@concernedwife I am so sorry to hear of your (and your husband's) experiences, and all of you who are suffering.
You may also want to connect with the people here. They are also looking for treatment.
Sending best wishes.
@larag Hello Are you in the uk? My symptoms are identical to yours and coincidentally I'm taking the same supplements as you (as well as Zinc )I had my first AZ shot April 3rd and symptoms came on first week and have gradually increased and gradually spread all through my limbs torso and skull. I was a healthy 70 year old but now worried my lifespan will be greatly reduced. i feel the Gp's are not interested but I have been referred(although It seems reluctantly) to neurology I 've been told it will be a long wait and that was 2 months ago.After reading this forum i think there must be thousands of us suffering these same side effects and waiting to see neurologists. My symptoms are continual but the tingling vibrations etc get worse at night and keep me awake which doesn't help matters. I worried that I was going a bit mad and all this was immaginary but after reading the forums it has reasured me that its not. It is worrying but At night I try and calm myself with some deep breathing and eventually i do get a few hours sleep. I meant to say Gp did advise better not to have 2nd jab ... Common sense it will make symptoms worse
Let me know how you get on and if you get your neurology appointment what they say. My best wishes to you for the future. kind regards.
@larag So sorry to hear you're going through this ordeal but omg is this breaking news. The first doctor to actually recognize these symptoms as vaccine related and advise you against having a second dose. Maybe not the first but it's rare. I can only hope more will start paying attention to these debilitating side effects and take proper action. In the meantime to all people affected please stop questioning your sanity and don't feel like you have to have your second dose if you are not convinced.
@pfizervictim Hi there! hang in there and don't panic. Although I'm not in a relationship, I can relate on the 'I miss the person I used to be'. I used to think exactly that (everyday) about myself. I'm at week 12, and the last 10 days have been much better (5 good days, 2 not as good days but not bad). And it's on those good days that I've started feeling like me again and having that energy back and seeing the world as I used to see it. It's very encouraging and ups my spirit. So all I can say is hang in there, you'll be yourself again but with extra energy as your days will feel real again. Rest, sleep, eat well, drink water/electrolytes and hang in there, you'll slowly and steadily get yourself back 😉
@dianeminnesota if you are still having symptoms try Benadryl or the prescription if your doctor will give it to you hydroxyzine of course my doctor didn’t believe me or any of you cause I printed over 100 of dizziness symptoms. But since I didn’t have these symptoms at the onset I was a liar. They will never believe us cause that would prove them wrong. 😡. Good luck praying for a complete recovery 🙏🏻
@mooningemini try some Benadryl a doctor friend of my daughter told her to tell me to take some and within 3/4 of a day dizziness and hyperventilating was gone. Still have a headache and fatigue but I just think it’s from the twelve days of dizziness and hyperventilating. Good luck prayers for a full recovery. 2 trips to er 1 trip to urgent care and other to my doctor nobody believed me or any of you since I printed out some of y’all’s comments to prove our point and get someone to listen to us. Sorry I failed 😞 they are most all sheep and tow the line. Thank God not all doctors are like mine.
Try Benadryl it worked for me. I had dizziness and was hyperventilating for 12 days straight within 3/4 of a day that’s all gone still have headache and fatigue but I think that’s caused by hyperventilating for 12 days straight. Good luck sending prayers ❤️
If it doesn’t go fully away try Benadryl because we are all having an allergic reaction to the vaccine. In 3/4 of a day my dizziness and hyperventilating gone. Still have headache and fatigue but I think that from 12 day of dizziness and hyperventilating. Good luck. Praying for you 🙏🏻 This advice came from a doctor to bad mine didn’t believe me 😡
Bilateral Menieres here - I got both Pfizer shots without anything other than typical side effects. No vertigo. Even if it’d had triggered an episode, though, I still would have gotten them.
Ok so I hope I’m putting this in the right place, 2 weeks after my second Pfizer jab I woke up like normal went to the kitchen then felt like I was whooshing through a tunnel with pressure on my face the lights through the window went strange the black got blacker and the white whiter I couldn’t explain it I had to sit on the ground and my husband after about ten minutes said to me try and stand, I couldn’t it was like I had been spinning as a child, I thought I had had a stroke I went to a and e and had various other hospital appointments they picked up on nothing i had a fullness in my right hand side of my head and I felt dizzy and had complete brain fog for 3 weeks I eventually got my gp after several trips to hospital ( I wish I had got him straight away but COVID has sooo much to answer) he prescribed me cinnarizine 3 x 15mg which I really felt helped, I found the best things for this are eating an orange when you feel dizzy (I know got it from this site though and it helps) take multi vits and ibuprofen, whenever I felt dizzy they helped, I have now been five days with no meds at all just oranges and vits and I even bopped around my kitchen this morning to my favourite song before work, I don’t feel 100% still tired by late afternoon but functional, this website saved me from hours of panic and thinking it will never end, it will,just rest when you need to rest and eat and drink, no coffee or choc or any caffeine, loads of water, thank you again to the beautiful people who replied on this when they felt better, I am 35 female very fit with an active job ( farmer and mum) and it knocked me for six for a few weeks but I can safely say I’m the other side now so good luck stick with it, it is something !you are not crazy but it does go xxx my second jab was July 17th
@ohjason I do! They've put me on ivabradine as mine was 100-110 resting! And then when I do slightest movement it goes up! I also have lots of other symptoms and my wedding is in a month today 🙁 I am just so so tired of all of this...
@mexvaxed thanks for the kind and positive words, really needed them! I hope, no I'm confident we will all heal from this in time! Compared to some weeks ago I'm already in much better shape, gotta stay strong!
@dianeminnesota I’m thinking of finally getting my second dose almost 4 months later (had to wait since I had 1st dose and Covid at the same time). But last night I didn’t sleep at all. Heart palpitations, chest pain, and shoulder pain on and off. I’ve heard this are post Covid symptoms but still scary.