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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@hopetofeelbetter Hi, I'm good.  It's been three months since my brain surgery.

However, I was tested for Covid antibodies a few weeks ago and I have ZERO.  It's only been four months since my vaccination!  I'm seeing a new immunologist on Wednesday this week to see what I can do as I refuse to get another Covid shot.  I'm hoping I might qualify for the trial for the new Astra Zenica injection.

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Hi, I wanted to share a weird thing that happened in case it may help someone who experienced something similar. I had my vax in my right arm. That evening and I to the night my left arm bicep area was in excruciating pain. This lasted about 24 hours. I was completely puzzled as the shot was in my right arm. I could not lift my left arm above my head and the ache was intense. It went away after about 24 hours and for about two weeks I had some numbness and tingling in that area. I’ve wracked my brain with why this could be and it dawned on me that 4 weeks prior to my vax I had the tetnus booster. We had just bought a farm and I spend a lot of time in the barn helping my boyfriend rip down old wood and nails, etc. I got the tetnus booster before I was mandated to get the Covid vaccine. It was in my left arm. I’m wondering if the Covid vaccine triggered the tetnus booster? It’s the only thing that makes sense to me. Just wanted to share as ive seen questions about flu shots and not sure if the same would happen. It was really weird. I guess my advice would be to not get the Covid vaccine soon after another booster. 

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@nick I posted a while back about giving blood, I was already a donor so I figure I would give blood as often as possible (every 8 weeks) and maybe it would speed up the time table by clearing out any protein fragments in the blood.  If nothing else it will reduce the antibody count that might be causing the immune system to overreact. I not sure if it is helping but my symptoms are not as bad as they were.

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Ive never given blood. Not scared of needles but watching my blood run out of my arm freaks me out.  But at this point Id probably pat my head while rubbing my stomach and quacking like a duck in public if I thought it'd help me recover from this.

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Has anyone who has recovered eye floaters gone away?

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@opheas do you know how we can find out more about this information? When you donated blood was it after the 48 days? 

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@yoki this is immensely helpful. My job is requiring that I get the second shot or be terminated. I don't have a Drs note because my symptoms are not proven to be a vaccine side effect. So, Ive been coming to terms with possibly losing my life as I know it. I will be forced to get the shot and forced to be brain dead for a few months at best. I do enjoy reading that not everyone in our position had debilitating side effects following the second shot. Thank you very much. 

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Posted by: @swtammie78

@yoki this is immensely helpful. My job is requiring that I get the second shot or be terminated. I don't have a Drs note because my symptoms are not proven to be a vaccine side effect. So, Ive been coming to terms with possibly losing my life as I know it. I will be forced to get the shot and forced to be brain dead for a few months at best. I do enjoy reading that not everyone in our position had debilitating side effects following the second shot. Thank you very much. 

You're welcome. I think a lot of folks are going to be in the same boat. I hope your physician will consider putting you on a course of corticosteroids. I am convinced this mitigated me getting the same side effects this time around. BTW, my physician gave me a pretty hefty dose of prednisolone. A 7 day medrol pack may not cut it. Good luck.

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@glenb so the side effects reduced with every blood donation that you did?

Also, if we go by this logic getting periods must reduce the side effects for women. But, the vax has stopped getting it for many. If one doesn't get periods, they won't have a chance at it.

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@lpycb42 did you have symptoms after your 1st dose?

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@lpycb42 did you have symptoms after your 1st dose?

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@larag sure sure! Will keep you posted after I see my doctor. Did you do any CRP or ESR test as well? Those will indicate inflammation as well. Could I check with you? Is your IgA just slightly higher than normal? Your IgM and IgG are normal range?

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@kenny hey.. I honestly don't know. The neuro said he will see me again in 6 months. Said he thinks it's just time needed to pass. Mri clear. He requested auto immune bloods. Had alot of bloodwork done. I phoned for the results and the Dr said all tests were normal but one came back abnormal and that was my IGA levels. He said Igm was slightly high but nothing abnormal. He said this indicated inflammation but could be an incidental finding and should reduce with time. They didn't seem concerned but it's worried me....

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Just out of curiosity, for those who has taken blood test or given blood donation, has anyone (nurse etc) comment that your blood flow is slow? 

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I am wondering why some will have more reaction to the vaccine spike protein vs the actual covid virus. I did some research but could not find anything good yet. 

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