Chlorella- at least an hour after ingesting the clay. I just took it for a week and now that I'm not taking it, I don't get those weird waves of feeling worse, I just feel consistently better.
@b333 Hi, I took my first Pfizer vaccine on July 17 and had no side effects at all. Completely normal. However, took the second Pfizer on August 7 and had severe reactions. Within 45 minutes, I experienced extreme dizziness and nausea and then started vomiting. I had earlier vertigo issues (last had an attack in April 2021) and it was exactly the same. I threw up for five times and lied down in bed for the next 12 hours or so. Also had some headache and chilliness. However, I started feeling better within 24 hours and so far had no further issues. Keeping fingers crossed!
Hi, would like to share my experience with COVID vaccine, being a vertigo patient for a long time. I took my first Pfizer vaccine on July 17, 2021 and had no side effects at all. I was completely normal and even commented to my friends and family that the reported reactions might be exaggerated in few cases. However, took the second Pfizer vaccine on August 7 and had severe reactions. Within 45 minutes, I experienced extreme dizziness and nausea and then started vomiting. My last vertigo attack was in April 2021 and it was almost the same. I threw up for five times and lied down in bed for the next 12 hours or so. Also had some severe headache and chilliness. However, I started feeling better within 24 hours and so far had no further issues. Keeping my fingers crossed!
You are so right and that’s why I got the vaccine in the first place. I’m not to the point of regretting it and hope I don’t get there. Thanks for the encouragement. ❤️
I haven't had an official menieres disease diagnosis, been struggling with dizziness attacks, tinnitus and constant fullness of the ear for over 4 years now. I am currently having an attack that started slowly on July 20th, about a week ago it turned into 24 hour dizziness. I recently saw a neurological physiotherapist to try to find some relief, he believes I have menieres disease based on my symptoms so I am going with that for now to try to treat it somehow. I came to this forum to see what other people have to say about their experience with menieres and how they treat it. I am in shock to see the covid shot side effects everyone has experienced with their menieres and now I am thinking that my 2nd shot may be what brought on my latest attack as it started a week after my shot. What a horrible feeling, it feels like there is no end in sight when you are in the middle of an attack not knowing when it's ever going to stop. I am going to see a physician tomorrow and hoping they can help somehow as I'm starting to feel pretty defeated after almost 3 weeks non stop of this. Wishing everyone the best on some sort of road recovery!
I am sorry to say that it has been 7 months with no improvements to my vertigo and imbalance issues that began on day 8 after my first dose of the Pfizer Covid 19 vaccine. After the first dose I experienced a mild headache for a few days and then on the 4th day the brain fog started. On day 8 I experienced severe dizziness and nausea that I had to leave work.
I experienced symptoms similar to a bad sinus infection. My ENT prescribed 10 days of antibiotics. Felt a bit better for 3 weeks and then the symptoms came back. Called the ENT back and he gave me a different antibiotic with a steroid taper. Minimal improvement. ENT ordered a sinus CT scan. No findings. Was referred to a neurologist. Brain MRI was clear. Still suffering intermittent symptoms of severe vertigo and imbalance daily. It has now been more than 7 months. I am currently going to PT for Epley maneuver and balance exercises. A family member of mine has a coworker whose husband has been suffering with balance issues and vertigo for 8 months now which started a week after he got the Covid vaccine. I pray this subsides when the vaccine wears off snd this is not going to be a permanent situation for me. It’s getting to be very debilitating and it is affecting my job.
Very glad to have found this forum! Received first dose of pfizer April 30 with no issues, second dose May 22: awful fever, swollen lymph nodes, red lines leading from the lymph nodes and pain for days. About 10 days later, my wrists and hands swelled so badly, I went to a rheumatologist. She said she cannot do the blood work for RA that soon after shot because the vaccine can alter the numbers. By Jun 20, getting awful nausea, June 27 dizziness set in and is still a major problem. I did have dizzy issues in the past but never for this long or this intense. It is a different kind of dizzy than before.
I appreciate any guidance. I am going back to the neuro this week and the rheumatologist. Certain they will state it is not vaccine related.