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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@dizzzy2021 No, I didn't get my second shot, neither do I plan to get it. Just trying to get better,  I'm done with vaccinations, restrictions or not. Before this I was a healthy 30 year old male, now I feel like a wreck. 

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@dizzzy2021 which supplements have you used?

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@ohjason interested too!

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Has anyone tried to do detox?

Bentonite clay, steam saunas, dry skin brushing, massages, supplements. 

Will sweating help get rid of the toxins?


what is everyone doing? 


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@nikkiha how have you been doing recently?

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I wanted to post a symptom update. Today is day 14 since the obvious onset of symptoms. I had terrible brain fog, difficulty concentrating, head and neck pressure, elevated BP, dizziness, occasional vertigo and brain zaps. As of perhaps yesterday I started to feel a little better; not great but enough to give me hope. Not enough to not struggle at what were once simple tasks. Id say that all of my symptoms are still present, but lessened since day 6 when I was seen by the ER. Today I went to an ENT doctor who referred me to a neurologist. I'm not sure that I want to accrue more medical debt. I also hope that I'm not increasing my chances of early cognitive decline by not getting treated. Sadly, a tough call. Anyway, I hope everyone is getting better. It's a rough time for many of us. 

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Took Covishield in INDIA on 7th May 2021 . Have lot of issues diziness vertigo type head swirling and chest pain .

it does not go after 3 months also, as now also I feel the same . consultanted a homeopath and took some medicines , did not subside.  Consulted a cardiologist , he says the symptoms are not because of vaccine .  encouraged me to go for 2nd dose .  

But I am too scared as I still feel dizzy and have pains in legs . I feel so weak and energyless . 

do not want to risk taking the 2nd dose , too scared of the consequence .after 1st dose so many issues , God knows what will happen if I take 2nd Dose. 

I see no one in INDIA complain much , even though many my have faced consequences. That said may be vaccine is not bad as so many are perfect with vaccine ( many in my family are ok) seems that it behaves differently in some people


Jen, Covid vaccine side effects, Jen and 1 people reacted
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Need help! 

Husband had 2 anxiety attacks in the past couple of weeks.

He is healthy and nothing dramatic happened to him. His work load didn't change much. 

He had his 2nd Pfizer shot about a month ago. I am suspecting his attacks were related to his shots.

Anyone else has similar experience that you don't mind sharing?







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Hi has anyone recovered from fatigue, back of the head pressure/dizziness after first shot of pfizer? I appreciate everyone sharing experiences but it would also help very much if you come back and update if and when your stmptoms have improved or dissolved. We need good news more than bad ones on these blogs nowadays. TIA! 

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Posted by: @andym

@ethan318 Has the magnesium been helping? I just started taking it, it seems to help a bit.

How much magnesium a day are you taking?



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Joining the party. I had my first Moderna shot 4 weeks ago and had the expected fever, chills, headache, etc... that turned into dizziness, extreme nausea that wakes me all night, tinnitus, and migraines (though that's not new to me). Every time I ate, I'd be sick. If I didn't eat for hours, I'd be sick. Every morning it wakes me early and lasts hours. It feels like pregnancy sickness or bad hangover or extreme motion sickness. I blamed it on a million other things from food poisoning to my glasses, but it worsened to the point I was unable to keep down water... so I went into urgent care and they diagnosed me with ulcers (which I've had before a few times). The medications have done nothing. Now I've just had my 2nd Moderna earlier this week and the symptoms have worsened and now include very bad vertigo when I am walking, turning my head, etc., major fatigue, and the nausea is intense. I also have bad ear pain that travels through the back of my neck. The symptoms were so severe I missed 2 days of work. 

I have Ehlers Danlos with POTS, migraines, etc etc. so I am not shocked as I've had these type of post viral/post vaccine flares before but this is definitely the worst one. And now, things are harder as I'm a single mom, no car, working full time, and can't afford any more time off. 

As a person with autoimmune illness, I don't regret the vaccine as no doubt I may have these same symptoms and worse from Covid itself. BUT I do think it triggered a massive flare up of my existing issues. Does anyone else have a similar thing going on and has anyone successfully calmed down their immune system? (Or whatever else is going on...)

Jen, Covid vaccine side effects, Jen and 1 people reacted
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@mexvaxed This made me feel very, very hopeful. Thanks for posting a follow up. I know many people come to forums to post at their worst moments, but it's very caring to post when you feel better to help others. I can do 5-6 weeks. Some people may call that too long (and I agree somewhat LOL) but I have chronic issues (like many of us here it seems!!) so for me comparatively, it's like .. okay, an end in sight. I'll take it. 

I wish more doctors were honest about the symptoms vaccines can have and reassured people that it will be okay, and there may even be remedies to help. I would still get the vaccine. I know some wouldn't and that is what they're trying to avoid, but where does that leave us? I almost didn't get my second because I was scared of what would happen. If a doctor had said "Yes you might have this happen and it may even last a few months, but it is temporary and here are some things to function in the mean time" I would have felt better and had no hesitation. Thankfully forums like this exist.

Jen, Gloria M, Covid vaccine side effects and 7 people reacted
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@rand10456 how are you doing? I've read your story and am wondering if you got any better? Hope you have. 

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@gingerjones 400 mg a day although I may up the dose. We'll see. Its been helping.

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Has anyone been drinking coffee? Its an anti inflammatory for some. It's a habit I have no trouble quititng although I love it so much it's hard to give up during the weekday. I can't tell if it affects me too much. I only have one cup per day! 🤣

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