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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Instead whats common for all vacc I ask myself whats common for us who develop this symptoms.. but really don't know where to start.

KitKat, Kenny920, Inasweatermood and 5 people reacted
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@nath7 well some people can have PPPD for life but just learn to manage the symptoms with a combination of SSRI medication, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy but in my case as I’ve had it for 6 months I’m told yes it’s reversible but I have to retrain the brain to turn the fight or flight system off. I’m taking magnesium and vitamin b2 plus CBD oil for anxiety although it’s got to the point where I have so much stress at the moment aside from this condition that I think I will have to take anxiety medication which I’m scared to do but it’s kinda got to the point where my brain needs the serotonin! I’ve tried to do the holistic way but turning anxiety off just by breathing is not easy. I hope you get to see a Neurologist soon but good luck on getting any doctor to accept your symptoms are caused by the vaccine! I wish you well very soon 

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@ladyd I suppose there’s one good thing in most of is that we don’t have a history with these symptoms so hopefully in time and healing our symptoms will start to go, probably the main thing to do is take your mind of it and forget it’s there which is impossible to do when we have symptoms all day long, I hope you also get relief soon wishing you the best. Thankyou hopefully with me being only 27 that means I should hopefully have that on my side and my body can correct this. 

KitKat, Inasweatermood, LadyD and 3 people reacted
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@ladyd I have been diagnosed with the same. I have had migraines since I was 14 years old. Never had vestibular migraines. Since getting my Moderna shot I get headaches everyday, dizziness, swaying, brain fog and fatigue. It produces a lot of anxiety. Are u still getting the migraines or have you been able to control them? 

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I don't know whether this helps any of the younger people here (not that I'm particularly old at 40) but I wish I had known this when I was younger as it would really have helped me.

When I was in my twenties I had a minor knee injury which meant I couldn't run without pain for years, so I gave up running. I thought that as this hadn't completely  healed in 4 years, I'd NEVER be able to resume running. Even this for me, in my twenties, was really hard to accept - I thought I was just getting started and suddenly my body was breaking.

I then had a bad back in my 30's when my kids were young that affected every part of my day. This lasted for 3 or 4 years. There was no structural abnormality to be found by the doctors, so I thought it would last forever - why would it improve?

THESE THINGS DID HEAL it just took a long timel. I fixed my back by posture in the end (I would never have believed that was the key for me, until it worked). I also tried running one day - and no pain. No pain anywhere, and I was at my highest fitness ever before I had the vaccine in April (which, in all modesty, was pretty damn fit)! 

My point is these things can heal, even when they take so long we're at the point we think they can't.

I'm at 6 months now. And it's scarey seeing how long it is taking some people to recover, and even then not necessarily 100%. It's tough and I understand I have no guarantees. But let us just remember the human body does have remarkable healing abilities - and people are recovering. It's beyond terrible what has happened to us here, but when we get through this, we really will be stronger than ever. 

I don't know whether that's helpful but just something I wanted to contribute.






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I’m sorry to hear you’ve suffered so long. I’ve never had a migraine or headaches in my life before having the vaccine. I haven’t actually been diagnosed with vestibular migraine I’ve been diagnosed with PPPD induced by a vestibular migraine following the vaccine. I have either had or still have all the symptoms you describe but I know those symptoms for me are anxiety related. PPPD used to be called Phobic Postural Vertigo and that is exactly what I have experienced. My nervous system reacts to me being sat in certain postures particularly when I’m sat still. That’s because I had a panic attack when sitting down after coming back from a walk with a migraine attack. So my brain has stored this as a threatening posture which triggers the fight or flight response. My dizziness is 24/7 but anxiety is bad when in certain postures. I think there’s a lot of people on this forum with very different symptoms and diagnoses but the dominant and common symptoms we are all experiencing is anxiety and anxiety can cause a lot of the symptoms people complain of here. It’s worth reading up about the physical symptoms of anxiety so you can separate what’s anxiety and what is a vestibular symptom and go from there. I don’t get migraines or headaches, I get 24/7 rocking swaying like I’m on a boat.

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I got my moderna booster 5 days ago. Two days ago I started experiencing numbness in my left leg and arm. Very severe but would resolve itself within 5-10 minutes. Had a bad one today which left me feeling dizzy and weak. Is anyone experiencing something similar? I had no problems with the first and second Moderna shots. 

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@three4rd I need to get thy butt over there. I was diagnosed with Meniere's in my 20's, brought it under control with allergies and occasional rounds of prednisone and Lasix for when I accidentally ate wheat, msg, etc. But I did really well, went over 20 years without any symptoms.

After my 1st jab in April, I felt "it" right away! I was utterly horror-struck. That high-pitched screeching alarm sound, that herald cry that the vertigo storm is coming...was upon me. I could not, would not do this again.

After the first jab, the Meniere'sy (tinniitus, headache, muffled hearing, disorientation, etc.) feeling lasted until the next morning.

2nd jab late June: Same thing but lasted longer, 3-5 days. I was worried I'd messed up my diet, started planning a full elimination diet. Started getting "vestibular migraines" (that was new; I've had migraines since age 10 and I'd never even heard of VM, but hey!).

From late July, I'm increasingly unsteady, noticing my hearing is really bad, new headaches, strange episodes of vertigo, seemingly without precipitation....that "OMG, could my Meniere's be coming back....NO!!!!!!!!"

