Folks, I had covid 19 in March 2020.Lost my sense of smell which has never returned. Only other symptom was a headache on left side of my head which was 24/7 and lasted about 7 weeks then disappeared overnight. I then had a croaky / hoarse voice during summer of 2020 which i then discovered was a side affect of covid. Was fine after that , with no other issues. Had my first AZ jab in March 2021. All fine for about 2 weeks then I started the croaky / hoarse voice again and my lymph nodes on right side of my neck swelled up.All in all it lasted about 7 weeks before things settled down.Few visits to my GP who was pretty useless .Wouldn’t commit to the jab being the cause even though I have never at any stage had swollen lymph nodes.2nd jab on 3rd July.All was fine then after 2/ 3 weeks I felt drained and fatigued. Thought it would pass ,then the headaches started, similar to when I had the Covid virus.I have persevered with it for past 8 weeks as wouldn’t waste my time with visiting my GP.I know it’s vaccine related and I would probably get fobbed off with “ keeping taking the pain killers” and come back in few weeks if no better. I now get odd day or 1/2 when I feel “ normal “ then the spaced out / tight head returns. It is hard trying to hold down a job and act normal when you feel as if your head is in a different orbit. When at home I sit with an ice pack on my head or if the headache shifts to back of head a hot water bottle on my neck as painkillers don’t do anything for it. .Hopefully this will pass over coming weeks/ months.They can shove the booster jab where the sun don’t shine. In years to come we will no doubt get the answers to all the side effects we are suffering at present.
@ohjason difficulty swallowing is a covid symptom. Any chance you might be infected? I want to say get tested but not all variants are caught by pcr. But it would worth it for you to have a peace of mind?
@charsen I don’t have a fever and I’ve been home for the past 2 months, I don’t think I could have covid.
@saba yes you’re side effects are similar to mine. It just really is a nightmare and you feel it will never end! Glad your insomnia is gone and anxiety is less now. The floaters as a new side effect made things worse for me. I regret taking it too!
@saba Hi - I had them in both eyes and were a mixture of lines and dots. I couldn't stop noticing them especially when outside (against the sky) and at home in rooms with white walls. They haven't totally disappeared as I can catch them every now and then and if I start to look for them, I can still see some but they definitely have reduced in number. Whether these remaining ones will be permanent, time till tell. Hopefully yours will do the same.
It sounds like these vaccines or the spike protein in it cause massive inflammation, which needs weeks if not months to die down.
@anotherone92 wow, thank you so much for sharing that! I can't tell you how many different ways I've tried to search for Reddit subs like that with no success. I noticed it was a "quarantined", assuming that means "tucked away", so I guess that's why. It's a shame, I think it would be actually helpful in terms of informing everyone and creating a more productive conversation about covid vaccines. Anywho, thanks again!
@pfizervictim they are called cytokine storms which are the reasons of out symptoms. From what ive gathered going into my 8th week with symptoms rotating in their full force no anxiety or allergy medicine is the cure buy more a relaxant if your body is able to tolerate them. Waiting it out is the ultimate cure but what if i lose an organ is the one thing on my mind that is contantly feeding my anxiety. Not being able to care for my toddler as a result is second. Praying for us all.
@opheas You are brave and strong, and I am sorry if the vaccine caused you injury. Just saying.
There is much to say wrt resources for you, here are some-perhaps you have seen them already? (for medical professionals, viewable by the public) Front Line Covid Critical Care Protocols (includes info re vaccine injuries and most up to date treatments)
Lots of info, downloadable protocols you can give you your personal Dr. (attached, see FLCCC for updates)
Since I am unvaxxed and feeling ok, I am glad to try to research anything you may not have the energy to do just yet.
Let me know if I can help in any way. Also, there are foods that might help keep weight and energy up, the first being rice or oat porridge as congee, meaning simmered extra long with water.
Slippery Elm Powder can make a thick drink that is used to help folks with flu who can't keep food down.
Finally my personal favorite, Burdock Root and or Dandilion Root tea, raw or roasted, has lots of inulin to help keep blood sugar even. Check for interactions with any meds or conditions for anything you ingest.
@pfizervictim yes about blood work but i ak worried about my eyes. Did you have eye issues? I have lught sensitivity and seeing snow flakes and also extremely sensitive vision for anything that is flying by like bugs, mosquitos and time to time feel pressure in both eyes. I am scared of going to see an eye doctor because they will want to dilute me and i do not want that.
