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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Hi all,

I just wanted to update. I had my first Pfizer vaccine at the end of December last year. Ten days later I had vertigo so bad I couldn’t function for just a day and a half. It slowly got better and went away by the time I got my second Covid vaccine at the end of January 2021. Twelve days later vertigo was back but not as bad as the first time. It eventually settled to where it only happened when I rolled over to my left side in bed. Doctors were no help. I took myself to a Hearinf and Balance clinic and after thorough balance and audiology testing they concluded my left posterior semicircular canal had a crystal loose. The epley maneuver was supposed to help but never did. I was supposed to go to a special physical therapist but I decided I could live with the weirdness. My symptoms did kind of come and go but 6 months after the second vaccine I suddenly realized it was completely gone. I have had no symptoms for about two months. That is the longest I have ever gone so I guess I am cured! Yay!!! Oddly enough, the symptoms also went away around the same time someone gave us an inversion table and I had been hanging upside down (without moving my head at all) for a few minutes every day. That position should not have helped the posterior semicircular canal. But who knows!! Hang in there and hopefully all of your vertigo after vaccines will go away as well!! 

vaxdJJ4-21, PfizerVictim, Tom Germana and 9 people reacted
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@spacecadet thank you so much for your encouragement and sharing 🙂 great to hear about your recovery story too! yeah I also believed that it is inflammation triggered by the vaccine. Any particular supplement brand you would recommend? 3 weeks is pretty fast so I guess the anti inflammatory supplements are working very well for you and a very supportive husband helps a lot. Any good ways to relax yourself especially on anxiety?

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@opheas thank you so much for sharing! Yeah I am also thinking whether I should try natural food or take supplements directly. Not sure which will help or suit my body more. 😉 I hope and pray that we will all get well very soon! 

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@creativecat so during the time that I took prednisone I felt worse. It was very harsh on my body. I felt like I was going to end in the ER.  it increased my blood pressure and my feet felt swollen. I also felt kind of disoriented.  Once I was done with the prednisone I felt the benefits. I think that you are right . You are experiencing the side effects of the prednisone. I’m hoping that it will help you like it did for me. I would keep taking them if I were you. Your doctor should have told you that you may be experiencing the side effects of the medication. I would finish them if I were you and see how you feel afterwards. 

Sassafras, creativecat, Sassafras and 1 people reacted
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Most of us who are going through walking problems with weird stuff like we are able to drive properly, please read this. I think this is it. 

Besides this, those who have any form of paralysis, loss of bowel control, dry eyes to double vision etc have developed guillian-barré syndrome cause of the vaccine. 

Diagnosis itself is 90% of the treatment for most of us. Especially since 99% doctors arent able to diagnose it plus are in denial that its cause of vaccine.

This is also happening with Astrazeneca (covishield in India).

am85 and am85 reacted
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Dunnk why doctors are in denial. Useless medical fraternity. 

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Have any of you been tested for Lyme disease or heavy metals? My doc ran all those tests…

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Just wanted to share my newest discovery after researching for many months. My pain management doctor acknowledged that yes, a chemical sensitivity/reaction could very well be the cause of our symptoms post vaccine.

I’ve just started a regimen today for “Mast Cell Activation Syndrome” which seems to make perfect sense. I took a 23andme years ago and discovered that genetically I am pre-disposed to have slow metabolism of drugs (which leads to massive amounts of drugs in the bloodstream) and a lesser ability of certain enzymes to detox the body aka tons of inflammation and too much histamine in the body. I found a lot of helpful information and began some new supplements today that are actually targeting the over-inflammation and cell reactivity and today is the FIRST DAY in 7 weeks I wasn’t dizzy. 

Just wanted to share and hopefully you can find some info that may benefit you for relief 🙂

Good starting point below I think, I’m no expert but it certainly makes sense to me! Lots of other sites about it and the science behind it also, look up “MCAS” and/or multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome

DrL, DrL, gingerj and 3 people reacted
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Hello, I’m Macy. I am 30 years old, from Tennessee. I am type 1 diabetic, have POTS, and have had a slight touch of anxiety in the past, but nothing like I’m experiencing since receiving my first round of the vaccine. I started feeling very anxious 4 days after my shot. I didn’t think much of it, until it started progressing daily along with “ tag along symptoms.” I get that random feeling of “doom.” It’s like that empty gut wrenching feeling like something bad is going to happen, then it progresses to me getting extremely dizzy, almost feeling like a human yo-yo. It gets to the point I have to sit or lie down to catch my balance. Then I’ll get that “car sick feeling.” I am happily married with two beautiful boys, who in fact needs a healthy mama and wife. So naturally, me not feeling well just can’t come into play. My doctors have prescribed me buspar, but I’ve only been taking it for a week, so I know I’m not going to see any changes with a snap of a finger. Has anyone else experienced severe anxiety afterwards? How long does it last? Did you get the second vaccine? Did it make your symptoms (anxiety) worse? I am so scared, uncomfortable, and just want to feel normal again!!

