It's so reassuring to read that folks have been recovering! Is anyone else experiencing food triggers that temporarily worsen their symptoms? Have you noticed that you're less sensitive to food triggers as symptoms improve over months? I went to a "dizzy doctor" who believes my dizziness is migraine related, although I've never suffered from migraines or food sensitivities before the vaccine! Any anecdotes would be so helpful, thanks all.
Hi everyone. About 2 months ago I got my 1st moderna shot and for the first month I had severe anxiety and panic attacks then 2nd month I started feeling wired, restless and had mild rashes all over my body. I talked to the doctors and they said I have tension in the body. Felt like I was permanelty on coffee day and night.
Anyway so I did a bit of research and if you have a ScienceDirect account you can read this short paper that confirms the vaccine can cause akathisia ref: which is a motor neural condition . Accoring to the paper it may show you may have pre-existing extrapyramidal issues .
Now I'll be honest I had to look this up.
Human motor functions are split between pyramidal and extrapyramidal based on the paths of the motor neuron wiring (tracts). Vestibular issues (balance, dizziness, headaches) are pyramidal where as anxiety, restlessness, figetting, restless leg or leg shaking is extrapyramidal (so is not a vestibular issue). If you don't experience dizziness but experience anxiety, restless leg, fidgetting you may have pre-existing extrapyramidal issues. Extrapyramidal also deal with posture, fine motor functions that you learn like writing or drawing, reflex motion, motor skill accuracy/precision, inhibition of motion. So if you experience issues with any of these you may have a non vestibular but extrapyramidal issue.
Is been 2 months now and I still feel very much restless and stressed out but I figured out how to calm down working on the things I enjoy doing. I feel much bettr than say 1 month ago but still not 100% . Maybe like 80-90% not bad!!
@glenb yes I had lab work for inflammation and my inflammation had gone up over 30 points compared to some past results some time ago before I got the vax. My Doc said I was on the lower end of inflammation but never the less up from my normal. I go back in 4 weeks to recheck it again. If it is normal then “might” get shot #2 although I think after weeks of dizziness, brain fog etc I am leaning towards not getting shot 2?
@dizzydame I actually found I might have a chrone disease/gluent issue now. I got a weird but mild body rasha and eczema came back temporarily. It was worsened by eating bread lol. I stopped eating bread and is less pronounced now. The vaccine causes a lot of stress on the body and you may develop long term conditions caused by stress/high cortisol in addition to the issues that the spike protein appears to cause which is psychological/neurological or cardiovascular damage.
Has anyone here had shot #1, experienced side effects until the symptoms calmed down and then got shot #2?? My Doc thinks if my inflammation levels and symptoms calm down back to normal after 13/14 weeks out from shot#1 that I should be ok for shot#2? He claims I’ve already had an immune response and shot 2 shouldn’t really cause me problems? You can imagine how skeptical I am?!
@deedee My doctor is also insisting I get the second shot once I recover and I'm already dreading the thought. I trust him as he's been great throughout this entire process but I really can't be dealing with this again. It's coming up to 4.5 months and I suspect it may be closer to 6/7 by the time I recover - I can't have another half a year of my life wiped out.
@lau01 if you don't get any severe symptoms in the first 2-4 weeks you should be good! Most people with severe side effects get them within that timespan. A few people get delayed side effects as late as a few months after the shot! Weird!!! If you get no or mild symptoms first 1-2 months you should be good until you next shot. If you get some symptoms for ex psychological like diziness, loss of balance they may be longer term possibly up to 6 months or even up to 1 year based on what people were saying. You may aslo get psysical heart/lung/cardiovascular conditions like myocarditis, tachycardia, bloot clots which should resolve within the first 2 weeks. You may also get neurological damage like lef shaking , involuntary movement super rare.
