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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@simplicity2378 i wonder how long it will be before it goes back to normal. Im going to discuss it with my ob. I know someone that went on birth control for 2 months just to regulate it. Im scared to put anything extra in my system. 

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@pfizervictim I just wish that we would be listened to by healthcare professionals. I wish that they would gather the data and at least consider the possibility of these symptoms being connected to the vaccine. There’s almost like a shame factor to sharing your vaccine story with other people because they automatically assume you must be anti vax which could not be further from the truth. Most people do fine with the vaccine but what happens to those of us that we’re not as lucky. People with a past history of vestibular issues or autoimmune issues or sensitivity to meds? Who will develop treatments to help us get better. Waiting six months to a year to see any kind of improvement is not fair we have all suffered so much 🥺

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@hopetofeelbetter I asked my ob and she seemed clueless to the fact that this is happening to women. I could not believe it.

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@simplicity2378 all of these doctors are acting clueless. The cdc is now saying they may change their definition of fully vaccinated and my job requires full vaccination. They wont even acknowledge thay some people are having these issues due to the vaccine so we probably will have to doctor hop until we can get an exemption or quit our jobs. 

LorraineB and LorraineB reacted
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@hopetofeelbetter what will be their new definition of fully vaccinated?

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I have been following this forum for 4 months.  I am suffering extremely from almost all the symptoms that have been mentioned.   It has been 5 months since my jab.  Has anyone found something to detox from the vaccine and reverse these symptoms?   
It just seems that symptoms evolve and wax and wane but I am left to sit in my house not functioning.   I pray that we could unite to stand up and get  recognized and get some help. 

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Posted by: @hopetofeelbetter

@simplicity2378 yes i am still dealing with changes to my menstrual cycle. My cycles are coming in 24 days instead of 28 days and are extremely heavy. 

I spoke to my GP because I was concerned about bleeding that started 2 weeks after my first Pfizer vaccine. It was painful and felt like a heavy period. He just laughed and said he hadn't heard anything about the vaccines effecting periods when I asked if it could be caused by the vaccine or if it requires further investigation.

The strange thing is that I am currently breastfeeding so I shouldn't be having a period until I finish breastfeeding the baby.

I have since read in the news that the vaccines are believed now to be effecting periods, even women who have been through the menopause have experienced period like bleeding since the Vax.

It's all very worrying.

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@tarx and @nathan  For heart palps, I have had great improvements by simply eating a few walnuts every day.  I know that sounds too simple, but get some fresh walnuts (not stale) and after 1-2 days the palps decreased by 75%. Also recommended by the American Heart Assoc. (for 60-70 yr olds, though I wonder why one has to wait till they are 60 to eat walnuts!!! I am 57 and they work for me now!! ha!)

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Posted by: @msmar

First, I want to preface my comments below with a statement that I am generally strongly pro-vaccine, and believe that vaccines can be an excellent tool in preventing the spread of potentially life-threatening illness. I have taken, and will continue to take, vaccines to prevent illnesses such as the flu, measles/rubella, tetanus, etc.  I never had any adverse reactions to any of the vaccines I have taken in the past. 

I've been hesitant to post here as I don't typically share much--especially health related concerns--via social media forums. I also do not want to contribute to hesitancy to take the COVID vaccine as we are in the midst of a dire public health emergency, and it seems that many people (including my husband) seem to tolerate the vaccine well. However, I believe that it is equally important to identify any safety issues with a new vaccine so that all people can make fully informed decisions about the risks and benefits of taking it. Although I was eager to take the COVID vaccine, I had a bad reaction after my first dose and will not be taking a second one.

A bit of background: After a likely mild COVID infection last year in March 2020, I developed numbness/tingling and other abnormal nerve sensations (paresthesias) in my hands, feet and limbs. The symptoms were mostly just uncomfortable but never painful or debilitating. After consulting with my primary care doctor and a neurologist, who both did extensive testing to rule out other conditions, my neurologist ultimately concluded that my prior viral infection most likely caused me to develop small fiber peripheral neuropathy, which he believed would resolve in time. By March 2021, my condition had been improving with only mild paresthesias continuing to affect my right hand and leg.

