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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@lmkk That's very kind, thank you. My emotional detachment turned into massive anxiety which is incredibly easily triggered. It's actually tailed off a bit as the day has gone on but still very easy to trigger - a simple thought seems to set it off. There are some parts of the day where the anxiety is so bad I think I'm going to have a breakdown, and others where it's mild enough for me to not be in a constant state of terror and have some control over my own thoughts. I'm exhausted.  

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Posted by: @anotherone92

@lmkk That's very kind, thank you. My emotional detachment turned into massive anxiety which is incredibly easily triggered. It's actually tailed off a bit as the day has gone on but still very easy to trigger - a simple thought seems to set it off. There are some parts of the day where the anxiety is so bad I think I'm going to have a breakdown, and others where it's mild enough for me to not be in a constant state of terror and have some control over my own thoughts. I'm exhausted.  

Im totally with you with the anxiety. I was just thinking myself how exhausting this all is.

Last week or so I've been feeling slightly better in my self with my symptoms improving overall to around 50% better. Suddenly at 3am this morning I woke up with strong pins and needles in my right arm and hand. Given that my right hand has been least affected by the paresthesia I have been super stressed out most of the day due to this alarming flare-up.

Thought it was from sleeping funny but it's been on and off most of the day till it stopped this evening. As a consequence my heart has been jumping about because of my worry.

It is definitely terrifying as I am always in fear it is going to suddenly relapse badly. I'm just about to have some strong camomile tea with turmeric mixed in and have an early night. 

Hope tomorrow is a better day for us all!

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@lmkk Sorry to hear that, and I definitely resonate with the fear of a relapse - it's a tough fear to shake.

Let's hope for a decent night's sleep and a slightly less shit day tomorrow

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Hi all

I have been following this post for some time and wanted to share my symptoms with you. I feel it’s important as I can imagine there are so many people who read this forum for relief but never post! Please feel comfortable to come forward and tell your story as the discussion provides untold anxiety relief to those suffering! 

my symptoms manifested back in March when I had my first vaccine with numbness and a weird feeling in my right arm (same arm as vaccine) at the time I didn’t accociate the feelings I was having with the vaccine and after visiting a neurologist was told it could be anxiety or a mineral deficiency. I have suffered with health anxiety for yours but to be honest it had never felt like this. I then continued to take my second vaccine 20/06 and following this my symptoms evolved further. I have had all blood works done as well as a mri on my brain and spine (all come back clear thankfully) it was only after a month later that I began to research online and found this forum as quite frankly waking up feeling like a zombie every day takes its toll! 

so my symptoms… they are 


- brain fog (this has improved) 

- dizziness (this has improved) 

- numbness and tingling mainly on right side 

-muscle twitches these are mainly located in my calves they were originally visible but now have settled slightly

- Right eye has also been feeling weird for some time and twitches constantly. I had 2 in-depth eye examinations both with OCT scans and was told my eyes were in great health. 

it Is really comfortable to hear that I’m not the only one going through this and even more so that the symptoms match how I feel. I would love to hear about more stories and recoveries. I feel like I’m slowly getting better but as many say the recovery is not linear so I guess it’s just a waiting game! 

stay strong everyone hopefully over time we will be heard! 

I am a 29 year old fitness freak and have managed to remain active throughout this nightmare. I do find fitness and a clean lifestyle helps.  

I do hope this message can offer a bit of relief to some and happy to discuss anything further with any of you 




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If anyone is still dealing with brain fog. Try taking 5 htp 200mg once every 2 days. This should help you when it gets too bad. Try not to get too dependent on it.  You can pick it up from any otc pharmacy. Let me know if this helps. 

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I wanted to put in a word for the herbs, suprised to say the NIH has a paper on herbal antivirals. We all can use knowing about more of these....note about their list- Nigella Sativa is just Black Cumin. Food antivirals include Black Cumin, Ginger (fresh juice esp), Garlic, Licorice, Honey, Cinnamon, Mushrooms and Black Pepper, as a short list.  Just eat some Thai food right?  With some honey cinnamon hot chocolate for is medicine, esp. if you can eat organic.  If you aren't convinced about organic, try reading Stephanie Seneffs book, Toxic Legacy.  It begins to explain the glyphosate mess and mentions a tie-in to the current Covid situation.

