@twitch YIKES! I am so sorry. I am amazed at how many people are on this forum, sharing their stories.
I am a Neuro-Vestibular Therapist, as well as a holistic health coach. I have an understanding of the neuro-vestibular system, and watch with great concern how some people's immune reaction to the vaccine is causing more harm than good.
What do you all think about a live, online video conversation that could include an introduction to the topic, and allow people to share their stories about their post-vaccine symptoms. I'd want to put some structure around it, so people who choose to tell their stories could do so in a clear and concise manner. Do you think this is something that people in this group would like to participate in and watch?
If you would watch, or want your story featured, or both, please reply here. I believe it would be informative and supportive if we shared these stories in a live video streaming format. It could stream live on FB and YouTube.
@jagzzjagzz Hi, I have the almost the same Side effects like you. I'm post week 5 of first pfizer jab and won't take the next dose until time and things will get better for me. The only thing I have now is the less blurry vision, the dizziness wane off on 4th week but the blurry vision and sometimes twitching or muscle pains are still on and off. But its not uncomfy anymore. Time, rest and supplements paid off. I only noticed that my immune response is sensitive if my rhinitis will come out (which been my long time allergy and will relieve w rest or simple meds). I have my heart race due to that, but its also tone down and back to normal after less than a minute, i managed it w anti-histamine for my allergies, bit of steam bath and rest. I feel you, its very traumatic and I just hope this week will get better and week 6 will be my 100% free. The dr just told me that am getting better because of my normal vital signs and my side effects are weaning. Both of them told me to simply wait, rest, nourish, and take my supplements as I'm getting better. Am also on weekly acupuncture too which it helps me a lot. I think we have this due to the vaccine spiked, the protein mainly, our immune system have been on attacked mode and our CNS is disturbed by that so until they go back to their normal rhythm, the symptom will come out but in lesser intensity. The best thing is they are weaning off.
Godbless us all and hope we all get healed.
@cathymason hi, Im 100% cured. I will tell you tho, I had no idea back in April that I would be saying this. I suffered from Jan-April with extreme dizziness, nausea. What helped me was the vestibular physical therapy.I visited doctors, allergist etc… I was so desperate and didn’t think that it would help me but after the third time going and religiously doing the exercises, I started to get better. I only needed to go 4 times. Please hang in there and try the vestibular exercises, they do work!
@twitch OMG yessss!!! I had tingling AND twitching in my eye. And ear ringing and fullness but it will get better. I honestly thought some days it was it and couldn’t see me getting better that’s how bad it was but I did. It’s a strong inflamación reaction to the vaccine.
This post has made my year! I am so so pleased to read that you are 100% recovered from your symptoms. My main annoying side effect has been the constant tingling/pins and needles. You have given me so much hope. Thank you. 🙏
@simplicity2378 I got my first phizer shot in may 2021. And had symptoms for 5 months.
High Blood pressure, I’m usually low. Heart palpitations. Double heart rate. Swollen lymph nodes. Swollen throat. Sweating. Faint. Disoriented. Passing out (4 times). Dizziness. Light headed. Brain fog. Blurred vision. Eye floaters. Tinnitus. Vesicular migraine. Headache. nause. diarrhea 13 days. runny nose. sore throat. hot and cold felt like I have a fever. Entire body warm. Fatigue. Bed ridden. Couldn’t lift my head off the pillow. Mental and physical fatigue. Decreased vision. Vertigo. Anxiety and depression. Felt like my body was shutting down. Lost 30 pounds. They are going to pre treatt me to my next shot so I don’t get symptoms. So far they have successfully done it with 200 people.
Would be interesting if you could come back and share what the pretreatment is for your second shot.. 🙂
@jaydev55 I did, it was so scary for me at first and annoying but it dud go away. I joined a group on Facebook, not sure if you’re in it but it’s specifically about this and very helpful. It’s all people after the vaccine. https://www.facebook.com/groups/265035901879921/?ref=share
@lmkk Im really glad I can come back and tell people because I know how desperate I was back then. I spent countless hours and days reading and crying in desperation.
Im in the same boat right now. Three months out from first Pfizer vaccine and symptoms are only just slowly going away. I feel about 50% better.
I suspected from the start it was going to be a long and slow road to recovery so I really appreciate to hear from others who have already been down that road and fully recovered.
I know so many others reading your post will feel so reassured that they will get better in time, especially for the new people just joining looking for help and advice. Once again thank you so much .:)
@kathleen-stross WOW!!! I have been thinking that this is a great idea! Im in it. I would love to help with my story.
@twitch I had symptoms from Jan 10th thru end of April. Horrific! It was pretty intense for me.
I should also let everybody know. That I will be getting the Johnson and Johnson shot not Pfizer. That is what my immunologist is recommending. I will post back once it’s done and how I am doing. For now I just wanna focus on myself and get myself healthy and my mindset in the right place. I’ll be back in a few weeks.
Does anyone have any advice on dealing with setbacks?
Before this whole ordeal I was struggling with an anxiety disorder and emotional dysregulation which I was seeking therapy for and doing well. I've also dealt with depression in the past.
I'm constantly vigilant and in my head at the best of times, but I'm at the point where I can't tell if what I have is genuine anxiety or the vaccine. I just seem to be constantly anxious no matter what and nothing seems to help.
With that said, a few days ago I felt perfectly happy and optimistic of recovery, fast-forward a few days and I'm at a stage where I'm googling what to do in case of a mental health crisis.
I've moved back in with my parents but they don't really understand and aren't able to help, so the whole thing is very isolating. Feel like I'm one bad day away from checking myself into a mental hospital.