So far anyone that survives the vaccine doesn't get serious hospitalization from covid.
That's what they want us to believe, but it's another lie just like everything else they've fed us. In the county where I live, there have been 1156 total deaths. 33 of those deaths were of fully vaxxed people.
This is a link to a commentary regarding medical freedom. (Not from a site I've read before, just one that showed up in a list of Google health news.)
@hopetofeelbetter I took apple cider vinegar before every meal and that neutralized the acid in my stomach. It went away for a couple months but returned but it’s not everyday now.
I keep thinking of an old TV commercial where "Mother Nature" is given Chiffon margarine spread on toast and she smiles appreciatively and hums, "Mmmm, my sweet, creamy butter!" Then she's told it is, in fact, NOT. The sky grows suddenly dark, thunder claps, and her eyes and lightning flash as she sweeps her arms up over her head, exclaiming, "It's NOT NICE to fool Mother Nature!!"
Scientists explain that in various ways these vaccines fool our body into thinking they've been invaded by this novel coronavirus, COVID-19, resulting in raising our body's defenses to fight this attacker. Their expectation was that this production of the spike protein, responsive antibodies and other backup responses would occur local to the injection site, but it's been discovered that the spike protein in fact enters our bloodstream, subsequently traveling to our tissues and organs. Some are nonplussed by this finding, while others cry this is cause for alarm and may prove quite problematic.
Then, there's also a theory that the invader's antigens are so similar to our body's own innocent antigens that chaos can break out in our body as its defenses mistakenly identify itself as an enemy and mounts an attack against its own tissues and organs, resulting in an autoimmune response that causes myriad damages in almost any body area or part.
So, these are several theories concerning things that can go wrong with these vaccines. There is ongoingly and will be future research into what has gone haywire for some of us.
Until then, some of us are dealing with being the scene of this scuffling battlefield gone awry, which is a miserable scenario to have going on in our body. Similar to a battlefield upon which opposing armies spar, there are many strategies employed in the quest for dominance.
We need wise counsel, the willingness to relinquish the smaller hills, perseverance, and spaces and times of regrouping to prevail and come out of this fray victorious.
Sometimes I feel like the only weapons we have are to further "fool Mother Nature", which may or may not be very effective and may end up leaving us feeling the effects of further side effects of these interventions.
We wait, with varying degrees of alternating dismay, hopeful applications of remedies, and patience for our victory. May God help us ...Heaven knows we need it! 🙏
Well wishes for overcoming, this day, for each one of us! 😏
So far anyone that survives the vaccine doesn't get serious hospitalization from covid. At least that's what the data shows. You can still get sick just you not gonna get critical. Providing the data is correct. I'm more of a science guy no conspiracy stuff but I don't think they know everything. More data will be revealed over time that might show vaccine is not as safe or guaranteed as they initially claimed. There are some really serious vaccine side effects and some people have died or lost limbs from the vaccine mainly from clots but also. One older man died from microabcesses all over his body. Seems like vaccine causes microlesions in the body in addition to months of inflamation. You are guaranteed a high chance of moths long side effects. My roomate got inflamed lymph nodes 3 months after the vaccine. So random. He's thinking is something else because doesn't believe the vaccine has any side effects. We living in funny times playing with people's lives.
I don't know where you're reading the data you refer to, but that doesn't line up with what I read about some vaxxed still getting critically ill and even dying.
I don't know that there's a high chance of long side effects, but I've had my fill of them, for sure. I don't personally know anyone else with them, but we've shown up here in the company of a number of others so affected. A minority, yes - but not an insignificant or unconcerning number, in my reckoning!
@nehru1 I have definitely had something. Without sounding dreadful and although slightly embarrassing I have to say I had an obscene amount of belching. It was purely air but it was non stop for weeks. I didn't even think it was vax as I've suffered with acid reflux in the past but this was another level. I also got bad periods of diarrhea and stomach cramping out of the blue. I am now on acid reflux medication which has eased it. Sorry for TMI but I hadn't seen many people discuss stomach issues either so it's nice to know its not just me!
@thenystagmus hi. At about 6 months now, have you recovered? Any additional symptoms?
I've seen more and more posts lately regarding data and things people have read and views on jabs etc. And whilst this information is important and everyone's views are valid we have to remember we are all reading different things. We are in different countries reading different facts and at the end of the day we have all had the jab!
I don't want this forum to become a debate like some forums I've seen.. which eventually then become taken down. I use this forum for chat, support and to feel less lonely with people that understand. It really does keep me going. I for one hope it stays that way with no judgements or scaremongering.
@larag not at all! You’re not alone, I’m beginning to believe that there is a major link between our gut bacteria and the vaccine. I think it caused an imbalance and that’s why a lot of us experience the anxiety and acid reflux/ digestive issues. I never experienced acid reflux in my life till one month after the first dose. And now I’m sensitive to the foods I eat, so something might be off with the gut.
@pfizervictim i am sorry to hear you experienced a relapse. Did you do any life style changes? What do you think triggered it? Also, i remember you had vision issues as well, do you still have them? Sending you prayers for a full recovery soon.
Do you have tinnitus? If yes, has there been any progress or improvement?
My nystagmus and dizziness luckily healed but my tinnitus increased after 2 months.My chronic dizziness completely resolved within 2 months. But I have developed chronic tinnitus now that doesn't go away.
Hi, yes, I have experienced some mild tinnitus at the height of my other symptoms. Fortunately, it has become mostly unnoticeable as I've gotten better.
When I do still experience symptoms, usually associated with weather events - probably due to increasing barometric pressure - my whole cluster of symptoms visit me temporarily ...all on my right side - dizziness, sinus pressure, headache & ear pressure, facial parathesia (numbness, odd nerve burning, pins and pricks feelings), tinnitus - all fairly mild ...then they recede as the weather disturbance settles.
I do take 400mg ibuprofen every morning for pain at the base of my skull and do neck exercises to stretch muscles that shortened during my months of not daring to move my head independently from my body. If I don't take it once a day, I end up with a headache which seems to invite mild dizziness to join in.
Generally, I'm sooo much better that these are minor inconveniences ...that I cope with without getting distressed about it. And I'm really thankful for my health now. Regaining what I lost has given me a new appreciation!
I'm glad your nystagmus and dizziness have resolved! Mine was so debilitating! I hope that your tinnitus will also fade with time! 😏🙏
@nehru1 I think the same. I don't think there's any area of my body that hasn't been affected by this jab to be honest. I'm in the middle of a relapse atm and I'm struggling and have noticed my stomach is off again and my twitching/dizziness has increased again. I just wish someone could take it all away. 😔
I also had breathlessness and my Dr thinks my stomach acid caused this!
@thenystagmus I get this constant neck pressure at the base of my skull too. Neck and back pain is chronic!
@larag I understand it really is tough, im going through a relapse aswell very frustrating. Im gonna try yogurt and a probiotic supplement. Went to the doctor this morning and he looked at all my results and said everything is good. I explained the anxiety in my stomach but he can’t understand it because im not anxious about anything! Or worrying. Hopefully repairing the gut would improve things.