Hi everyone. First tell them that English is not my native language, I help myself with my little knowledge of English and the translator, sorry if I sound "strange". I hope you understand me. I got vaccinated on August 2 and started with muscle spasms in my calf on day 4. They spread quickly (within a week) and over time they have not only not improved, they have gotten worse, becoming more and more frequent. They change location and it happens to me in any muscle (although it has "hot spots" where it happens more frequently than it usually lasts for a while), like bursts, of varying intensity. I have them all over my body and I also usually have intermittent muscle aches anywhere, like "pinpricks." They do not become strong pain but they are annoying. I have been to 3 different doctors and a neurologist. His conclusions is that if my strength is normal (which it is), nothing to worry about, but the truth is that I am afraid and my generalized anxiety does not help. But since I got vaccinated, my body is definitely not the same. If I could do it again, I would not get vaccinated. And I am not anti-vaccine at all! quite the opposite, but unless there is a great coincidence (and a disease has appeared in me just the day after being vaccinated), in my case it has not been beneficial. I don't feel weak, but my muscles seem fatigued, they twitch easily, and I feel random aches and pains every day, and like twitching, with "hot spots." I've even noticed it on my fingers. The neurologist I went to told me that he has seen muscle spasms related to the vaccine. There have always been people with BFS but he says it is now becoming more prevalent as a result of vaccination, and he told me that my pain is probably the side effect of muscle spasms. I wouldn't define those pains as "cramps", at least according to my definition of cramps. My fear, like many of us who have Googled "fasciculations", is ALS. I have read a lot of information about it and I am aware that it is highly unlikely due to my age and symptoms. But the few cases that I see "similar" in symptomatology are enough to terrify me! I hope it is a side effect of the vaccine and even if it takes months, it improves. At the moment I have not felt improvement, I have had days that I thought I was improving but there has been a relapse.
@nath7 I know exactly how you feel. I wish that you didn’t have the heart rate issue so that you can use the steroids because they do magic for inflammation but even without them, your body will slowly heal. I had so many symptoms at the beginning. I felt like my body was going crazy. Every day something new. My system was a complete mess. So scary. Back, head, brain, memory, eyes, panic attacks. I was losing it. With time, things do get better. You have to stay strong. I was on a verge of a mental breakdown because I couldn’t deal with the loss of the control over my mind and body. My mom had to fly in from Israel to be here with me. So trust me, I know. You need to exercise, not aggressively. Eat clean. Take vitamins. D, c, magnesium. Drink lots of water. Also, if you are having anxiety issues because of this lexapro 5 mg. I am not big on medicine but finally decided to do it because anxiety makes everything worse. Once you get better you can stop. You are not alone. Things will get better. This forum is great in helping people feel that they are not alone. We need to stay positive because negative thoughts yield negative results. And about your heart . My heart was on 100 at rest. I’m finally down to 80. Your doctor have to prescribe you something to reduce heart rate. It’s dangerous to stay high like this. And don’t over exercise. It’s dangerous with high heart rate. Listen to your body. And by the way…. If you can commit to eating raw sliced garlic ( as much as you can ). You can put it in bread with olive oil. Garlic is the best medicine for everything. My mom had inflammation in the muscle of the heart. She ate a lot of garlic every day and the inflammation went away. Doctors were amazed. It’s true. It’s does wonders. I’m here if you need any more help. Stay strong ❤️
@myadan how much garlic do you recommend please? Would like to try that!! X
@myadan Thankyou very much this has given me a a big boost 😊🙏you are right just need to focus on getting better I will defiantly try the things you have mentioned and try and get my body healthy and give it time to heal. Thankyou for your kind words people like you make the world a better place!
And by the way…. If you can commit to eating raw sliced garlic ( as much as you can ). You can put it in bread with olive oil. Garlic is the best medicine for everything. My mom had inflammation in the muscle of the heart. She ate a lot of garlic every day and the inflammation went away. Doctors were amazed. It’s true. It’s does wonders. I’m here if you need any more help. Stay strong ❤️
@myadan---I think you will enjoy this story about the properties of raw garlic. I posted it many pages ago. My grandfather told me a story about the 1918 pandemic. He was in the Army then. The troops were dropping like flies from the Spanish Flu. The commander of his unit ordered everyone in the unit to eat a head of raw garlic and drink a liter of red wine every day. No one died or became ill.
@creativecat I'm also at 14 weeks, and prednisone also didn't seem to help me. 😕
I have been having the worst insomnia I've ever had and have been reading all these testimonials of similar side effects. I can't do this for months. It's only been a week but I can't sleep. I've tried everything. Do you know of ways to combat it? Detox perhaps? Or how to neutralize the mrna? I've read that this might be something that you can do
I don't think it was a coincidence that it started when I got the vaccine. I'm worried that it may have changed my chemistry and if it will ever go back to how it was before...
