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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Anyone had unexplained bruising? I’ve had a big bruise on my leg and now 1 has appeared on my arm, I’ve not banged myself though! I was taking aspirin in my paracetamol for about 2/3 weeks ish about 2 weeks ago, could that maybe be why? 

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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  1. Is there anyone out there that had these awful neurological (and/or heart inflammation) side effects and gotten a second dose? The University I work for has now mandated a 2nd dose and my doctor will not issue a medical exemption. I got the 1st shot Pfizer in April and it was traumatizing beyond belief and ended up in the hospital thinking I was dying because of all of these things talked about on here (spasms, internal vibrations, electrical feeling in body, legs and arms fell asleep for weeks) plus heart inflammation. I am wondering the experience of those who have gone on to get the 2nd shot? Considering getting a 2nd dose of Moderna instead. Any insight is appreciated.

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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@eileenwh yes with J and J, Johnson and Johnson. Not Pfizer or Moderna. 

Lee H and Lee H reacted
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Just watched an interesting YouTube video entitled, Kyle's vaccination complication, Kyle Warner, a 29 year old champion mountain biker, being interviewed by Dr John Campbell 're his reaction to his second covid jab. He developed pericarditis and reactive arthritis following the second jab. At first, hospital doctor said it was a panic attack and he was sent home. He went to another hospital several days later where he was believed and underwent tests and diagnosed. The video is only one week old and will probably be censored soon.

KitKat, PfizerVictim, DrL and 3 people reacted
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@dizzydame thanks for sharing your experience. Definitely getting better.  It's just really slow. 

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Anyone else like me also had Covid prior to this? I had Covid 6 months before but was back to normal working after 5 weeks, then had vaccine, seen a few articles that the vaccine could cause so issues as our body’s are already use to the spike protein there for causing cells to Attack them selves? Usually people are bad off there second vaccines but mine was my first. Anyone had any good neurologists say if having immune suppressants like what the have for autoimmune diseases would help us all with our symptoms? Just got a feeling that they would calm down our symptoms massively. 🤷‍♂️

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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@nath7 hmm I am not sure since there are people who did not get covid before and got the long covid side effects after vaccination. I am making a guess that it is the immune system is reacting more to the spike protein. Not sure if it is due to higher autoantibodies that goes to hyper attack mode that is causing wide spread inflammation or simply inflammation on the nerves or blood vessels. Need to figure out a way to calm the immune system or remove those auto antibodies (some had reliefs after donating blood, not sure if it is due to lesser auto antibodies in our blood) you should be able to find more information in Reddit too.

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I had Covid around 5-6 months before my vaccine too and then had all my health issues following my first shot.

I was recovered from Covid within a week, that was easy compared to what happened after my vaccine.

It did cross my mind that the vaccine provoked some sort of hyper reaction because of having had Covid but my other half had the same and they were fine so who knows. 

Just wish I had thought about it more before getting a vaccine for something I have already had - I didn’t think twice about it. Lesson learned haha. 

Nath7 and Nath7 reacted
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I don’t know what type of arthritis I have as although I’ve had the diagnosis, I’ve yet to see the specialist about it. I’ve seen it mentioned on here a few times recently!

Its refreshing that they have said that it’s related to the vaccine, a bit of honesty and common sense goes a long way rather than them ignoring obvious causes. 

And I agree, it does take a lot of mental strength. I seem to be over the worst of it (fingers crossed) but the summer months were some of the hardest of my life. 

KitKat, Quail444, PfizerVictim and 3 people reacted
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@kenny very plausible I spose it’s really hard to know what it is even when doctors can’t find it 🤷‍♂️ Thankyou for your reply though always good to see what views there are 

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@psargie your exeactly the same as me then roughly i didn’t hesitate when getting the vaccine as you wouldn’t think you would get ill off a vaccine 🤷‍♂️ How are you feeling now adays have you seen some relief. I have some days where my symptoms are less intense but don’t have periods off 3days  feeling well it’s normally just random days where I do! 

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@dmjb52 Hello, I have also just passed the 4 month mark after the 2nd Pfizer vaccination and since the 6th week from the vaccination I have been having dizziness, nausea, high anxiety, headaches, brain fog, nightmares every night, rashes and skin problems, ulcers in my mouth, joint pain, muscle pain in my left arm (vaccination spot), swollen lymph node in my left armpit - and I have been havint stomach/GI problems in the last 3 weeks as well:(. Those symptoms were very bad at the beginning, serious bloating/gases, stomach pain, discomfort, feeling full all the time... After 2 weeks, stomach/GI symptoms have lessened, but I am still having those problems coming in waves / flare ups, which is very annoying and depressing. No OTC painkillers help, I just have to wait until the wave ends... Have you found anything that helps?

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@nath7 Exactly! Haven’t had my second shot yet and doubt I will.

I’m so much better than I was and am doing all the things I did before - gym, swimming, nights out, concerts, holiday.

I was diagnosed with arthritis following all this so do have jaw issues still and have had a blood test (as I am having some eye issues) which may indicate myasthenia gravis but that has yet to be confirmed. Although that may sound serious, I’m trying to concentrate on the fact that I feel fit and healthy for the most part  and that it may be something else or an extremely mild version of it. 

Totally get the non-linear recovery though, I feel your pain! I spent almost 3 months like that not knowing what the day was going to bring and if anything new was going to appear. It’s been a slog! 

KitKat, Sassafras, Nath7 and 5 people reacted
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@psargie that does sound scary I hope it’s not to serious! I think it’s crazy how the vaccine causes auto immune problems! Hopefully maybe they can get better with time? I’m over 4 months now it’s a long old process I can’t work at the minute got autonomic nervous problems most likely pots syndrome. Also crazy dizziness and vertigo like symptoms 😔 hoping to get some relief soon. I’m happy that people on here are seeing improvement though so they surely shows with time it can get better? 

Sassafras and Sassafras reacted
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@nath7 Sorry to hear - not being able to work really shows how it can affect people badly. I really believe and hope that people can get better, it just takes time, which is hard to see when you are in the middle of it all I think. I'm thankful that some of the issues I had seem to have cleared completely but I am left with some potentially permanent ones that I'll just have to deal with. Do you feel better than you did a month or so ago - even if just slightly?

Like you said, the vaccine seems to be causing autoimmune problems for some of us and most of the consultants I've seen do not want to even discuss it which is just really odd I find. If it was anything else, they would be considering possible causes. I'm not an anti vaxxer, I just think side effects should be looked into and studied to prevent or at least help others who may find themselves in situations like us.

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