Tried to post on the Pfizer one but just noticed this seems to be the thread with more info. So I’ll start with my backstory prior to vaccine. I’m a 37 year old female with a small toddler at home. Very active workout like 5-6 days a week. Healthy prior to vax. Only known prior medical issues are asthma allergies and a undiagnosed auto immune disorder. Ok now for the vaccine details.
Got my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine end of July/21. Within 30 min my hands went numb then got immediately very dizzy and almost fainted. I then went into hot and cold sweats like my body couldn’t regulate a temp and possible vertigo like symptoms. Then within the hour my entire stomach seized up and felt like I was being stabbed. I was writhing in pain. (The stomach tightening lasted about 4 days before going into waves). I got a severe migraine. Then by the next day I noticed I couldn’t stay awake for anything. (I could literally fall asleep 5 min after drinking a energy drink). Then came in the start of heart symptoms (no past history of anything heart related). Symptoms started as deep chest pain with dizziness, electrical surges down my limbs and heart palpitations and a rapid heart beat. I noticed I also had hives on my legs and arms. Day 5. The nunbness and tingling in my hands progressed to my entire body head to toe. This scared me completely as I’ve never ever experienced anything like it so I went to the er. Ekg and blood tests were normal so I was subsequently sent home. Day 6. My tongue swells to 3x it’s size I could barely swallow and was choking on my spit to breathe. Also a metallic taste in my mouth. This lasted 2-3 days. All previous symptoms continue by mid august I had a day I was feeling faint all day so I went back to the er for heart symptoms. Again ekg and blood tests came back normal. Numbness and tingling started going in waves as in one day my whole body was numb the next only half my body was numb head to toe (like half my lips) very weird sensation but the odd thing was the numb half cold to the touch where the non numb half stayed warm. All symptoms stayed the same. I then checked in with regular doctor and they ordered a holster monitor on my heart as well as a immunology and gastroenterologist referral as I noticed many with my symptoms were trending towards a MCAS/EDS/POTS diagnosis. Dr said some of the adverse reactions they were seeing neuropathy wise seemed to be getting better with gabapentin. So that was prescribed however when I read up on the amount of side effects I was scared to take it until I know what’s going on first. I started noticing patterns with the heart symptoms that they were far worse while standing or exercising which eventually got to a point I was too dizzy to complete. The 7 day holster an event was recorded resulting in the monitor company calling me to say I need to rush to the ER. They didn’t say why though. I listened to that advice and was immediately admitted into the hospital in the last week. The cardiologist then explained to me that my bpm sitting went from 70bpm to 14 beats of ventricular tachycardia while standing in the 200bpm range with several beats being close to 300. (Even when doing cardio my heart rate never goes above 135) he asked me how I was still conscious and later I found out I should have gone into cardiac arrest with these numbers . They then checked my legs for blood clots negative. Again normal blood with the exception of a pretty high platelet count. Ekg normal. Echo almost completely normal. No reasonings found so I was released to see a cardiologist out if the hospital to have electro physio tests done stat as well as a longer heart monitor. I then saw the gastroenterologist and asked if I could get checked for autoimmune indicators at which point I was told I can only have those diagnosed by a immunologist. I call to check on why my immunology referral of over a month hasn’t gone through when I have now life threatening as told to me by the dr symptoms. The cdc and my dr told me not to get the second dose. Now current I am incredibly scared that during all this red tape to get referrals to actually schedule me that I could have another heart event and I may not make it out this time. I have a toddler I’m scared could grow up without his mom and I’ll just be a forgotten statistic. My state and county have mandatory vaccine requirements so I’m stuck not being able to go anywhere or work for that matter since I couldn’t get the second dose. Then finding out my life insurance is null and void if I were to lose my life to the vaccine . Also noted I still have yet to get covid. If anyone could offer any hope or if had similar heart symptoms or any ideas on how I can get things rushed It would be beyond greatly appreciated!!! I hope I come to the other side of this.
@ohjason it didn’t move around but I would feel it worse if I bent my head back or forward. It didn’t affect my swallowing but it was very annoying.
@ohjason I had these exact symptoms again at the 8 week mark like it’s a relapse. It really is tough, I don’t even leave my house. Hang in there, I’m at 10 weeks now and it feels like the relapse is gone but symptoms linger with much less intensity.
@charsen yes, I also have eyes issues and I also didn't want to see an eye doctor because I was afraid of the eye dilution, but I'm almost 12 weeks in now and my eye and other systems have become alot less severe. For me week 3 - 8 where the worst.
Also are you sure it's cytokine storms causing this and not MCAS?