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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@ethan318  Magnesium is better absorbed when applied topically, like magnesium spray, or add 1 cup Epsom salts to bath water... soak 20 min.

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Hello everyone,

So glad I've found this forum. I've been incredibly anxious, stressed, lonely and depressed for a long time now.

I had my first dose of pfizer 10 weeks ago.. instantly had tiredness and severe neck and back ache. After two weeks this went into my face and the face pain was unlike anything I'd experience. I went to ER and was told it was a Migraine/nerve pain. 

Symptoms increased and at week 4 I started having pain and twitching in my left leg. This spread and became widespread. Legs arms back even neck twitches. Internal tremors. Electricity feeling inside my body. Google telling me I have ALS. Terrified. Panic attacks heightened.

Signed off work and my Dr's note said 'pfizer adverse reaction - spasms'

10 weeks in and taking magnesium, b12, vit d and turmeric. Lots of green tea. Muscle twitching still very present. Mainly at night. But melonic jerks have reduced which helps sleep.

Gp today has requested urgent neurology referrel. Waiting list long though.

Bloods and ct scan clear.

Been advised to not have the 2nd jab and even if I hadn't I wouldn't have it.

I wish everyone well xx

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For me no supplements helped… I actually notice when I don’t take them I feel better sometimes lol

I took all the supplements mentioned on this forum

but I will finish the ones I have otherwise it will be a waste 

Brain fog is something that is really hard to get rid of … 

This post was modified 3 years ago 2 times by Hope123

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@jardelina I got my 5-HTP at Sequoia, a Natural Supplement store; AOR brand extra strength. The 5-HTP was the only thing to take the pain away. FYI… wearing a headset (compressing ears) causes dizziness to start for me. Have been pretty good on dizziness as long as I avoid caffeine.

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@hope123 Same for me! i tried quercetin ibuprofen magnesium antihistamines Vitamin Zinc ect ... But I feel healthier without all of it. Today after 2 months of symptoms I had a terrible headache yet it had been a cool day without too much dizziness and mild brain fog. I went back to work today after two weeks of vacation We will have to hold on to be courageous but tonight it's hard when I think of the week ahead and then the others ... Always hope that I heal I think of  @jassy1957 recovered with imilar symptom to give me courage 😊

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When did you get your vaccine? How late long did it take to get better?

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p.s. My doctor, an experienced physician from a prestigious hospital in NYC who also teaches there, said that between the 2 of us, he thinks the dizziness and tinnitus is from the vaccine. Unfortunately, it seems that those in the medical community are being pressured to not speak about this.

The link below is for those in the medical profession, although some who posted are not.

I personally find box breathing helpful when feeling anxious or stressed.  You can find much info on it, but it's basically breathing in while counting to 4, hold 4, exhale 4 and hold 4.

Wishing everyone well.

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I was told by others to take Benadryl because I am having an allergic reaction to the vaccine. Seems to help a little but need something stronger. Hope this help. I’m gonna go back to dr tomorrow asking for them to take a smear of my blood too. 

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  • Would anybody recommend taking the pfizer vaccine? I have concussion for the last 6 months and am attending rehab for vestibular issues. The Pfizer vaccine has now received FDA approval and my employer is requesting that staff take it.

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I am a concerned wife.  My husband took the Moderna vaccine back on March 4th.  A few days later he began to feel real bad.  The dizziness started, high blood pressure, stumbling around, a little slurring and vertigo.  His blood pressure was beginning to stay high and continued to increase daily.  I took him into the ER thinking he was having a stroke as he had previously had a stroke 7 years earlier and some of the same symptoms were present then.  I even thought I was being smart and took him to the same hospital that treating him the first time.  His blood pressure was 200/120 somthing.  The ER just let him sit for hours and when we stated we thought the symptoms were side effect of the vaccine you would have thought we had 3 heads.  They finally sent us home with medicine they give to drug users.  They told us he was ok and that he was just detoxing from alcohol.  I asked the doctors how could he be detoxing from alcohol when he just drinks socially?  They acted like he was a raging alcoholic and sent him on his way.  Two weeks later I had him back in the ER for the same symptoms but they had progressed.  We got the same story different verse...they gave him an additional blood pressure medication to help bring down the blood pressure.  

