Vesties’ Village

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Joined: October 5, 2021 12:12 pm
Last seen: December 4, 2021 6:11 pm
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RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

Quick update: The constant swaying dizziness/vertigo continues (started first week of July), along with increased tinnitus, fullness, etc. And I'm hav...

3 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

@psargie I've also been diagnosed with autoimmune arthritis after the vaccine, and my rheumatologist actually thinks it was triggered by the vaccine. ...

3 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

@katie Thank you a million times for posting!! I'm still in the thick of the constant dizziness and can use all the hope I can get. 🧡

3 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

Just an update. My constant vertigo/dizziness is still ongoing, although occasionally I have a few hours where it's not as bad. Unfortunately, last we...

3 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

@sarahrua I just wanted to say that the same has happened to me, so I understand what you're going through. Right now it may feel like it's not going ...

3 years ago
RE: Pfizer vaccine side effects

@gemma My MRI actually had anomalies as well, but the neuro still gave me the all clear. There were a few small lesions (white spots), but supposedly ...

3 years ago
RE: Pfizer vaccine side effects

@makanahi Nice! I'll look them up. Thanks.

3 years ago
RE: Pfizer vaccine side effects

@gemma Any updates? Did you have the MRI? I'm having similar symptoms (constant dizziness, nystagmus, weird vision, etc) and my MRI came back clear. I...

3 years ago
RE: Pfizer vaccine side effects

@makanahi Sorry to hear you're going through this stuff too.

3 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

@glenb All of my labs came back normal, too. No signs of inflammation even with months of all-over severe joint pain and constant vertigo/dizziness wi...

3 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

@akkangel Thank you for letting me know! If there's an end in site, even if it's 6 to 8 months, then that's still excellent news compared to forever.

3 years ago
RE: Post Covid Dizziness

@am85 Thank you for the advice! I did already have a brain MRI and that was clear, so waiting now for the ENT.

3 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

@larag The same just happened to me. Last week I had a few days where I was feeling better. Then I woke up one morning completely relapsed as if it we...

3 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

@lmkk I'm really annoyed I was so pressured into having the Pfizer vaccine. I am certainly not anti Vax but I just felt very wary about the way it...

3 years ago
RE: Post Covid Dizziness

@am85 I've been having the same constant dizziness for over 3.5 months now, after getting my second dose of the vaccine. I do have a history of vestib...

3 years ago
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