@sajlent Thank You so much. I will try the same. Were you also facing same problem? Like off balance while walking. I do not have anything else but this dizziness/ off balance kind of thing while walking.
Hi all, I want to share my experience and see if anyone has encountered similar symptoms. I have been consulting this forum for several and I am, ironically, reassured that others are in the same case as me. I'm French.
First of all: 25 y.o., male, no medical history.
A few things before I start:
- Mild covid infection on March 23, 2021
- First dose (Pfizer) on July 2, 2021
- Second dose (Pfizer) on July 23, 2021
Less than 72hrs after the second dose I experienced a strange headache, like a pressure point on the head with feelings of dizziness, lightheadedness and sometimes nausea. I went to my GP who ordered a head scan which appeared completely normal. Also did a blood test : normal.
After a week the pressure on the head calmed down, but for the last 2 months I still feel these different symptoms: headaches (top of the head, occiput and cervical), nausea, dizziness, brain fog. They often vary during the day and are stronger before meals. I also specify that when I am lying down and sleeping I have almost no symptoms, I can have long nights but as soon as I wake up it is back. I sometimes have periods of calm, over a weekend for example, then relapses during the week.In short, a physical and emotional rollercoaster.
I was a sportsman before this second dose (swimming pool and gym several times a week), and a party animal, but since then it has become complicated to go out in the street without this dizzy feeling. Since 2 months, I am at home and I rest.
Of course, the doctors don't think that the vaccine is responsible and they think that it's due to "anxiety"... I saw 2 neurologists, 1 osteopath, 1 psychologist, 1 ophthalmologist, 1 ENT and several GP. After, it seems to me possible that the administration of two doses of vaccines close to my Covid infection (3 months before) triggered a too strong immune reaction which causes my problems today.
Nevertheless, I have noticed a clear improvement since the onset of my symptoms after the second dose. But as I said, it goes away and it comes back... I hope one day to get out of this quagmire and some of your testimonies reassure me.
I hope to read you and exchange with you,
Best regards to all,
Had yet another relapse just as I was recovering from the previous one (which started 5 weeks ago). I'm now 3.5 months out and have had barely any peace.
I know for sure it was anxiety/stress that triggered this latest relapse, but the issue is that even the most minor stress or minor anxiety seems to set me off. Anything from an argument, doing a little too much on any given day, playing video games, or even getting overly excited (watching football or something I'm invested in) seems to set me off.
I'm now suffering from major anxiety (again) but it's come in a different form from the anxiety I've had before. In my head I feel absolutely fine and mainly free of worry, but my body is constantly on edge and I feel very tearful and emotional for no reason. Right before this latest setback I've also been hit with insomnia and dreams/nightmares almost daily (though the latter might be a coincidence).
I'm just so sick and tired of this. I can't leave the house; I can't walk without being out of breath; I can't watch TV in case it gets me too anxious and it triggers a flare up; I can't work; hell, I can't get upset, angry or emotional in case that triggers a flare up too - this isn't a life.
I know in my heart I will get through this and be stronger for it and I'm trying to look forward but this is hell on earth.
The only scant consolation is that a lot of my other symptoms have eased off if not disappeared, including the tinnitus which I've had since the very beginning - I'm having periods where it's almost all but gone - but the anxiety is by far the hardest to live with on a moment to moment basis.
Im almost 5 weeks post first and last pfizer jab and I've felt like Venom ever since! the same symptoms everyone else here is describing vertigo,dizzy,nausea,clogged full ears,ringing in my head,pressure in my head, sound sensitivity,insomnia,aches and pains, everywhere, malaise, super bad anxious and wired feelings.. its been awful! Spoke to my doc 2 weeks ago who diagnosed vestibular neuronitis and said I'm the 7th person within the last few weeks who has had the same symptoms after the jab! he did say it was jab related too which surprised me,he said it should settle in time-my bloods were clear and basic nervous system check was fine also.
Sorry to hear what you are going through but it is encouraging that your doctor came out and said that it is vaccine-related---and that he's seeing others with similar vax-related symptoms. Let's hope that this is a trend and the doctors finally start coming out of their denial.
@isismadec it's been hard that's for sure! Yes he said it's most likely linked to the Vax and I've to call back in another few weeks and he'll take it further,but I'm seeing others who have tests come back clear so maybe no point anyway maybe it's just time - I pray it is! I just feel so anxious with the unknown! 😫
Have you had any issues,how are you? Thank you for your words ❣️
@vikasg52 You lucky.. 😀
Yes.. but like I said, I have that symptom long time before. Fighting that for almost 4 year.. and in that period I can count on my fingers all days I feel ok. I start with that pills and dizziness stoped for almost one year.. after vaccine I get that hell back again. So I started with that pills again and like I said.. theres no dizziness for me today. I take second dose 25 days ago.