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What neurological problems do you have? I had involuntary spasms, luckily they stopped but the tinnitus remained.


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hello all :  got my second shot of moderna on may 21st ,two days latter i was in la la land for 5 months dizzy, brain fog, i would say about a week ago, I'm about 90 percent back.   didn't  know if   i'd be normal again during this experience of la la land from hell , your body needs time . my neurologist said he can't tell me it was from the vaccine, said doctors could lose there license if he told me my 5 month severe brain fog, dizziness was from the vaccine. if i can recover there's hope.

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@stars182 Tingling and twitching in my legs that comes and goes sometimes I get a random twitching or tingling in my abdomen area or my hands. Tinnitus is not the same sound all the time-sometimes it’s a slight hissing sound like a radio frequency (subtle) and sometimes it’s more noticeable but it’s there every day.

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@lmkk I had periods when I was breast feeding with both babies way before Covid. FYI 

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@judis I received my Pfizer booster three days ago and noticed quite a bit of dizziness beginning last night. It’s a little worse today. My first two vaccines were in March and April and didn’t cause any dizziness. I’m sure hoping it goes away quickly. It’s unnerving! I did order a single homeopathic remedy today for it through Amazon which should arrive tomorrow that might provide some relief. I’ll update here if it helps.  🤞

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@lmkk I'm sorry you're still feeling unwell. I do have some additional information to share that you might find encouraging. My paresthesias have calmed a lot now. I started noticing real improvement about 5-6 months after the vaccine. I now feel similar to how I did in March 2021 (pre-vaccine), with mild paresthesias primarily affecting my right hand, leg and foot. Occasionally, I still have some transient paresthesias on the left side but they are becoming much more sporadic, and that side of my body feels normal on most days. This is similar to the gradual healing process I experienced after my likely COVID infection last year.

The recovery process (post-COVID and post-vaccine) wasn't linear, though, which was certainly frustrating and stressful. There will be periods where the paresthesias are aggravated, and then calm, only to flare up again. But my flare-ups gradually became less frequent and more mild over time. Nerves take a long time to heal, so it could take 6 months (or possibly even a year or two) to start noticing consistent improvement. Light, regular exercise helps circulate blood and nutrients to the muscles and nerves, and I think that walking almost every day contributed significantly to my healing. I also drink a lot of water, and avoid alcohol as even small amounts can have toxic effects on nerve cells.

I hope you start feeling better soon, and I have faith that you will! 

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Posted by: @wolf1476

Has anyone that has received any of the new Covid Vaccines, did you experience any increased dizziness or other symptoms?

Male, 45 years old.

I received my first Moderna shot on 28 Jan (Lot #042L20A) and second on 4 Mar (Lot #029A21A). Other than mild flu-like symptoms for 24 hours after my second shot, I felt fine. On 22 July @ 3:45PM, like the flip of a switch, I experienced a feeling of fullness present in my left ear, vertigo/dizziness/Oscillpsia, brain fog, and vision issues. It's hard to explain, but the best explanation I've found is that I always feel like I'm two beers into a good buzz. I had perfect vision until that day; now I'm far sighted and can't read anything on my phone unless it's held out at arms length. The issues have not subsided since 22 July. Currently progressing thru my primary care doctor and an ENT specialist, with upcoming VNG tests (CPT codes: 92537, 92538, 92546, & 92540) and an appt with an ophthalmologist. Getting the vaccine was the worst decision I've ever made.


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It’s great that people are seeing improvements come the 6 month mark🙏 I’m at month 4 and last 2 days have been rough it feels like flare ups and my body goes crazy and takes days to calm down to a point where it’s tolerable! At the minute my body seems to be rejecting everything medicine and food. It’s weird that even by now I seem to have new weird feelings come, my heart palpitations seem to have calmed down but severe dizziness has cropped in to take it’s place 🤦‍♂️ This is one journey I don’t wish to go on again feels like everyday is going to be my last👎 Out of curiosity anyone else had the moderna and recovered?It seems to be the stronger mRNA vaccine so I’m hoping that isn’t going to make this road even longer 😔

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@nath7 are you feeling really not yourself and shaky and sick? The past few days I’ve felt like that really not myself honestly go to bed and don’t think I’m guna wake up!

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