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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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I am curious. I also am being treated by one of the doctors off the FLCCC website. I read in your post that you were tested for long Covid and were positive. Did you have a Covid infection or just the vaccine? Or do you know? Have you taken the Fluvoxamine for the neurological stuff? 

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Update for everyone. August 19th will be four months since the last shot of Pfizer. It has been a very long, lonely, and scary time. But I have good news. I have felt better for a few weeks now. I feel like I turned a corner week 12 or so, but still felt bad a few times a day. I have really been pushed at work and it has been hot and I have done okay. A few bad headaches that have actually gone away with advil or Tylenol which has not been happening for months now. I stopped taking it actually because it didn't help, but it has the last week or so. I am still getting headaches, but they do not turn into migraines and they do not give way to dizzy spells. I still have muscle rigidness in my back and neck, but it releases a lot quicker these days. I use the back massager every 1-2 days still and it still helps, but is no where near as bad as the first three months. Body wide, I have an improvement, especially in my neurological symptoms which were always the worst part and the most severe part. I am beyond relieved to have felt better. At least for now. I have taken a lot of supplements. They seemed to help but not a cure. I took Ivermectin. It didn't cure me, but I did start to turn a corner around that time. I took Fluvoxamine. I believe that helped my body fight inflammation in my brain and that gave me the most relief. I did not take it for long. Overall, I think time and trying to stay calm. Nothing I took was a cure. Even if it helped. And I would have taken anything. I was in a real bad way. This forum helped and the stories of people getting better were really the thing that calmed my nerves the most. So I thought it appropriate to tell you all that I feel better and the timeline of it. If you have questions, I will try to answer them. I didn't feel like it was getting better for a long, long time. It wasn't a good feeling. If you are going through that now, you are not alone and it seems to get better with time. Sometimes a long time. 

ruthiek, Jen, LPV and 15 people reacted
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@barb56 Hi Barb! So sorry you (and everyone else here) are going through this. I’ve had similar reactions as you three times in the past. Vertigo, chest pain and racing heart, and high blood pressure. Always as a result of either a vaccine or large doses of medication. The vertigo always seemed to take the longest to go away. Did they test your electrolytes while you were going through this by any chance? I ask because during my last episode, I noticed my sodium and potassium levels were borderline low. The doctor said they were “fine,” and I guess technically they were normal, but interestingly, the only thing that made my symptoms any better were getting my electrolyte levels up. I started drinking lots of water with added sea salt and also took a potassium supplement. I started feeling better pretty quickly, and symptoms resolved in a couple weeks instead of four or five months as they always had before. I am now wondering if dehydration and an electrolyte imbalance (even a sub-clinical one) might have something to do with these reactions. Would be curious as to your thoughts as a GP.

In any case, I’m glad you’re feeling better. I hope all your symptoms resolve soon. Take care.

Jen, Covid vaccine side effects, Jen and 1 people reacted
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Hi everyone!


I had my both doses of Pfizer and as many here have developed side effects! Panic attacks, anxiety and inapropriate sinus tachycardia (not POTS). Doctors don't believe it's vaccine related, more my stress about the vaccine and the consequences. But it's really hard to live with constant tachycardia. They've given me ivabradine and hoping it will go away. Is anyone else experiencing this?

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@jbeatthis1 Thank you this is really helping ! I will try anti histamines. I'm also working my way through the FLCCC protocol.

Who advised you to take Lipitor ? 

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@coco lipitor is atorvastatin its part of the protocol lower left side. Helps to block fraktalkine receptors.

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@s-m-a nope never had Covid all these issues came from Moderna vaccine #1. Took the test through, have all same markers of true covid long haul patient. Have not tried fluvoxamine yet. Not against it just haven't gotten there yet 

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@kris and how are you now? I have had the same 1.moderna 5th July, 10 days later I had first episode of extreme vertigo, vomiting etc. went to ER, had injection and tablets and they told me it's bppv of course they didn't say its from the vaccine but before vaccine I was completely healthy and this happened after the vaccine. My second dose is due in September and I am scared to go, as now I feel ok. not sure what to do😐

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@maranda98 hi, I am 29 & I have received the J&J 1 week now & 3/4 days I noticed every 10 minutes I would need to inhale I too have pains in back ,chest & it moves around. I am guessing that some of these pains are from being anxious. However I have checked my heartbeat from time to time & is regular. I also have a little bit of pressure on my chest from time to time also. Overall my appearance looks like I am under the weather too. Finally my breathing feels regular for 85% of the time however I do feel a lag of something. Did you try an inhaler & what was said when you went to hospital? Thank you for posting it has helped me.