I have some other symptoms.. heart race, paltipations, chest pain, cold hands, fasciculations, insomnia, sleep apnea and maybe some I forget about.. but that pills helped me with dizziness.
In my country that pills has name OnceAir, but you can find them under name Singulair.. is montelukast sodium and usualy perscribed for some type of astma and allergic rhinitis..
I think you will need recepie for them.. here that is not case. You can talk with your doctor about that.. some say they can have some serious adverse.
I just take that risk.. but like I said. I take them just for 4-5 days. I think they need 30 hours to start working and if you cant feel any improvement in week.. then theres no point.
@gardener8 Who is your husband seeing at Cedars? Is he being treated through their Long Haul clinic? I really need to see someone and live in LA, too.
@tashilama Hey there, wondering if you have recovered and also what type of treatment you received for your diagnosis? Have you found anything to be particularly helpful?
@makanahi Hi Marc!! You have described me almost exactly along the same time frame and symptoms that I have!! Got my first P shot on 8/9 and several days later got dizziness; head pressure, fullness in ears, brain fog, dry eyes. Mostly all brain symptoms. I was suppose to get shot #2 on 8/31 also! I chose not to as I didn’t want to throw fuel on an already burning fire!! It has now been 6 weeks since my first vax and I’m still experiencing all my symptoms although the dizziness may be a teeny weeny better?? So my question to you is how are your symptoms doing now since shot #2?? Hope you are doing a lot better!! Dee
Hello everyone, I’m new here and also to the US. Just 2,5 years ago I moved from Russia so excuse any of my mistakes, English is my second language. Hope I’ll get some answers and hope here.
You can skip the whole story but please read the part 3 and maybe you can help me.Thank you!
I am 38 years old, fully vaccinated long hauler, also experiencing some side effects after my second dose and this is my story:
1. I got COVID in December. My symptoms was mild: very fatigued, dizziness, chest pressure and pain, dry cough, I could not speak and breathe normally, I lost my voice, lost sense of smell and taste, severe nasal congestion, pain in my legs. I was very sick for about 10 days and the day 7 was the worst becoming I thought that was my last day ever. My husband took me to the Hospital. My X-Ray was ok and they sent me back saying If I will not feel better in a couple days o come back. I started medicine they recommended and felt better.
So since December I didn’t get my sense of smell back, I have dry weird cough time after time, I got anxiety and depression. I am not the same person I was before COVID-19.
2. I got my First dose of Pfizer in June, the latest person in my family because I was afraid and didn’t trust it. Nobody in my family had COVID just me and nobody have any side effects after the vaccine. JUST ME!
Two weeks after the first dose I got very sick like Covid-19 all over again! If I could smell something before even if it was awkward smell, I couldn’t smell anything again.
I did two tests and they were negative! But my physician guessed It could be COVID again and tests are lying. I think it wasn’t ok to say that to the patient who suffered from Covid-19 for a long time. She didn’t recommended anything just said I have to get the vaccine no matter what. So I was delayed for my second doze. I really didn’t want to do it but the pressure from my family and doctor was hard.. And I forgot to mention the breast swollen and pain, still there. The nurse said it is also a side effect which was expected! But nobody told you before!!!
3. I got my second dose on August and now a month after the whole fun began.
For the last two weeks I have the whole body aches, especially tension and pain in my legs, upper back and my neck that I can’t sleep sometimes. Tylenol doesn’t work for me. Ibuprofen hurts my stomach. Warm bath, exercising and warm TeraFlu drink makes me feel a bit better for the sort time. My feet constantly cold, my toes are blue! I heard it’s abad circulation but I have no idea what to do with it. I’ve never had this before the vaccine.
Plus my ears plugged sometimes and noisy, especially when it’s hot.
I changed my physician and a new doctor recommended to try the steroids for 5 days like PREDNISONE and CYCLOBENZARP. Also she put in a after visit note “adverse effects of coronavirus vaccine”. I feel hopeless…
I didn’t pick it up yet because I am afraid.
Anyone has experience of taking those medications?
Thank you for any advices and support in advance!
@heatherxxo I did not take the vax, and will not. I have Meniere's Disease and was concerned about the vax making it worse. My research led me to this forum and I also talked to my ENT. He was honest with me, telling me that I would likely have severe vestibular effects if I took the vax.