@isismadec oh my god. Then I should do just fine with my wine and garlic consumption. I will make sure to keep that going… loved that story. One day I know that we will look back and this will be just a distant memory… but until then, let’s keep the wine drinking going and the garlic consumption … 🍷🍺🍻
@tarx as much as you can . Don’t eat on an empty stomach and dont eat it straight without bread, it will hurt your stomach. Cut it very thin. Put it in a bread with some vegetables. It has to be raw. Easier to eat when it’s cut thin or minced. It has to be fresh. Not pickled or frozen. You can eat up to a full head of garlic. Also Curcumin and cinnamon. Make tea out of them. Not together.
@nath7 my heart rate at rest is 75-95 if I stand it goes to around 110. I don’t get much chest pains though. When this all started I’ll get dizzy on standing. The mornings are the worst for me. I get stressed very easily if I have to do something out of the ordinary and my heart rate will go up. I am best at home, can’t leave the house without being a mess. Do you get anxiety as a symptom aswell? I have the anxiety as a separate symptom and it comes from my stomach. This relapse isn’t as bad as the beginning though. I get the palpitations at night too feels like my heart is pounding. I also get adrenaline rushes at night aswell, hardly get them now though and it’s a lot less intense.
@nehru1 sounds very similar to my story, yes I am very anxious about these symptoms never going away. Had a few panic attacks but I would say that was around month 1-2 the panic attacks don’t happen as often as I think my body is getting use to all the weird feelings and pains in the body. My symptoms started with very bad dizzy and fainting spells but after the 1st month my heart issues came about which causes me most grief. I haven’t really tried leaving the house a lot as moving loads causes my symptoms to flair. How long has your symptoms been going? I’ve had a few tests done which has ruled out the worse complications of my heart I’m just waiting on the results of my 24hr ecg. Have you had any tests? Let’s hope our symptoms start to lessen and we can get back to normal in the near future!
@nath7 same with me I got the panic attacks around the same time period. My heart issues began about a month and a half after first dose. The second month after second dose is when all the symptoms reduced the most but then I got a relapse a couple weeks later but not as intense as the beginning. I did all the checks with my heart and it’s good, doctor says it’s anxiety. I did blood work and liver function is slightly high. I’m getting a 24hr urine results tomorrow to take to the doctor along with the blood work. What did your doctor say about the elevated heart rate when doing things?
I have been lurking around on this board for a while now and just want to add a bit of encouragement to everyone who is experiencing these terrible side effects. I've always been sensitive to medications in general, so no big surprise that I found myself here.
I had my first does of the Pfizer vaccine on September 16th. I truly expected a reaction, but I felt completely fine. On the afternoon of September 31st, I began having internal shaking/trembling and severe dizziness that hit me out of nowhere. I went to the ER and was diagnosed with Labyrinthitis. Over the next four weeks, I experienced all of the usual stuff...internal and external tremors, constant vertigo/dizziness, feeling of dropping or falling even when seated, headaches, stiffness/pain in upper neck, eye strain, numbness in hands, nausea, sleep disturbances, brain zaps, brain fog, body dissociation, and I have not proof but I suspect a couple of possible seizures. I felt like my nervous system was on fire! I could not drive for four weeks due to the dizziness and inability to concentrate peripherally.
I went to several doctors and none would even entertain the idea that this could be related to the vaccine since it started two weeks after the injection. I started to research and thankfully found this website. It has been a Godsend to know that I am not alone!
I finally feel mostly like my old self again. I can tell that the dizziness is not completely gone, but it is so much improved now that the other symptoms are better. I can drive again. I can work again. I can make dinner again. Although I still have the occasional "flare" and the tinnitus is ever-present, I am optimistic that the worst is behind me.
Here are the things that I feel helped me the most: Pepcid AC, Claritin and magnesium daily (a tip I picked up here), cutting out all caffeine (huge help to calm my nervous system), using a tens unit for my upper back and stiff neck, and most importantly, prayer and accepting that this is really happening and that it can get better for lots of people with time. I had to admit to myself that the anxiety component from not understanding why and worrying that my life would never get back to normal was making everything worse and was occasionally throwing me into a panic. After a very awkward conversation with my provider, she begrudgingly ordered me an RX of Lorazapam .5 mg, which I only use during a flare and only take 1/2 of a pill, but stops my panic in its tracks. You must, must, must try to manage the anxiety that comes along with this to be able to make progress. No, it is not fair and no, nobody should have to deal with it, but being calm while trying to retrain your brain can potentially help.
Thank you to this board for being out there! PS. No, I am NOT taking the second shot!
@kenny I haven’t tested for histamine yet but every time I take an antihistamine my body feels much calmer and the dizziness goes away so that’s what lead me to mast cell activation syndrome. Also I’ve always had sensitivities to food and medicine not knowing exactly why so it makes sense for me now!
Im taking:
- Vitamin D
- “Life Expression Cytokeine Suppress”
- Starting a new one by Thorne called “Neurochondria” today (B12, folate, glutathione and some others in it)
- Magnesium (sometimes includes ashwaghanda)
- Detox Binder supplement (Attaches to toxins and helps the body get rid of them)
- Probiotics
- Aconitum Napellus for anxiety (Can’t recommend these enough, these have been the most important since they kick in within 5 minutes and reduce or take away anxiety and panic for me)
Gonna try the garlic now too!