@dmac01515 thank you for sharing, I’m glad you have had some relief from the vertigo and I wish you well and a full recovery. I will look into the epley manoeuvre.. the pain in my head on the right side and the off balance are the worst symptoms for me. Hopefully it may help. Thank you again, appreciate it.
Hope you are doing well. Its been a long time since I posted anything here. Just wanted to check with you as to how you are doing after the second vaccine shot. Are you feeling better now. I am considering taking my second dose and completing the vaccination. I remember you had mentioned that your symptoms came back afer the second dose but wanted to know if they also improve over time. thanks !
@estonia Oh yes, it's completely mental, like some second-rate dystopian novel with a strong emphasis on dehumanisation 😓 Today, they have exploited the last iota of my patience, because of which I've written a somewhat fierce email to my doctor saying: "I shall come on Friday at 7AM, you shall give me referrals for several specialists, I'm fed up and you shall listen". Their response was quite timid, only "Yes, of course, we shall talk about everything".
Regarding your December appointment: if you can, contact them directly and extort a sooner date! From last week, I just go to various doctors, I don't even bother with waiting anymore (unless they are very nice and admit they have similar cases).
@anonym2 Hi 🙂
So have you completely recovered from the first vaxx, that you are considering the second one? 🙂
From what I´ve heard, the damage from the vaccine could be cumulative, so when you had bad reactions from the first there are no recommendations that you should take the second.
BRAVO! 🎉 Thank you for sharing! That's incredible! After all the naysaying endured!
Amazing that these ones that the "Anxiety" buck is getting passed to would give such a response! It's like they're yelling, "Enough, already!" So great to be validated in this way! It's like they're telling you, "Take your anxiety, realize it's warranted, add this validation, …and let it fuel action!!"
Hi Estonia, thanks for the response. I have not fully recovered from my first shot. symptoms have surely subsided. I had take the first roughly 4 months ago. This is what i am currently experiencing.
1. Slight tightness is neck (was elevated when i got the shot)
2. Slight tightness in back of head (was quite persistent when i got the shot). mostly experience during PC work or phone screen
3. Lingering giddiness when for example I am chopping vegetables etc (this also has now greatly reduced)
4. slight jaw related clicking
I have been doing physical therapy for neck 2 times a week and only medication i took was naproxene 500 mg for 2 weeks which helped reduce inflammation.
Can you kindly share your experience and let me know if u experienced the same ? Did your doctor recommend you take the second one or have taken in medication that has helped improve. I have had mixed opinions from my physicians with some saying get it while some advising against it.
thanks !
@thenystagmus Oh dear, I've never heard that before, hope I haven't offended anyone. 😊
Hope you are doing well. Its been a long time since I posted anything here. Just wanted to check with you as to how you are doing after the second vaccine shot. Are you feeling better now. I am considering taking my second dose and completing the vaccination. I remember you had mentioned that your symptoms came back afer the second dose but wanted to know if they also improve over time. thanks !
Hi, thanks for checking in on me. After I had my second shot I was symptom free for three days but then it all came back. Unfortunately I'm still getting symptoms mainly dizziness and tinnitus. A couple of weekends ago I had the worse dizziness ever. Symptoms seem to come and go with me and seem to come in cycles. Lately my eyesight is not as it was and my contact lenses no longer feel adequate. I have an opticians appointment next week. Having good days too which baffles me somewhat. Do I regret having the second shot, yes I do. Some people do ok after their second shot, we're all different I suppose.
How are you doing?
@thenystagmus Oh dear, I've never heard that before, hope I haven't offended anyone. 😊
Nah, probably just inspired a few chuckles. 😅
Decades ago, when my spouse was young and on a freighter "cruise" around Norway, a couple of young ladies from the UK were also on holiday (we'd say, vacation) and they were tablemates. The tea was served and one exclaimed, "This tea is strong enough to trot a mouse across!" Not a saying in the US, but was met with merriment, a request for repeating, and remembered to this day!
We'd say "Strong enough to stand a spoon up in" and "Keep your chin up" ...we all speak English, but the UK variety is a bit different than over here in the (former) colonies 😂
@tabby PS ...I didn't mean you should already know ...I meant I should tell you so you'll know 😏
@tabby PS ...I didn't mean you should already know ...I meant I should tell you so you'll know 😏
No probs, I understand. Are you continuing to make good progress?
@thenystagmus Either I worry about my symptoms and double check every horrible (social) media story so that I don't adopt a million afflictions OR I utilise my time and nag everyone to get a holistic, comprehensive treatment.
I think I will resent their retort "it's just stress, try to relax" so much that it will become a rage trigger for years to come. If nothing else, I'll get a complete, and I mean complete, physical examination before I'm 30.
I made an appointment for my eyes to be tested today and I explained to the receptionist that I was getting vestibular symptoms after the vaccines. She said she knows of many of people who had complained about side effects, she wasn't specific but she said the vax seemed to be stirring up various illnesses among people. 😏
@sajlent Hi. I am wondering what adverse effects you had and which ones were overcome with Singulair. Thank you.
Singulair helped me with dizziness, some fullness in ear which released for moments with some pop sound when move my jaw.. helped with balance when walking and problems with moving head left-right. Also helped with strange mental feelings but is hard to me to find words for that.. just after 2-3 pills I get better.. all that things are there and stay in background, I can feel it, but after that pills my recovery started. Until I take that pills every day I just go trough same horror.. for almost 4 years.
Like I said.. I have that problem before and I recover when starting taking that pills. Basically.. I take just 4 or 5 of them and stoped. But I get better in a week.. like I said, I feel that dizziness and al that thing somewhere in background, but eaven that was like born again after 4 years of constant horror.
Year and half after I take Sinopharm vaccine and all that come back.. 14 days after first dose. So after 6-7 days I deceide to try with that pills again.. I take 4 ot 5 of them and same as before.. I get better again. I deceide to take 2. dose of Sinopharm vaccine and two weeks after is just today. I didn't get any symptom for now.
Also.. I have many other symptoms. All things people talking here, but don't know much about something helpful for that. I just take some anti inflammatory honey from dr.Gabriels recipe. I think that product sales only localy. I try to find something similar more international, but no luck with that.. and that help me with all other symptoms and also with ones I talk about up there I think.
I had my 2nd qhizer jab in the 8th July 10 days after I had severe vertigo at 5 in the morning which lasted a day and over time I am very slowly getting better but still unbalanced and light headed and a little bit dizzy I'm now on week 6 with this and I'm assuming it's a reaction to the jab has anyone had it as long as me