Does anyone notice their symptoms get worse throughout the day? I start out each morning feeling nearly normal, but the head pressure usually starts within an hour or two followed by dizziness and headaches typically starting around 1pm. I also notice the headache increases when I lie down. Troubling because the head pressure and heaviness in my head makes me want to lie down but I find no relief. My doctor wanted to send me for a spinal tap to check for intercranial hypertension, but I got nervous and asked to postpone. I'm still not entirely clear on the positional nature of the headaches and pressure. I'm also pretty thin which isn't typical for this type of condition.
So I actually have two questions - has anyone here noticed symptoms get worse throughout the day or when lying down nd also if anyone has had a spinal tap to check for intercranial pressure.
Thanks eveyone. I'm at week 11 post second Moderna shot starting on Tuesday. Haven't had much relief yet but I'm still hanging on to the hope week 12 will be my turning point like it seems to be for others here. Determined to get back to my old self soon!
@larag ok had a lot of twitching that seems to seems to have stopped. I am still dealing with horrible right sided head pressure from back of head to scalp to temple to jaw. With horrible vision and vertigo issues. Can’t do anything a little bit of strenuous activity and it’s get worse. Been to 2 different neurologist completely useless. Gave me medication said I have migraines took the medication did nothing went back he asked what other medication I’d like to try. The other one said my nerve was inflamed but didn’t know why. Sent me to a pain clinic for steroid shot which they denied doing. After that I stopped going. I had only one dose of the phzier shot 4.5 months ago. I feel as though I’m going to die at any moment. I’ve given up going to Er or doctors I am hopeless. Before the shot I was was healthy happy high functioning hiking climbing fishing working 60 hours a week. Haven’t done any of those hobbies for months and currently can’t work.
Hi everyone, I am new here but want to say thank you to all that have posted. I feel you have saved my sanity and I am not alone. I literally have felt like I am going crazy these last 3 to 4 months. I am a 39 year old female, no medical conditions, healthy and active. No allergies and in good health. I had the Moderna shot May 19. Immediately I felt strange. I am not afraid of needles or anything and have had vaccinations before with no effects, but when I had the shot it literally burned. By the time I got home I was feeling spacey so went to bed and slept it off. Woke up the next day and my arm was so sore even my clothes touching it hurt. The following day I was on a video call at work and a wave of extreme nausea came over me and dizziness. I finished my call and decided some fresh air might help so I went for a walk. About 5 minutes into the walk my legs started to feel strange and my brain felt disconnected from my body. Then I started to have some blurred vision so I went back home and decided to lay down. Then my face and lips started tingling and going numb along with my arms and legs. My husband called an ambulance. They came and said I was not having a stroke or heart attack and said I was having a panic attack. To be clear, I have suffered from anxiety in my early 20s. This was not a panic attack. I was breathing normally, no hyperventilation. It was not anxiety. So instead of being taken by ambulance, my husband took me to urgent care. All blood work, ecg and tests were normal. Went home and had the same bouts of dizziness, nausea and tingling and numbness for the following two weeks throughout the day. After about 4 weeks, I started having dizziness and equilibrium issues. My legs would feel like they were not fully grounded and like I might fall. I have been having regular headaches, unexplained heart palpitations even when sitting or resting. I have had major back and joint pain, mostly in my legs, knees and feet. And the most uncomfortable symptom are these unexplainable waves of panic and adrenaline. The fight or flight response. Also the feeling that my head is woozy or a drunk feeling without having a drink. And the feeling that I am literally going crazy. Sometimes it lasts for a few minutes sometimes a few seconds and then it is suddenly gone. As mentioned, I have had anxiety in my 20s and this is NOT a normal anxiety attack. It is out of nowhere even when I am at home just reading a book. It is so strange. I have been to my doctor a couple times now and she has been wonderful, but still no explanation as all my tests keep coming back normal. She does believe it is from the vaccine and has told me not to get the second shot yet. This has now been almost 4 months of this, but I have felt much better in this last week. So feeling hopeful this will pass. Has anyone else experienced these types of symptoms? Thanks for listening. It felt so good to get that out. Love to all who are suffering from this.
