I had also insomnia and sleep problems, that lasted 2-3 weeks. Thankfully sleep problems are over for me for now. I also had some pretty good medication prescribed by my doctor, but it made me super sleepy the next day, so I took it for about 1 week. After that, my problems with sleep seemed to subside.
I had the exact same. I also got j&j in April. I'm still dealing with the dizziness, off balance, full ears and tinnitus.
Will this ever go away?? My heart still keeps racing as though I have long covid 🙁
I received my first Pfizer shot on June 29th, for the first two days I only had a sore arm but on the third day I started experiencing severe side effects like dizziness, headache, sore eyes along with blurry vision, fatigue, concentration problems and just a sense of feeling unwell.
I visited two doctors, the first one said it was anxiety, which I didn't believe ofc. The second doctor checked everything and couldn't find anything but said it could be because of the vaccine and told me to just rest and wait it out. I also started eating healthy and taking turmeric, magnesium, vit d, vit c and a multivitamin.
Well, I'm 6 weeks further now and while some of my side effects have become less severe such as the dizziness and my blurry vision, I'm still not fully recovered and can't do much else than just rest and wait.
Has anyone recovered from this? Can I expect my situation to improve and will I become my old self again? I'm trying to stay positive but it's difficult sometimes.
I very much appreciate this site being one of very few places that promotes discussion on this topic.
I had Cov in Oct of 2020. Went in to get my first shot (Moderna) on Monday July 26th in the evening. I experienced the arm pain and flu-like symptoms Tuesday evening.
I first started noticing the symptoms Thursday the 29th at lunch. Sitting in a somewhat loud and crowded BBQ restaurant slowly started to creep up my anx to the point I had to throw away my partial completed sandwich and seek relief in the car. Friday was mostly ok until leaving for lunch and then I couldn't get myself to even do a drive through.
Monday I went back to work and made it through the day, but again lunch was rough and just sitting at work was uncomfortable that afternoon.
Tuesday I went in for an hour or so and had to leave because I was uncomfortable. I haven't been back in since. It is Thursday the 12th as I write this and I haven't been back in. I'm working from home as best I can when I'm not overwhelmed.
I've been to the Urgent Care, a Primary Care, and then this week the ER. No one can find anything wrong with me other than elevated heart rate, but blood work and EKG came back clear. I was given a script of Vistaril (hydroxyzine pamoate) to calm me down. I noticed some drowsiness the first day, but it seems the effect has lessened after a couple days.
My symptoms have been dizziness/mental fog, elevated heart rate, hair trigger anxiety and panic, never ending dull headache, stomach discomfort, tingling feeling most notably in legs during high anxiety.
Thank you all for sharing your stories. I hope that we can all get through this and get back to a normal life. ❤️
Hi everyone
I've posted previously so thought I'd give an update if only to contribute to the understanding of the huge variety of symptoms that we all seem to have.
As background, I received my first AZ shot on 4 May, I was ok for a couple of days then had severe pins and needles with nausea for a few days after that. This cleared up mostly but did notice I felt full after eating quite a lot but didn't think anything further about it at the time
Two weeks later is when my severe symptoms started. These vary in severity and duration at different points but in a nutshell, I had gastro symptoms (awful nausea, loss of appetite for 2-3 weeks, excessive burping) for a few weeks with the more neurological symptoms appearing around a month later (double vision in the mornings, dizziness, pins and needles in arms and feet, lower lip and face twitching, eye floaters). That is a very brief overview of what was happening. Bloods came back normal and I have been tested for h pylori which came back negative.
I am now in week 11 since severe symptoms started and week 14 after the vaccine and I am waiting results of a MRI scan I had this week. I am expecting (and hoping) that this comes back clear based on what I have read here. I still have some symptoms (burping, lip twitches, double vision in the mornings stopped last week) and am remaining cautiously optimistic that progress is being made.
It has not been a linear recovery and I only see progress if I look at it month by month rather than week by week. I actually managed to attend a wedding last week which was my first social event since all this started. I didn't last until the end of the celebrations (I normally would) but I was happy I could attend without any serious flare-up of symptoms.