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@marieski858 nice! What kind of supplements are you taking? Have you gotten yourself tested for high histamine? 

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Anyone tried young barley grass powder? Not sure if it will be helpful but I heard it boost immune system so not sure if it will increase inflammation especially for those with autoimmune.

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@tarx yes I every test I’ve had back so far hasn’t shown anything only a crazy heart rate which bounces around sometimes 80 then will jump to 100 beats from shooting to standing it will go from 70 to 118 Bpm.

I have had 2 echos which show if there’s like blockages in the heart valves nothing on that so heart was functioning in that sense, 2 X-rays didn’t show inflammation of the heart, I had a ct scan of the lungs which has ruled out pulmonary embolism. Just completed a 24 hr ecg. Every night I get crazy heart palpations which keep me awake all through the night so the 24hr ecg would of picked this up so waiting for results. The heart specialist has just said it’s an autonomic nervous dysfunction and it’s going to take time to sort itself out so I’m holding on hope on that.

He’s the only person that has put a name or a diagnosis, it can cause all the symptoms on here. I’m experiencing every symptom on here so I’m having a rough time. But the dizziness and fainty spells aren’t as severe as my chest pains and palpations, I have a constant pressure on chest which feels like it’s inflamed. Was convinced that I was going to die as it fills you with so much anxiety. Only thing that gives me relief to sleep at night is zopiclone which is sleeping pills.

trying to stay positive I’ve been in a bad place as I’m only 27 and should be out doing normal things carrying on a normal life. I will keep everyone posted and start to hope to see improvement. I hope you start to see improvement aswell just keep in mind that every tests coming back normal just means your not in very bad danger . and your body will fight this and you will get better just a shame there is no quick fix. 

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@nath7 yes it is a good thing knowing all tests are clear! I’m only 24 myself with 2 young children i can’t even take my eldest to school or do a basic foood shop as the palpitations are too much! And im experiencing chest pain too which is radiating in my back, my doctor has given me naproxen as he thinks my chest wall is inflamed, so hoping they help the chest pain! If you can try and get some propranolol, they’ve really helped with the palpitations when im really struggling and they calm me down so much. Doctor keeps saying it’s just my anxiety but im not convinced. Had anxiety for years never ever experienced what I am right now! Hopefully there’s an end to this, it’s so hard isn’t it not knowing when the end will be 😩

Nath7 and Nath7 reacted
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@tarx I’m sorry to hear that must be so difficult with 2 young children, I’m on naproxen been on them for like a month and I do feel like it keeps down some inflammation it hasn’t seemed to to got rid of mine. I’m glad that you’ve had something to help your palpations that gives me hope! It’s been 3 and a half months for me.

It feels like hell what we are going through. But I’m sure we will get through it I just don’t know how long. Guessing time and just try manage our symptoms best we can. 

I really don’t think this is down to anxiety if I’m honest I think our symptoms or whatever our body’s are going through is causing anxiety. As I’ve never dealt with anxiety until with all these symptoms. I was fed up with doctors telling me anxiety was causing it so I went and paid for private care and Atleast they saw that something is happening in my body which isn’t right. It only took me 5 mins to see something wasn’t right my heart rate doesn’t stay on a good rate with little movement my heart rate jumps up. So that’s why he says the autonomic nervous system is off and not sending the right signals to my body. I’m wishing you all the best in your recovery I just hope that it’s only a case of 6 months then we are back to normal. 

LadyD and LadyD reacted
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@marieski858 very interesting read this, there’s so many different things going on in our bodies it’s so hard to get the right diagnosis, this could fit my description, they have put my symptoms of variable heart rate and palpations and chest pains due to an autonomic nervous system dysfunction that they think most likely the moderna vaccine has caused. There are just no tests for it. 

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