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Hi everyone,

I've been posting here several times because after my first vaccine jab on May 10th (pfizer) I had developed severe symptoms including: dizziness, vertigoes, tingling in the whole body especially the mouth, brain fog, blurred vision, plugged ears and intense muscle pains in the neck, shoulders, lower back and glutheus. I wasn't absolutely willing to take the second shot and was determined. Towards the end of july I began to feel myself again and all the symptoms seemed to have subdued except for muscle pains but they were mild and bearable. The problem is that since August the Italian government has made vaccine indirectly mandatory for teachers because you need to have a green pass to work. So I decided to go to a vaccine centre to denounce the symptoms I had suffered from the first jab hoping they would grant me a dispensation from the second dose. I spoke to three doctors and they all agreed that the sympoms I was describing were not such to justify a waiver. I felt trapped and so I got my second shot on Sunday. I have felt very sleepy the first two days, today I feel really exhausted with some brain fog and a sore throat.  I'm dreading the side effects of the first shot which appeared some days after the jab. Is there anyone among you who suffered badly with the first shot and then was ok with the second? I feel so anxious. Thank you for your kind replies. 

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Is there anyone on this forum that overcame the blurry vision symptom? I'm tired of having my vision distorted and I'm looking for someone that got through it for motivation.

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Unfortunately not my biggest problem since 2 months and now I am having other symptoms besdie eye floaters blurry vision I think I developed nygmatus 😔.

Someone mentioned yesterday that his vision got better after 4 months so there is hope .

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Posted by: @296823933c

I received my 1st vaccine shot at the end of December the next day tingling all over my body even my lips were tingling. I was scared! I called my Rheumatoid arthritis doctor and explained her what was happening  We assumed it was a side effect of my medication since I had just changed medication recently and the medication bottle stated " may cause tingling" She changed my medication. Everyday I endured tingling in my limbs, numbness and difficulty walking because I was so unstable. Occasionally I would have twitching of my  head , dizziness, sometimes the numbness and tingling would be in the middle of my thigh. I spoke to her my RA doctor several times because the tingling never went away. She did a x-ray of my back and felt that I should see a Neurologist. Went to see the Neurologist, they did a full blood workup and a MRI. All negative - nothing was reported unusual in my MRI and blood work. A few days after seeing the Neurologist for the results   my little finger popped and felt like it was broken so I went to the ER just to make sure. He said that I was having a RA flare and put me on a steriod. Two weeks after I was on the steriod  all of my tingling sensations and side effects went away. I nor any of my doctors assumed it was the vaccine. The day after all the tingling went away I started researching the internet and discovered  That I was not crazy!!   


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@lili23 I see, thank you for letting me know. One thing I recommend is to try and limit your health anxiety, It is a very scary time I completely understand that but constantly looking up symptoms can make you go crazy (unless you went to a doctor and they came to the conclusion that you have nygmatus). Take care of yourself, we will all make it through this and become 100% healthy again. 

Charsen and Charsen reacted
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I have had both Pfizer shots (second one in May). I was exhausted for a few days after the first one, but nothing else.

Second one-different story. Extreme fatigue, nonstop ringing in my ears, tingling all over, especially on my head. I am losing a good bit of my hair. I gave taken Lopressor for 30 years because of irregular/rapid heart rate, and it has worked well. Not anymore. My heart rate was extremely elevated for a month, after second much so that my medicine was doubled. Dizziness came next,and although it has subsided somewhat...I still cannot close my eyes in the shower or the room spins. 

If a booster shot comes out,I definitely will NOT take it.



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