I still have some facial and eye twitching along with a few other issues so I may need further referrals from my neurologist to see this thing through. I saw previous posts about sleep problems and mine is still erratic, some nights OK but not as good as prior to all this, some nights really not.
That's my journey so far and all I can say is for me, recovery has been reaaaaally slow. I was/am a healthy gym/swim person with no prior conditions so this has really taken it out of me as it has all of us. However, this forum has provided me with some comfort seeing as the medical profession seems to not want to acknowledge that some of us have adverse reactions to the vaccines.
I was due my second shot in early July. I skipped it and do not intend on having it despite the many reminders I keep getting sent haha.
@dorin Whatever you do in the following days, don't panic. And this is coming from someone who has discovered first hand how panic only exacerbates EVERY symptom you might have.
It will get better, just not as soon as you'd like. Don't mistake me for a complete pessimist, but recovering after the vaccine really requires, well, weeks, tbh. The sooner you accept that, the better (sth I had to learn as I'm not the most patient person regarding health issues).
My one and only suggestion would be that if you get prescribed with heavy-duty medication (e.g. sedatives, antidepressants, high doses of corticosteroids), first consider if you really need them. For illustration, I've be given sth to help me sleep and reduce anxiety - I took it twice, relaxed for a bit, but then brain fog and dizziness worsened. I'm not saying they cannot help, just evaluate the possible repercussions prior to taking them, so that you won't get panicky afterwards.
For the first two weeks, I was willing to take just about anything, but then realised there are no shortcuts with this.
And if you are frightened about the second dose, skip it, or at least postpone it. Don't worry about that just now, take one day at a time.
@tiredofthisdrama Regarding irregular heart rhythm and palpitations, what helped me was to completely remove caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, high-salt items and spicy food from my diet.
Yes, it has takem roughly 86 % pleasure away from eating, but hey, at least my heart is not bouncing around the chest anymore.
@athrift03 I am also experiencing jaw pain and ear aches along with ear fullness, ear ringing insomnia, anxiety just horrible. Depression, loss of appetite and overall feeling horrible.
@ernied Oh, yeah, you are definitely not the only one experiencing panic attacks that appear out of nowhere, but somehow correlate with vaccination. Concerning the sensation of imminent demise - again, you are not alone here.
Perhaps try a(n overdose) combination of vitamin C, vitamin D, selenium, gingko biloba and ginseng. That's what I'm taking and at least keeps the anxiety at bay.
@jeank thank you, thank you! It made me feel so much better that you wrote back. I did take a rapid Covid test today as I am hearing that some Covid patients are not experiencing fever even. This whole thing is a big nightmare! I am also writing down notes of my symptoms on daily basis. My primary care proscribed antibiotics for my throat and ear ache. It’s been 10 days now and my throat hurts and burns. I hope soon we can all get through this!
@jeank Thank you very much Jean. I know it is terrible of me to actually hope I am not alone in this. I hope it goes away as suddenly as it appeared. I would always consider myself as a strong, suffer in silence type guy, but I stumbled upon this forum and I had the need to ask others. I have never suffered from any anxiety or anything else like this. The vaccine was the only variable I could think of. I will definitely begin your vitamin regimen. Thank you for listening to my whine, thank you for being here for others and I sincerely hope you continue to get better.
@pfizervictim I have the same condition like you first and only jab in 26th june.dizziness headache and brain fog still left and not recovered.used lots of tablets and vitamins didnt work.did you go for second jab?
Hi! Question. I had Moderna 8 weeks ago, the next day I had these weird symptoms like hot flashes on my back and feeling really cold outside when it was nice weather. I would also sweat more I think and get cold sweats outside. I thought this would pass... but it didn't. I took the second dose of Moderna 4 weeks ago and my symptoms became worse, I now still have hot flashes every day and it just feels like my body reacts different to warm and cold conditions, I don't know. My doctor this its a stress reaction caused by my fear of taking the vaccine. Does anyone else have these symptoms and maybe soms advice on how to handle this? Thanks! gr