Discmlaimer im not a doctor but this is what worked for me:
- drink a lot of water in the first 2 - 4 weeks
- no more coffee of alcohol
- eat a lot!! eat twice as much as you did before and you start to fee better. esp in the first 2 weeks
- take vitamin C which is universal cure for most symptoms
- eat healthy foods , organic, boiled, lightwight, soups drop the fried stuff, drop all the tv dinner or microwave stuff
- stick to a sleep/eat routine
- remove all the stressors like reading about your problems LOL
- add turmeric, red onion (not white) and garlic to your diet. All of these are anti-inflamatory, anti blood clots and red onion has quercertin which can undo physical damage to your vessels/lungs/endothelial cells (which is what the S1 antigen/spike protein seems to love attacking)
- get plenty of rest, take it easy, relax
@chulapepe I'm sorry to hear that! Gluten doesn't affect me, but I'm following a very strict migraine diet that cuts out dairy, alcohol, chocolate, red meat, and other vertigo triggers. My dizziness is constant, and when I eat any of these foods I feel dizzier, light sensitivity, and imbalanced! I don't know if my mind is playing tricks on itself, but I think these episodes are getting less acute as the months go by...
@bgreecgree I've made a mental note of your post for whenever I'm feeling especially low. Thank you so much for sharing your recovery journey! If you don't mind letting me know: did you have any food sensitivities that went away as you got better? I've been following a strict diet for almost 3 months that's been helping regulate the symptoms. I'm hoping I can eat avocado again one day lol!
@anotherone92 I feel your anxiety and hesitation about getting shot #2. I will be dreading that decision when and if the time comes too. You would “think” since our body had the initial immune reaction that maybe the second time around we might be ok? But after weeks/months of brain symptoms I’m with you and am scared to go through it all over again? It will be an extremely tough decision because I would like to be protected from Covid but don’t want to suffer again to get that protection
@lauriek I am a JandJ girl as I wanted a more traditional vaccine when the mandate came down.
I have read so many posts and have to say I am 6 weeks out and have had similar (but seemingly much less intense) version of other people’s symptoms. 3 days post vaccine I developed muscle twitches and insomnia. I have also experienced the transient pins and needles, a weird vibration sometimes, and muscle aching. If I’m being honest it is starting to get better, but has been super scary. I keep reminding myself that it is a side effect and will subside as all blood work and tests have been totally normal ( no inflammation anywhere in my body). So cheers to moving on from this madness and restoring our healthy bodies!
Also, it seems to me that it is mostly younger healthy people having theee hyper side effects. Older people seem to fare better, and I wonder if it’s because younger people have much more active immune systems? Just a thought.
@memphismel oh thank God! Ok, from everything I am reading patience is key. This is just a side effect but it is taking a while to subside. Ugh!
@glenb yes I did. I think I had every blood test possible and nada. All tests in fact have been perfect and they commented I am healthier than most. It’s a side effect and I guess we need to take reassurance in that as it will go away. Most people seem to report they are almost 100% after 6 months. Feels like 10 years away but grateful the time will come:(
@dizzydame I had bizarre reactions from chocolate lol. I have no problem with dairy. From what I read the vaccine /covid destroys your gut positive bacteria which is why partly why you get bizarre side effects. There seems to be a connection between mental health and a healthy gut bacteria flora. Not sure how or why is like a newly emerging field of study with plenty of research that supports it just nobody understands how. They managed to cure autism with a poop transplant lol.
if you eat a lot of sterile food that's been overcooked you destroy all bacteria good or bad. You need to eat more raw veggies just wash them nicely but it will keep their bacteria infact which should go into your gut and potentially help you with psychological issues. I recommend eating probiotic yoghurts to restore your bacteria. I was taking probiotics too but i dunno how well it works. I could feel effects INSTANTLY with yoghurt though. The moment I had a probiotic yoghurt boom my side effects anxiety symptoms were reduced.
Now i think that gut flora helps with body inflamation by taking the load off the immune system. With a weakened low bacterial count then it puts more pressure on the body which results in severe psychological effects.
Now I was also reading taht the spike protein can cause anxiety like symptoms when it attaches to immune cells. Psychological/mental health and wellbeing is perhaps your body telling you something is wrong and if you don't do anything about it then you gonna get chronic issues.
@opheas it’s insane. The JandJ was the only one I was at all comfortable with and they are even now making it next to impossible to find. I have even had side effects from it, but mild compared to what I have been reading I guess. Ugh it’s all too much.
I was mandated because we are ruled by King Newsom out here in Cali😡