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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Heyy, I was wondering if there are any other 18 year olds going through this sort of thing?

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I had my first Pfizer vaccine on 6 July 2021.  Within the first 5 minutes after the injection, I had a sensation on my chest, a warm, tingling feeling.  Almost felt like a thick syrup moving slowly across inside of my chest.  I felt dizzy and my ears starting to Zing.   Got up, asked the nurse if this is normal, she told me to sit again and let her know if it was not getting better.   After 10 minutes I decided to apply my mind over matter and left.  Within 3 days since the injection, I started to experience as if an elephant was standing on my chest, I had difficulty breathing from time to time.  My ears were zinging, struggled to sleep well.  Best way to describe my feeling was anxiousness,  woke up during the night feeling very anxious.  It felt as if my heart were pounding.   A constant feeling of heaviness on my chest, had to take deep breaths.   This was continuing till 3 -4 weeks after the injection.  It is better now, not all gone, yet the ringing in my ears are still there.   I do not think that I will take the second Pfizer shot in the next week or two.  The feeling was not normal and not something I want to try and overcome a second time round.  

Happy to have found this group.

This post was modified 3 years ago 2 times by Elizabeth

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I was also wondering if anyone with vestibular side effects of the vaccine has tried flying? I’m going to have to travel in a few weeks and can’t help but feel a little worried

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I received my 1st vaccine shot at the end of December the next day tingling all over my body even my lips were tingling. I was scared! I called my Rheumatoid arthritis doctor and explained her what was happening  We assumed it was a side effect of my medication since I had just changed medication recently and the medication bottle stated " may cause tingling" She changed my medication. Everyday I endured tingling in my limbs, numbness and difficulty walking because I was so unstable. Occasionally I would have twitching of my  head , dizziness, sometimes the numbness and tingling would be in the middle of my thigh. I spoke to her my RA doctor several times because the tingling never went away. She did a x-ray of my back and felt that I should see a Neurologist. Went to see the Neurologist, they did a full blood workup and a MRI. All negative - nothing was reported unusual in my MRI and blood work. A few days after seeing the Neurologist for the results   my little finger popped and felt like it was broken so I went to the ER just to make sure. He said that I was having a RA flare and put me on a steriod. Two weeks after I was on the steriod  all of my tingling sensations and side effects went away. I nor any of my doctors assumed it was the vaccine. The day after all the tingling went away I started researching the internet and discovered  That I was not crazy!!   

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Just left chiropractor. They did ear candling and adjustment. I'm not sure yet if it helped as I feel better in the afternoons

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What vitamins and how much do you take?

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Posted by: @retiredarmy

I too am Retired Military with 100% permanent and total rating due to Meniere's Disease. I still have vertigo, and am considering the steroid shot to get rid of the vertigo as it is getting worse with age. Additionally, I have had severe anaphylactic reactions to vaccines the Army has given me in the past. One was to Bubonic plague vax in 1997 (ended up in the ER), and another was to a flu vax in 2014 (again, ended up in ER). I haven't had flu vax since, as the Army made me go to an allergist, where a scratch test the Dr. performed showed that I was, in fact, allergic to the flu vaccine, however I am not allergic to poultry/eggs (a main component in flu vax). I am simply allergic to the flu vaccine for some strange reason. 

I am very scared about getting the COVID vax. I brought up my concerns to my PCM at the VA, and he dismissed all of them with barely a thought. It was the first time I saw this new PCM and I felt like he was barely listening to me. He told me the risks of COVID outweigh my concerns even though I am 42, exercise regularly and am quite healthy. I am terrified of this vaccine, however I am looking for employment and I know this will be an issue. Also, I hate the politics of this issue, but all my friends/family on ONE side of the aisle are making me feel like a real POS for not getting the vax and I simply don't understand why.

I am scared to death of what will happen to me, but apparently to some that just makes me an anti-vax, Trump loving conspiracy nut. I don't know what to say or do to get people (AND DOCTORS) to understand my concerns. I don't know how I am going to travel or go to concerts and ballgames in the future. At this point I think I'd rather just get the vax, hopefully not die, live with the vertigo for however long it lasts, and pray for the best. I truly don't know what else to do. 


I have Meniere's and did not, and will not get the vaccine.  When I talked to my ENT he told me that due to my longstanding Meniere's, it would be likely that I would suffer severe vestibular effects if I took the vaccine.  He told met that no matter if I did, or did not take the vaccine, it was still a risk, but that it was my choice to decide which risk was more acceptable. I am retired and don't go out except for essential errands, and that isn't very often.  I hate living this way but am not willing to risk the vaccine and the horrific side effects.

Best of luck, whatever you decide to do. 

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Week 4 post second vaccine: No symptoms at all. 

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@stepheneire You're only on day 3.  Give it a few weeks before getting too concerned.  For now just try to minimize inflammation before it gets worse and take lots of Vit C, and don't get too worked up over it.  Don't expect the worst because that will trigger anxiety attacks, and it's exactly what happened to me.

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What an interesting situation. Just shows how complicated it all is to figure out exactly what is happening in our bodies and how all the variables make things difficult to problem solve. I'm so glad your tingling symptoms are gone. I'm sorry you had to go through so much to get a solution. 

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Did you contact the doctor that follows you and the place where you got vaccinated? 

I did not have such challenging effects from the vaccine, but each of us reacts differently. I'm sorry you're going through this. 

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What does your chiropractor do? I went today. He just did an adjustment

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Hey all,

Healthy (formerly) 26 year old here that got the Moderna jab. Boy, what a mess. The last two weeks have been a horrible mystery trying to figure this out. So glad I've found this forum, I thought I was nuts. So, I got the first jab on July 3rd. At the same time, my ear had been itchy so I had assumed I had too much wax or an ear infection. Got that checked out, looked okay. Then, about a week or two after that first jab- I start feeling dizzy. Hmm. Must be my ear, right? I go through this whole phase of taking every pill to help my ear, nothing helps. Still dizzy. Second jab, JUly 24th. I take it, while still experiencing dizziness and now its even worse. Now, I wouldn't say it's vertigo but its a general feeling of malaise and being unable to focus. I feel jittery and unbalanced. I went to an ENT and lo and behold, it has nothing to do with my inner ear. He refers me to a neurologist because he can't figure it out. This has kind of been one big nightmare, but I'm optimistic things will get better. I can thankfully still function but I just feel uncomfortable most days. I see some improvements, and I'm taking supplements like Magnesium, Vitamin B, and a multivitamin. It's been two weeks since that last dose so I'm looking forward to, God willing, feel better here soon. One day at a time.

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My reactions occurred after the second shot. After the first I had headaches - normal I assumed. In Australia we are expected to wait 12 weeks between shots so my first was at the end of April and the second was 25th June. I will not be accepting a booster if this is ever offered. I believe that AZ is being phased out in Australia.

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@michaeljamieson : That would mimic my reaction! Second AZ shot and 10 days later severe dizziness. I am now 6 weeks post that shot, have had two hospital admissions where a small pericardial effusion was found as well ( no other precipitating factors) and I await follow up in 3 months. I did not drive until last week and have not been back to work at all.

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