On April 8, 2021, I received my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Within 24 hours, all of my neuropathy symptoms became markedly aggravated (pronounced numbness and tingling returned again in all of my limbs, as well in my face and head, muscle twitching throughout my body). Within a few days, I started having nerve pain in my arms and legs. Within 10 days, like many of you, I also started having a dizzy/lightheaded feeling, as if my head were on a boat. Within 5 more days, I developed more severe dizziness, head pressure, paresthesias, a racing heart, fatigue and weakness/shakiness. The symptoms were disabling and were so concerning I went to the ER as I wanted to rule out heart or other serious neurological issues. Although all scans and testing done ruled out emergency conditions, the ER doctor did believe that these symptoms were likely a reaction to the vaccine, and recommended follow-up with a neurologist and cardiologist. After evaluation by those doctors, they also believed that the vaccine mostly likely aggravated my existing neuropathy and possibly disrupted the functioning of my autonomic nervous and vestibular systems. Again, my neurologist advised he believed these issues would gradually resolve.

Some words of encouragement: After nearly 8 weeks since my dizziness began, I continue to get headaches but the dizziness has mostly subsided and I'm able to resume normal activities (exercise, driving, reading, watching TV, working, cooking, etc.). The parasthesias, nerve pain, and muscle twitching is also gradually improving. Nerve inflammation can take a very long time to resolve, so patience is key. I am not taking any medications (except ibuprofen as needed for headaches) as my symptoms overall are tolerable. I also take Zyrtec and Flonase for allergies and continue to take them as needed. What helped my recovery the most has been rest, hydration, proper nutrition, and exercising as much as one can tolerate. The exercise, in particular, seems to be helping my body/vestibular system readjust.

A word of caution: Anyone experiencing similar symptoms should consult with qualified doctors to rule out other causes, as all of these symptoms could be caused by serious medical issues unrelated to the vaccine. In my case, no other causes or medical issues have been found. 

Finally, it is important (if you live in the United States) to report any suspected vaccine side effects to the CDC and the FDA via the VAERS reporting system. If only a small number of reports are received, the CDC and FDA will conclude that the issues are "rare," when in fact they could be more common. Please report so that our public health agencies have an accurate picture of how common these issues may be. 

Wishing you all peace and a return to better health.



Hi @msmar

I just came across your very detailed and interesting post from several months back.

I'm just curious how is your paresthesia these days?

It's reassuring to hear that you were healing after developing it initially from a suspected covid infection early last year. How is your recovery with your second bout of it after your Pfizer vaccine if you don't mind me asking?

While I have been suffering with dizziness, brain fog, visual problems, tinittus, strange backache after my first Pfizer vaccine I have to say that the paresthesias bothers me the greatest.

It's been three months for me and it's hard not to get anxious and impatient with recovery taking so long as well as very little information available on the symptoms.

Hope you are continuing to get better. Would be great to hear an update from you. 🙏🙂

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Posted by: @judis

Has anyone had Vestibular (Dizziness) side effects from the Pfizer booster.

I have had dizziness since my first, most days I feel like I'm on a ship in stormy weather since my Pfizer jab 3 months ago. Would be interesting to hear back from anyone who had a second vax or booster how they got on.

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Does anyone have any ways to reduce brain fog? Would really help! It’s one of my worst symptoms right now 🤦🏻‍♀️ My heads so fuzzy!

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I'm 5 months out from the first Pfizer shot. I had a list of side effects, which most have resolved, but I am still dealing with Tinnitus and chronic Knee pain.


Has anyone's Tinnitus eventually stopped? If yes, how long did it take? are you taking any medications to deal with it?

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Posted by: @anotherone92

Has anyone had so much anxiety/stress (vaccine induced or otherwise) that they've just started to feel a bit numb? I feel cut off from my emotions.

Honestly feel like I'm going to lose my mind and I'm just so, so scared. I came into this process with mental health issues that I was dealing with but nothing like this. 

I don't feel ready or capable of dealing with is and I'm fearing the worst. My family don't understand and I've no idea what to do.

Just checking in on how you are doing today since your last post? 

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I am not posting this to deter anyone from getting the vaccine. We are all individuals. Make a decision based on YOU!

Now, I got the Moderna shot three weeks ago and I can strongly say I am not going back for the second dose! My anxiety has increased every since I got the shot. I can’t focus, my hands shake and palms become sweaty. My head always feels like it’s under water, balance sucks. The doctors all say the same that they don’t know what caused it. I’m very in tune with body and meditate everyday for hours to combat my anxiety. But every since this vaccine, which I was mandated to take for my job, I can’t even focus to do the darn job. I rather get fired, lose my home, everything than to go and get the second dose. My mental health is way more important than a job. Hopefully my anxiety stabilizes soon but this is a very scary feeling. I don’t feel in control of my mind every since the shot. 

This post was modified 3 years ago by CrazyAmped

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