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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Posted by: @stevo505

i received first doze of astra zenica 2 weeks later severe back pain 1 week later admitted to acute stroke unit with bilateral facial paralysis, in hopital close for a week, had a cat scan , 3 mri scans last one with a dye injected iv had a lumbar punch they took lots of blood, neurologist is confident its an unusual variant of guillen barre syndrome that attacks the nerve peripherals , no underlying health conditions... has anyone else heard of this,, neurologist told me there are clusters of this condition popping up all over the country...(uk) 

Guillen Barre syndrome became listed as a "rare" side effect in the UK by the government on August 25th for all the UK COVID vaccines. How are you doing these days?

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@lmkk that would be great to hear thank you so much. I am having physio and have been taking Ibroprofen and turmeric but I don't want to take anything stronger but I can't see this disappearing it's that bad. I've never experienced anything like this in my life. Does this arthritic pain go away then when you have experienced it before? 

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So, it’s been since May that I’ve been ill from the vaccine. In August I decided to stop taking everything - all the vitamins, OMEGA 3’s, Zinc, Quercetin, etc. I stopped it all and started doing rehabilitation exercises. 

From mid-August until a week ago I felt 90% better. Dizziness had pretty much gone. I still have tinnitus but I can live with that. I was still slightly tired a lot, but nothing like it was. Great! I was sure I was over it having 5 weeks of “normal-ness”. 

And then 5 days I ago I started to feel lightheaded again, and gradually over the last few days I’ve dropped back in to feeling how I did months ago. Dizziness is back, I’m super tired, brain fog, can’t concentrate, eye sight is bad. 

I honestly can’t believe it. After 5 weeks or feeling normal and thinking I’m over it I’m right back where I was. Nothing has changed, my diet is still the same. I can’t understand what has kicked it back off. I’m truly gutted. 

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Posted by: @larag

@lmkk that would be great to hear thank you so much. I am having physio and have been taking Ibroprofen and turmeric but I don't want to take anything stronger but I can't see this disappearing it's that bad. I've never experienced anything like this in my life. Does this arthritic pain go away then when you have experienced it before? 

Hi again. Yes my arthritic pain which could be excruciating for a couple of days after an illness did always go away 100%. Never had it this long though but I did read on the NHS website that it can take up to a year to calm down. I reckon it will take a good few months to ease off given the trauma our bodies are going through from the vaccine. I imagine that the colder winter months now begining in the UK are not going to help with a quick recovery. I'm just keeping warm and we'll wrapped up when i go out.

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@akkangel where did you find these people? I had some better days last week (still not pre vax good) and suffering a big relapse today. I'm 15 weeks in and still not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. 

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Hi everybody

I have been following this forum for a couple of weeks but thought it was about time I shared my own story. Like many of you, I have had a cluster of weird symptoms appear after my 2nd COVID-19 vaccination (Pfizer).  I was completely fine after my first dose and got the expected big headache the day after my second dose but then I was okay again for a couple of weeks except for the odd headache and extra tiredness which didn't bother me. However, about two weeks after my second dose, I started to experience high-pitched unrelenting tinnitus followed by headaches, deep fatigue, dizziness/lightheadedness (in waves), nystagmus, tingling down arms and legs, hands and feet.  In addition I have experienced nerve sensations running from my neck down my arms as though my limbs have gone to sleep or I'd hit my funny bone, numbness and tingling over my lower face, pressure in my head/sinuses and a feeling of vibration throughout my body. I have been really thirsty and drinking a lot of water.  None of my symptoms have been completely debilitating thus far but the tinnitus is starting to really get me down.  It is intrusive and I am finding sleep really hard, waking often to a loud noise and a feeling of surging in my body.  It is almost like my body is constantly switched on.

I am now in week 9 following the 2nd vaccination (12 August), week 7 of symptoms.  I've seen my GP three times, will go to a neurologist on 20 October and am going to try acupuncture with a Chinese Medicine practitioner tomorrow. There is no doubt in my mind that I have had an adverse reaction to the 2nd dose of the vaccine but, fortunately, I don't personally know anyone else who has.  My husband has been absolutely fine and my two kids have just been fully vaccinated and so far, so good.  

I am hopeful that we will all recover with time. I will keep you posted on my progress. Best wishes.

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Had another catch-up with my doctor. Still insisting it's nerve inflammation; he explained it's the peripheral nerves, which is to say there's no damage in the nerves in your brain or spinal cord, and that all the symptoms I've had (quick to trigger anxiety, eye floaters, dizziness, and many many others) are as a result of that. Still confident that it will pass over time, there's no permanent damage, and that the only thing you can do is wait it out.

