@bowie I strongly believe so! Most people (including myself) on this forum reported that symptoms have lessened by the 4-5th month, and it seems that most ceased to exist around 6-8 months... It just seems that it needs a lot of time.
@johnson2021 can you please email me that link/ document? The link you posted is broken. I’d like to get better and would like to try what you posted . In Jesus name we will get better. My email is [email protected]
@happyhourglass Hi. I know you posted a while back. Was just wondering if you got the vaccine then and if it worsened your dizziness? Wishing you well. Thank you.
@anotherone92 I know it's a new vaccine and the only major side effects are linked to heart inflammation and blood clots, but it seems obvious - even to a layperson - that if it causes inflammation in the heart, there's a chance it can cause inflammation in other areas as well. And if a patient is reporting head, chest, or ear pressure two weeks after the vaccine, and there is no other explanation, it makes sense to at least consider inflammation from the vaccine as the cause. It's been four weeks since my second dose and I can't help but wonder if many of my symptoms could have been alleviated had my provider taken me seriously and prescribed an anti-inflammatory from the start. This is why it is SO important that the CDC and FDA come forward and educate the medical community about post-vaccine inflammation so that a treatment(s) can be researched and prescribed. Forcing patients to wait six months (or more) for relief is criminal, in my opinion. I'm sorry for the rant; I am so frustrated about the entire thing!
@creativecat haha yeah I also received my shot on June 29th, what a coincidence! I'm fine now most of the time, only the occasional headache which goes way, but as soon as I try to do something physical or mentally they start to flare up and I have stop and lay down, did some Googling and it sounds alot like a tension headache but I don't think that's what they are, also looked up stuff like PEM and CFS and while I have some symptoms I don't have them all.
@karin Hello. I am in the exact same boat, and feel so guilty for not getting the vaccine, but same as you, just cannot do it out of total fear. Just wondering if you got it then and how you made out. I haven't read subsequent posts yet, so apologize if you have already posted. It is so frustrating to see all the people here who have suffered long-term vaccine effects, and it is just not ackmowledged, like everyone refusing to take it is just a selfish person. Maybe some people have reasons why they are justifiably afraid. I have had people tell me how terrible I am. Certainly wishing you well. Thank you.
COVID-19 vaccines: PRAC finds insufficient evidence on a possible link with multisystem inflammatory syndrome
UPDATE: 4 Weeks Post 2nd Pfizer Vaccination. I promised that I'd provide an update after receiving my 2nd Pfizer vaccination. I am still doing alright. Summary: 2nd shot 8 months post 1st shot. Waited as long as I could so that my immune system stabilized and my side effects from the first shot subsided (it took about 6 months). Started antihistamines and NSAIDs a week or so prior to my appointment. Started a 2 week course of prednisolone the morning of my appointment. Only side effects from the shot were a sore shoulder and some headaches. This lasted a few days. I have felt fine since. Please note that prednisolone is not without its own set of side effects. While I was on it I had fluid retention, elevated blood pressure, headaches, sleeplessness and mood changes. After stopping the prednisolone, I had headaches, lightheadedness and sleeplessness. Those have all resolved. I think I'm out of the woods.
I know that folks who had nasty side effects from their initial vaccination are being put in a very difficult situation about getting the second dose because of the government mandate. I'm hoping my experience gives you some ideas about taking back some control over the situation. If anyone is still interested, I can post an update on my condition next week.
@ttoth0210 I was taking Purgenx Vertigo Relief but Amazon ran out. I'm going to try another one, Vertisil, but haven't received it yet.
@ttoth0210 Also doing the epiley maneuver helped quite a bit too, it took the majority of the really bad spells away. You can find how to videos on YouTube.
@jaydev55 My ENT diagnosed me with it but the symptoms dont really fit. I've had Tinnitus for almost 20 years from being in the Navy, significant persistent high stress for 11 and never had issues with dizziness or vertigo until after my 2nd dose of the vaccine and have had vertigo for 5 months now. All tests are normal (CAT, MRI, blood), the foods he told me to cut down on (caffiene, salt) I already don't use much of. He tried to say that it was also an earwax issue. I have bad allergies and even at 40 still get ear infections. I find it odd that over 20 years of seeing different ENTs that EVERYONE some how missed it? It doesn't add up