How did those that recovered experience their recovery. Did you just wake up one morning and everything subsided? Did it gradually get less intense until it didn't come back? Was there a remaining symptom that was felt last before you recovered?
For me, it was gradual. I had side effects for 6 months. The dizzy spells, headaches etc. started to occur less frequently to the point where I didn't notice them anymore. I still have tinnitus and my vision is not the same anymore.
@kathleen-stross prednisone and antihistamine for 3 days. Day before, day of and day after the shot. Hope it’s enough.
I really hope it works for you. I took prednisolone the day of my appointment and was on a tapering dose for 2 weeks. I had my last dose a week ago today.
Hey everyone,
I got my lab results back, and its my worst fear realized. ANA came back positive, as well as a positive RNP- I have an auto immune disease now. Currently its just "lupus", but I strongly suspect sjogren's syndrome because of the nephropathy, as well as dry mouth and eyes I suddenly seem to have developed. I will have to wait for more blood work and an appointment with a rheumatologist to confirm this. There is no cure, the progression, and mortality are unknown at this point. A lot depends on its manifestation of symptoms and how well I do at managing them.
I just found out last night, I think I slept 3 hours. I am really and truly heart broken. Of course I dont have an official diagnosis, but it seems likely its whats going on. I do intend to do my best to live the best life I can now. I am still grieving though. Ive been through a lot in my short life. I have never felt anything so soul crushing as seeing that positive lab result. It is really hard to understand how this happened so fast. This isnt a death sentence, but sorta feels like one right now. Hopefully I can get my symptoms under control and see my son grow into a better man than me. I hope you all recover from your illnesses.
@lmkk Glad to know I'm not alone! I've never tried CBD oil but I'm willing to take anything at this point.
I've had weird anxiety as well and it's different every time. Sometimes it's physical, sometimes I feel constantly wired, sometimes it's constant fight or flight, sometimes it's there even if I don't feel anxious in my mind. I don't recognise it compared to my normal anxiety at all and none of my usual coping methods seem to work either, so I just sort of sit with it as best I can but that's a lot easier said than done. I also have had depression, emotional numbness and being overly emotional and getting really angry or wanting to cry at everything.
I'm in London, yeah, North London specifically. I have a private mental hospital up the road but you need to be the heir to a royal family to be able to afford it unfortunately.
Thanks again for your help 🙂
@nick that's horrible news, so sorry for you! Do you think the vaccine caused this?
I have been a member of this forum since February. I had 2 Moderna shots, the last one at the end of March. For 2 months I had severe vertigo, dizziness- as though I was wearing someone else's prescription glasses, trembling fingers and toes. The symptoms gradually subsided.
Now a booster is suggested. I have questions:
1) When the original vaccines were given, the CDC/FDA was adamant that one MUST receive both shots from the same company. That one Pfizer and one Moderna was not approved. WHY THE ABOUT-FACE???? WHY IS IT OK TO GET THE BOOSTER FROM THE OTHER COMPANY NOW????
2) I have seen **NO** reports or studies addressing the horrible side effects from the vaccines that many people experience, and treatments for them. When I got my vaccines there was no precedent for Covid Vaccine side effects, but that is surely not true now.
@lsado1212 I would not get the second dose. The second one sent me over the edge.
Hello! I’m thrilled to find this site and realize that I’m not alone in my “vaccine journey”. Long story short for me is that I received my first dose of Moderna on 4/1/21 and two days later began having headaches. Those lasted a month and although I was hesitant to get the second shot, I did. My second was on 4/29/21. At that point things went from bad to worse. Along with the headaches, I began feeling dizzy, tired, I had night sweats, and generally felt unwell all the time. Like many, I felt pressure behind my eyes and the feeling of my head being “full”. My mornings would start off with dizziness which would give way in the afternoon and that’s when the headaches would start. This went on until mid June when it all basically cleared up overnight. That lasted around 3 months and I was ecstatic until a few weeks ago when I got a cold and my symptoms returned immediately after the cold subsided. The good news there is that the symptoms only lasted 4-5 days this time. It appears these symptoms can come and go. Short back history on myself that I should note – I was diagnosed with Vestibular Neuritis 4 years ago, so I think that, plus the vaccine definitely had something to do with my issues. My theory is that the vaccine is definitely causing some type of inflammatory response in people who have a history of vestibular disorders. I think my body healed over time and then once I got a cold it caused a temporary flare up. Also, during my 2-3 months of misery I had a CT Scan which was clear and an MRI which was clear. My doctor eventually told me that it was possible that I had an allergic reaction to the vaccine or I had built up too many antibodies and my body couldn’t handle it. I feel my theory is more accurate, but one thing is clear, doctors don’t know anything about this stuff. Thanks for reading and feel free to reach out with any questions. And remember, things will get better with time!
I could be wrong but I have an intuition that the antibodies responsible for destroying S1 protein fragments are destroying fungal micro organisms in the gut micro flora beneficial for health and the bi product is causing a prolonged hex reaction inside members of this forum. This would explain as to why we seem to be having prolonged symptoms with mast cell dysregulation. I did some research and apparently a lot of people with covid infections have a surge of candidiasis which doctors are attributing to being un a hospital setting. But the coincidence seems a bit too strong. Also, people with the J and J vaccine received a dnavector vaccine which builds antibodies but much later than the mrna vaccine ( which sequences mrna to start building antibodies almost immediately peaking at 2 weeks). This further works to prove that the problem is the antibodies built rather than the initial s1 protein theory. I considered heavy metal toxicity as a probable cause as well as most of the symptoms correlate to mercury poisoning but the pfizer, mrna and J and J vaccine dont state the use of thimerosal in their vaccine. Has anyone here been tested for IgA? Also has anyone on this chat experienced excessive dandruff, yeast infections or oral thrush post vaccination?
Yes. Before I got this vaccine I was perfectly healthy. I was an athletic firefighter. Other than minor joint pain I had no health issues, and yearly physical exams. Part of my labs was a test for covid antibodies- I never had covid. This started the day after I got the vaccine. The symptoms have persisted since I got the vaccine. I dont know what else I would attribute it to. But I never had any of these symptoms or even hints of them prior to 8/23. Was there something that made me uniquely predisposed to trigger this? Maybe, but one things for sure, If I hadn't got that vaccine I would have ANA right now.
@nick I know you are feeling low right now about the positive ANA. You mentioned Sjogren’s in an earlier post and I hope it might help you to hear that my mother had Sjogren’s and recently passed away from natural causes at the age of 100. She lived in her own home until she was 92.
@asimps Hi there, just coming across this forum after doing some googling as I have been feeling the same way after receiving my first pfizer dose 4 days ago. Given that it has been a while since you posted this i was just wondering if your symptoms went away or if they got worse after your second dose