Interestingly he was less insistent that I take the 2nd vaccine compared to when I spoke to him last. Unfortunately he can't rule out that the same thing won't just happen again with a 2nd jab, but he's optimistic that there'll be more data by the time I've recovered and specialists he can refer me to for advice, so maybe there's some sort of alternative to keep me safe from Covid.

Hope that's of some reassurance to everyone - he's been great throughout the whole process and is the only one who has listened out of the multiple doctors and medical professionals I've seen, so I do trust him.


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I have been following this board for a while now.  I suffer from the same symptoms as most (imbalance, headaches/pressure, leg tingling, etc.)  One that i haven't seen often is stomach issues.  I got the JJ shot on April 6th.  Had a reaction for about 3 weeks after that, then everything seemed to subside, until the first week of August.  All the symptoms mentioned above, and more, started.  October 6th was 6 months for me.  Some things have gotten better.  Less head pressure and headaches.  Legs aren't tingling as much.  Imbalance is not as prevalent.  The stomach issues and insomnia are probably the worst of it right now.  I have good days and some bad.  I've seen doctor after doctor and a couple of ER visits and everything comes back as normal.  I would love to hear someone's story of recovery, if there is anyone who recovered that is still checking this forum.  

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@chelsun that’s great to hear! I’m glad you’re recovering!🙂


I’m going to be 5 months post on the 15th and I have made some Improvements but still not %100!  The joint pain is my biggest issue right now

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Do you have tinnitus? If yes, has there been any progress or improvement?
My nystagmus and dizziness luckily healed but my tinnitus increased after 2 months.



My chronic dizziness completely resolved within 2 months. But I have developed chronic tinnitus now that doesn't go away.

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@am85 Thanks for the informative post.  I am similar to you and also have tinnitus (in my left ear, but that bothers me less than the dizziness). I have a swaying and lightheaded feeling but ONLY when I walk. I don't have room-spinning vertigo or any dizziness when I'm standing, sitting, lying down or driving a car. I felt queasy for months, but that now only happens sometimes. I understand from a balance therapist that I am unusual in not having dizziness when walking down a flight of stairs. He says most people feel dizzy going DOWN the stairs, but not up the stairs since the eyes are focused on the stairs in front of you and the brain doesn't get confused. 

I have little doubt that my symptoms were the result of an inflammatory response to the vaccine because I also had a cold sore a few days after the first jab and I often get cold sores when I'm fighting a cold or flu. The GP and the ENT specialist were both pretty certain my symptoms resulted from the vaccine. I am lucky compared to some on this forum since I had no other symptoms the way many others have reported. 

Like you, I also think the dizziness will eventually resolve even if there is residual vestibular dysfunction. I am no expert, but it is logical that the brain eventually "retrains" and learns to ignore confusing signals it gets from the eyes/inner ear but this process takes time. As we know from countless people who develop inner ear problems after viruses, the process is usually a slow one in many cases and it's not overnight!


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@stars182 It has been 7 months since my second Pfizer shot and onset of extreme dizziness, fatigue, postional vertigo and tinnitus. All symptoms have mostly subsided in intensity except tinnitus. It varies from day to day but it has not improved at all. I'm a senior citizen and I fear it may be permanent. No more shots for me. 

jacquelyn sauriol, LaraG, Sassafras and 5 people reacted
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I had the same. And i refused the 2nd Jab.

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@lili23 My partner had more than 4 episodes of what she called

'wavy' vision, with a headband type headache.  Went and got a full eye exam

because she was really distressed, and nothing found, $350 dollars spent out of pocket.

They have gradually faded but another one was reported by her recently. Her 20 year

old son had, 6 months after the vaccine, had an ear/vestibular moment like none he had

ever experienced before just the other day.  I add this because they are related.

Here is a good link below-just to look at the reports from VAERS in an organised way.

Select the vaccine you had and scroll down to the reports of types of symptoms post vaccine. 

Breath deep it is a bit much but good to see you are not alone so so not alone, the amounts are many.





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Posted by: @lmkk

@isismadec Yep! My husband works in a hospital and has told me that more of the COVID patients he is seeing are now double vaxxed rather than the unvaxxed elderly, sick and overweight sufferers at the beginning of the pandemic. I think they are known as "breakthrough cases" but by the sounds of how many breakthrough cases there are I am beginning to wonder just how effective these jabs really are?....

The county where I live maintains a website devoted to covid stats.  Up until recently, the stats didn't differentiate between vaxxed and unvaxxed cases.  As  of October 8, when the last update was made, there have been 1156 total deaths, 33 of those were fully vaxxed people.  Around 20-25% of new cases are of fully vaxxed individuals.  While hospitalizations and deaths of vaxxed individuals are the minority, they are still happening.

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