Last seen: November 19, 2021 4:15 pm
Hi everyone, Just watched this very interesting interview from a former nurse and now a medical researcher that has suffered a lot of the same sympt...
@jacquelynsauriol wow this was really interesting. Thank you for sharing this.
@pfizervictim hi there. To be honest, she said she wasn’t quite sure, but she thought it may be a hyper-sensitive reaction or inflammation. She did al...
@jpgdubgmail-com my itching would come and go in different areas of my body. Mainly my arms, legs and head. Sometimes like a full on itch but sometime...
@charsen thank you for your message and for the well wishes. I didn’t take anything for my anxiety but did start doing breathing techniques when I was...
Hi everyone, I wanted to post again and let you know how I am doing. I am a 39 year old female, very healthy, no pre existing medical conditions. I ...
@nidelka thank you so much. I really appreciate the response and while I am sad that anyone else is experiencing this I am comforted that I am not alo...
Hi everyone, I am new here but want to say thank you to all that have posted. I feel you have saved my sanity and I am not alone. I literally have fel...
@anotherone92 I have just found this forum and I am so thankful. I totally agree with you on the psychological symptoms. I seem to have these bouts of...