Last seen: September 22, 2022 4:29 am
@saba is it almost back to normal you wanted to say? Can you please tell me more about what your actual insomnia meant? As my brain is literally not s...
Hi everyone! Along with all the other side effects, I am battling severe insomnia too! Is anyone else experiencing this? Sleeping tablets are no...
@charsen same same same!!! Week 12 for me...
My whole family now just thinks I'm crazy and need to see a psychiatrist! Whenever I'm telling them about my symptoms this is their reaction because t...
@ohjason I do! They've put me on ivabradine as mine was 100-110 resting! And then when I do slightest movement it goes up! I also have lots of other s...
Is anyone still dealing with an increased heart rate months later? Guys, I'm so scared of this whole thing! I was a healthy 28 year old and now I just...
Will this ever go away?? My heart still keeps racing as though I have long covid 🙁
Hi everyone! I had my both doses of Pfizer and as many here have developed side effects! Panic attacks, anxiety and inapropriate sinus tachycard...