Vesties’ Village

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Joined: September 11, 2021 9:21 pm
Last seen: July 24, 2023 12:34 pm
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RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

@chelsun I’m so glad to hear that you too have recovered. I think it will be great to give a detailed information to all of our brothers and sisters o...

3 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

You will get there. I promise you. With or without a doctor , you will heal. Diet is extremely important. Your body has an ability to heal itself. I w...

3 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

Recently. My jab was in may 23 . It takes time and patience. ❤️

3 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

@tabby so the explanation is that the vaccine sometimes causes an autoimmune response. The body is responding to something in your system and when att...

3 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

@sara90 I got my shot around the same time like you. I believe that what helped me the most was the prednisone that I was given in august. My doctor s...

3 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

@tarx hang in there, and if you have any questions about my treatment or need a friend to talk to , you can always reach out. You will win!!! I promis...

3 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

@sara90 hey Sara. Yes. I did. I had ear pressure, head pressure, blurry vision, eye pain. The whole thing. It goes away. I promise. I didn’t believe i...

3 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

@ttoth0210 unfortunately I didn’t have that symptom so I’m not sure about the appropriate treatment. But I’m certain they it will pass with time I hav...

3 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

@ttoth0210 so I only took 3 out of 16 pills because at that time I was given wayyy too many medications and I was scared to continue. If you tell me y...

3 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

@medee I am here to give EVERYONE an update after 6 months of COMPLETE suffering for those who are looking for hope and are suffering, wondering if it...

3 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

@dannyefc I have the same thing. Still trying to figure out a treatment and some kind of clarification about what it is. Let me know if you get more i...

3 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

@katie thank you so much. ❤️

3 years ago
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