@david81 , Hi all
So it has been more than a month since I wrote here, have been lurking in this forum though to see how, if and when people get better.. So, mentally, I was in a somewhat "stoic" state until today. I just tried to go on with my life as best as I could, still experiencing the same dizziness, a bit less brain fog and perhaps also being able to concentrate a bit better but I think this might be because I am already used to the dizziness/haziness, so I guess it doesn't bother me that much anymore? But yes, regarding dizziness, blurry vision and an overall trippy feeling, unfortunately I still have them all. Monday and Tuesday things looked as if they were slightly improving, I was even considering sharing my joy with my missus, but thought perhaps I should wait a bit before I share my excitement.. Well, yesterday evening, all the symptoms came back with a vengeance. Went outside for a walk but was tripping and just in general "out of place". An additional symptom is that the back of my knee now hurts, feels as if the area is swollen, really random.. Its just so frustrating.
What have I been up to? Went to my GP, when I described my symptoms she asked if I have been under stress lately, etc.. But once I mentioned that I got the pfizer/bioNtech vaccine, she said a-ha, well duh, its a complication from the vaccine, as if you know its common sense. That surprised me, because she was very open and casual about it. I asked if I will ever get better, she assured me that I will, but don't know when. So I got my blood tests done, nothing to report, all great.. Went to see the optometrist, initial test results all normal, will have some more tests next week. Also will have my visit to the neurologist in October, lets see how that goes..
Diet, etc - havent changed much, tbh I am somewhat skeptical what comes to miracle concoctions. I have been eating the way I am now for my whole life, which I think is healthy and has worked for me up to this point well. Of course I would be willing to do whatever changes necessary if I knew those changes in diet, exercise, etc would help.. Sooo, just to see if I can make something work for me, I have started taking daily doses of fish oil, turmeric, ginger, garlic, pepper and cloves. I just make tea out of the spices and drink them, tastes pretty good. Haven't seen effects yet. Also, started taking Cirrus, 2 tabs a day (Cetirizine + Pseudoephedrine), and some nasal spray(corticosteroid), and Chaga.
Lets see how this goes.. Hoping for the best, but I think I am stuck with this whatever it is going on with me, for some more months.. I am willing and prepared to wait and ride it out, for 4 - 6 months.. But if this should last longer, mentally I probably will not be in a very good place..
As a final note, what seems to be a trigger is screen time.. (my work is all done behind my screens, for 8 - 9 h a day). So I think why my Monday and Tuesday were better symptom wise, is because I did a "detox weekend" where I basically didn't watch anything for 2 days in a row, no tv, no laptop, very very limited time on the phone.. I will try to do the same thing this weekend and see how I feel on monday / tuesday. But even so, its not a long term solution as I WFH with screens (as probably many of us do).
I wish you all the best. I think its important to believe and have faith that our bodies will heal, but as this has been said already many times, it probably takes time, and a lot of patience. Sending good vibes... pcmn
@creativecat Hi CC - I'm the same as you exactly - work in the creative industry and have three monitors around me at any one time - ENT professor charged me the earth and and told me it's vestibular migraines too - and like you I thought - 'but immediately after my vaccine?' tbh I haven't noticed it being worse through working though. If I haven't eaten for a while it gets worse - also if I'm tired. I've been doing balance retraining - you can find a good pdf on it on this website - I'm doing those exercises each day, staying hydrated with electrolytes - just as so many others - I'm on Betahistine and some mega B2 supplements Riboflavin... and exercise... everyday. I'd say for me it's become somewhat episodic - the dizziness is there most days but occasionally I get a day or a half day where it's much lighter... I'm in touch with a chap who is also on the same trajectory. Looking around - I think people are getting better - lots of people here, on reddit, even on mumsnet - are describing what we're going through - a lot say it becomes lighter - some say 3 weeks some say 8 months - but they do get better and eventually when others don't reply or comment my guess is that many of them will have recovered and put it behind them.
Keep ahold of that feeling of hope.
@heatherxxo I did not take the vax, and will not. I have Meniere's Disease and was concerned about the vax making it worse. My research led me to this forum and I also talked to my ENT. He was honest with me, telling me that I would likely have severe vestibular effects if I took the vax.
Ah right ok thats understandable, must be difficult to have do you manage ok?
Funny you should mention that I had an episode 2 yrs ago and was under ENT 1 diagnosed Meniere's and 2nd opinion one said no it's more likely labyrinthitis,all of the issues lasted around 6 months then went maybe that's why I've reacted they way I have as that must be my vulnerability,I won't be having anymore one was enough wouldn't of had first if I knew this would be my response 🤦
Has anyone taken a flight after the side effects of the vaccine? Had a bad effect on the flight or in the days after the flight?I have a flight tomorrow and I am very stressed thanks