Hi Lindsay, I started having 'panic attacks' with no previous history of them, heart palpitations, tingly, headache, tinnitus and some serious nausea and brain fog. Earlier on wildly swinging heart rate and blood pressure and heard to breathe. There are times, especially in the evening that I feel drunk despite not drinking. I constantly feel tingly/buzzy/fluttery and have a permanent headache. Sometimes my legs feel weak and I get waves of absolute exhaustion - I can't sleep at all though without medication. Like you my panic attack symptoms can come on when I'm just watching a movie - out of nowhere. I have def felt anxious in my life before but this isn't anxiety!! It feels like my fight or flight response is just taking over! I've been to hospital twice and my husband called the ambulance once, many bloods all normal, ECG normal. I didn't have some of your symptoms (pain, blurred vision etc) but a lot of similarities! I'm 6 weeks since the first (mine was Phizer) I've felt a little better last 3 days, although it does swing around a bit and I've had a few days off - I did end up having to take sick leave for the first 3 weeks or so. Just wanted to reply to you as the panic attacks are truly awful and you are not alone!! Look after yourself, I feel like its just about giving it time, eating well etc - I'm trying a low histamine diet and am seeing a naturopath who has been brilliant 🙂
@nidelka thank you so much. I really appreciate the response and while I am sad that anyone else is experiencing this I am comforted that I am not alone and someone else understands. Thank you. And yes, amazing about the naturopath, I hadn’t thought of that, but think that is a great idea. Take care and hope you are feeling better very soon.
@annaniz me same problems taking Xyzal for dizziness 2x a day. Help most of the time till I really exert myself and Ativan for the hyperventilating. I seem to hyperventilate cause I can’t catch my breath. It help calm me down enough that I can breathe. But the chills and shakes follow regardless of how quick I control my breathing. And nothing helps the brain fog 😔 I’m treating the symptoms not the cause but it has made life easier. Below is a link to a website that a Senator and others made to help our voices be heard. Please all of you seeing this post go on tell you story. Then keep passing the website link on. We must be heard and believe so that doctors and researchers can find cures to help us. Hope you feel better and please keep me posted. 🙏🏻
@charsen I am unvaxxed, for which I had until quite recently felt ashamed. I am not ashamed anymore, nor am I proud.
I just consider myself lucky.
@jacquelynsauriol that's the smart choice for now, I just hope you don't catch Covid in the meantime and develop some serious LH issues, even worse than ours I mean.
@pfizervictim Thanks - I had Covid in 2019, before we knew much; natural immunity has carried me thus far in good health. Having had it, I can say that the adverse events I am reading about are much more difficult to sort out (and of course infinitely more angering) than my experience with the actual disease. I am on this forum to gain knowledge as my partner and her 19 year old son were vaxxed and I want to be ready for whatever that means for them, now and in the future.
It really doesn’t matter the vaccine does not protect you from getting the virus. Which I never really understood why push the vaccines so hard. I mean a vaccine should make you immune to the virus. When you get the flu shot you don’t say that you are getting the flu vaccine
@jacquelynsauriol hmmm I try again.
To everyone out there with side effects or care giver to someone with covid vaccine side effects. Please go to the link below website and tell your stories. We need everyone so that we will be believed. This website was started by a Senator to help us be heard and believe so that they can start to figure out why and cure our side effects. Please share with everybody out there even people without side effects so they may read hundreds of first hand accounts of their side effects from all the vaccine thanking you all in advance for your help Cheri
Hi all,
Here is a video made from those suffering from adverse reactions from the vaccine. Please share.
Thinking of you all and wishing you well.
@deslinda Hi I hope this message finds you well. I am having similar heart issues as you and was wondering how the second dose of the vaccine has been ? I am torn about whether to get my second dose or not. Any infomration provided is greatly appreciated!
@benpeck oh yes. I was good for 2 weeks and then I was bad for 2 weeks. That when on for soo long. Even some days now I feel the SLIGHTEST bit of brain fog and then it goes away. The the bad weeks turned into bad days and the bad days turned into barely noticeable days.