3rd jab Oct 7: The "Meniere's" and unsteadiness is so instant, I skip the area where you're supposed to wait for 15 min and hoof it out to my waiting friend. I'm gasping, sweating, can't hear sh*t, incoming migraine, flashing chevron heart was pouding, too.

And I've basically been here since. I do remember 4 days after that third jab, I felt great, got dressed, make-up, etc. and went for a drive and shopping with a friend and felt fantastic all day. Yeah, I was tired when I got home...I have basically not been mobile since. I am actually better this week, but all my symptoms are still triggered from the slightest movement and lights. I've always been photophobic, but what I had last week was "otherwordly". I have a vague recollection of all the lights off, me in a broad brimmed Tilly hat and dark sunglasses and crying because BF wouldn't turn off (or get a lower wattage) for the last and only track light in the kitchen. It's better this week but I just got a headache after being under lights in a store for 5 min, on my first foray out since Oct 10...?

I will definitely check out

Hope you are feeling better!

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Hello friends! New member here. I too have been experiencing some strange and frustrating side effects after my Moderna vaccine on August 14th. I’m a 24 year old female with no history of medical issues prior to the vaccine, just seasonal allergies. About 2 weeks after my first jab, I started getting strange neck pain, muscle spasms when trying to sleep at night that were accompanied with “brain zaps”, blurry vision (worse in my right eye but both eyes are effected), headaches, major brain fog, ear fullness/head and sinus pressure and occasional dizziness that I notice more when I wake up in the morning. What has really worried me is the blurriness in my eyes and a feeling of pressure or fluid buildup behind my eyes. I have seen an ophthalmologist for this. She explained to me I just have chronic allergic conjunctivitis? It seems so odd as this is the first time ever having vision problems due to allergies and my vision has always been near perfect before the vaccine. I worry this will be permanent and it has not gotten better since then. There are days when the blurriness subsides and I can see a little more clearly and then other days where my vision is totally messed and I literally had to buy prescription glasses to see better at work and while I drive. It’s been so hard. I’m worried my eyesight is now damaged. I did receive the second Moderna vaccine just for the status of “fully vaxxed” in the hopes that I can participate in activities later on if they ever pass a vaccine mandate for travel and what not. Kinda regretting the decision to even get vaccinated in the first place 🙁

I live in the US and have seen my PCP many times already for these symptoms where she seems to think all of this is just “allergies.” I don’t think so. My next plan is to hopefully see a neurologist. I’ve been keeping up with other members posts and seeing some people have gradually gotten better but others are experiencing symptoms many months later. I’m already almost 3 months post-vaccine and I’m having anxiety everyday over this. I’ve also been having slight depression because this is cutting into my quality of life and no doctors seem to have any real answers or treatment to help me… and I’m sure the last thing they will even do is blame the vaccine. Even my mom thinks I’m crazy cause almost everyone in my family has been vaccinated with none of the symptoms I’ve been having. Has anyone else experienced ear fullness, brain fog, sinus pressure and constant blurred vision that hasn’t subsided?? I’ve been taking magnesium and D3 vitamins daily but that doesn’t seem to do much for me. I’d appreciate any responses or suggestions on what to do next, Im losing faith!


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@adelaide I see, you posted this more than a month ago. How are you feeling now? Me too have ear tinnitus since the vaccine and the ENT has started some treatment. Though I have not been through any tests for now, he said, that my ear seems normal on examination and could be an internal nerve issue. I am currently using ear drops prescribed to me. Though I do not see much improvement yet I am not even sure if this'll be back to normal. 

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@maktas87 that's awesome!


How about the tinnitus? Did it vanish too? Did you take amy medication for that?

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@bretdoucette did your tinnitus vanish? 

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@judes interestingly, the problem lasted about 3 months and then it got better.  I just decided to suck it up and get the booster, and shockingly, I had no side effects this time except soreness in my arm.  I think I may have vestibular migraines since my concussion, and the vaccine triggered them before.  It's odd stuff.  I hope you feel better soon.

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I took the first moderna covid vaccine shot of three October 7. I felt fatigued for the first few days. I expected it to stop after 5 to 7 days at most but it continued.  After a week the fatigue was still there and I had developed a headache. The head ache continued to intensify and on the 11th day after the vaccine I awoke to an extreme headache and a fever of 102.2. I went to the hospital and after many test the cause of the headache and fever was diagnosed with Viral meningitis caused by varicella-zoster virus (VZV), (the chicken pox for kids/ shingles for adults). I'm still undergoing treatment and things are getting better but it's just very odd that this happen right after the vaccine. Has anyone heard of anyone else having an adverse reaction similar to this??

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@judes   I'm so sorry to hear about all the bad side effects. The email from VEDA is indeed timely being that I've just been thinking about this site and wondering how everyone is doing. I've been contemplating getting the covid booster, but I remember well what I went through after the 2nd moderna. It took months to get back on a reasonably even keel. My ENT put me on fluticasone propionate nasal spray after I made an appointment and reported the bizarre symptoms, and that has really done wonders in terms of preventing most recurring vertigo or even slight dizziness episodes. However, that said, I'm so leery of getting this booster. I just had the flu shot and so don't plan to get a booster for a few weeks. I'm wondering if I should at all. I surely don't want a repeat of what I went through back in April, but neither do I want a breakthrough covid infection. I have alot of catch-up reading to do here since I haven't visited this site since probably the beginning of summer or even before. 

My best to everyone here. 

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