Last seen: September 1, 2022 5:27 am
@margaret2022 Thanks, will start tomorrow, fingers crossed..
@DrL thanks for sharing the link, always interesting to listen to Dr. Campbell I would never have guessed in my wildest dreams, that this whatev...
Hi all. was wondering, if anyone has had luck with VOR therapy / eye exercises against dizziness, brain fog, vision issues etc? Have started with them...
@joengland Hi! Hope you will get better.. Hope the same for myself.. I developed symptoms last year end of July and pretty much 24/7 had them so fa...
Hi, quick question, have people tried the VOR / gaze stabilisation exercises? And if yes, any luck? My doctor recommended me to do them, so far no tan...
@watis Thanks, sure. Main concern before catching covid was dizziness and blurry vision, which I guess can best be desrcibed as either being mildly...
Interesting to see this thread still going strong.. I guess when you feel like there has to be something that can be done or improved, you are going t...
@jess7 @nant thank you both for sharing your experience, symptoms and progress. What you both have described is exactly how I would describe my ...
@tennyson77 best of luck, kindly keep us posted on how things progress and thank you for sharing. 👍
@djmatera this is great stuff, thanks for taking the time and posting this and happy to hear things have improved!
@tennyson77 ah sorry to hear that, was rooting for things to improve..
@pfizercovid-19vax2nddose4-2021 hi, more or less same experience and story here, vision issues, hard to focus, "trippy", brain fog, etc.. hopefully...
@ivica get soon well and thanks for keeping us posted
@rainyday thanks for sharing, resveratrol looks like something that could indeed be useful.. best
@elena1690 I believe there are just not that many great options on the table. I have seen what Covid (the delta and alpha strains) can do and how d...