The symptoms continued and one day I received a call from my husband stating he needed me to take him back in it was unbearable so off to the ER we went.  This time I went to a different hospital within the same family of hospitals so they could see his past tests etc.  I told them I wanted everything checked.  They had already checked heart, liver, kindneys etc but never his head.  I kept saying it was in his head meaning neurological but I guess they thought I meant he was crazy.  Finally I was able to get his head checked out and we were told that he had fluid on his brain, his left corotid artery is 100% blocked and he has had another small stroke.  I did asked if they could tell how long ago the stroke had happen and he said recent but not more than a year.  He just couldn't give exact time frame.  Once again we mentioned the vaccine and they thought he was crazy.  For the dizziness and vertigo they told him to take over the counter motion sickness meds.  This did nothing for him.  

I am asking for any help on what we should do to help make him feel better.  He is self employed and he is struggling to work each day.  I have heard about taking Ivermectin or Hydrochloroquin along with other vitamins.  Are there any tests we need to have done to show what is truly happening?  How have some of you been diagnosed or are you self diagnosing?  

I am scared for my husband.  He is only 54 years old and keeps saying that by the way he feels know he doesn't think he will be alive in another month.  Any help is appreciated. 

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@hnlinneman I feel mostly better. I have some residual things still: when I get up each morning I still have a short bout of dizziness. I am seeing a neurologist soon & am wondering if I have fluid in my ear that needs to be drained. Sometimes when I kneel down and have my head down, I feel I might tip forward. But in general, I can now walk pretty well, my vision seems pretty good (I had nystagmus for a long time) and I don't have the full feeling in my ear or pressure in my head/base of skull. I had a trip planned to Alaska not quite a month and a half after the onset of all this and wasn't sure if I could fly or do the other activities we had planned. But I was determined to do it and pushed myself. Surprisingly enough, I didn't have issues with flying or the boat rides ( used scopolapine patch & anti-nausea meds) but my biggest struggles was climbing up a small mountain. It was a huge struggle, even with a walking stick, to keep my balance. Right before my trip, I did some physical therapy at a balance clinic. At first they thought maybe it was more positional vertigo but then farther into it she said sorry, you have the type of thing that is just going to take more time to resolve. I hope your symptoms continue to resolve but it's hard to be patient, or we wonder if they ever will resolve. Hoping for steady improvement for you!

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@markm90 hey Mark, I developed a lot of floaters with bad eye pain and photophobia about a week after my second dose.  Most of the floaters are in the left eye with a few in the right eye.  I dont know if they have gotten any better.  have yours? 

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I was reading the comments on this forum and I wanted to share that I have suffered vertigo for the past 7 weeks following my Pfizer shot. I was unable to drive, or function in a a person in the world 🌎 since 12 days after getting the shot. I woke up dizzy and spinning and vomiting. My feet and ankles were also oddly swollen and like pillows with fluid. I was taken to the hospital and put on an Iv., then Serc meds to help the dizziness and nausea. I am still on meds. I am still having dizzy spells and they are happening randomly. I feel fluorescent lighting is a trigger. 
I have seen my family physician and undergone several tests that have all came back normal. I am a healthy 42 year old and I was doing fine until the 1st Covid shot.  Doctors are being very quiet about it, and not really saying much. It’s been a frustrating experience. I will NOT be getting Covid vaccine shot #2 after this terrible experience.  

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Posted by: @sunonmyface

The following three people have experienced Vertigo after taking the Pfizer vaccine. My brother is 67 years old, my sister who is 66 years old and a good friend who is 74 years old. All 3 are in excellent health and had debilitating Vertigo experiences that included spinning sensations and extreme dizziness leading to vomiting. My brother required hospitalization. I wonder if there is a way to find out if more people have had Vertigo after taking the Pfizer vaccine?

Yes, definitely! Check out this link for another Veda forum with many, many posts!

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This is a link to a very interesting recent medical article sure to click on the comment section and take the time to read the many widely varying reactions to the information proposed in this article...!

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