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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@ohjason what did the doctor say? I also do not know what these means

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Posted by: @heybro
Posted by: @medee

@fila85 hmmm... I see! Thanks for your reply. Seems like your and mine symptoms are not exactly similar but, the response from the doctor is. Though my doctor didn't mention 6-8 months, she did say it'll fade away with time. It's been so crazy, I am annoyed at myself for taking it since I wasn't in favour of it. Just took it out of pressure and here I am with tinnitus in both ears with pain and waiting for other symptoms to vanish too. Hoping to come out of it soon!

Time hasn't seemed to do anything.  Has time actually helped anyone yet?

@heybro I am at 7 months and most of my symptoms have subsided. I still have occasional headaches and left ear fullness and minor tinnitus that seems to come on more at night. I had all the other symptoms including nerve pain in my left knee. That is almost gone as well. Stay strong. I started taking fish oil 2400mg which was suggested for the long haul Covid treatment. 

DrL, Dee, DrL and 1 people reacted
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@cmarslip19  My symptoms got significantly worse after my 2nd dose. It's been over 8 months since my first dose, and I'm still having constant vestibular symptoms. Some days are better than others, but it's always there. My nausea and fatigue have greatly improved with time, so that's something.

KitKat, LorraineB, LadyD and 3 people reacted
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Anyone here feels bloated or laboured breathing after eating especially during night time? 

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@ladyd how you getting on? 

LadyD and LadyD reacted
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@nath7 I’m now at 6 months and still have rocking on a boat dizziness 24/7. I’ve been diagnosed with migraine induced PPPD (Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness). I can’t work, I can’t socialise I can’t even go to the supermarket! I’m about to get physiotherapist for vestibular rehabilitation and a 121 coach to help me. I may have to go on anxiety medication but that’s as a last resort. Thanks for asking! How are you?

KitKat, Sassafras, Amber and 3 people reacted
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@isismadec Hey! I was diagnosed with Meniere's in my 20's and figured it was basically gone these 30+ years, but it seems to have been triggered by the vaccine. After each jab, I felt an instantaneous high pitched whining (tinnitus) and a severe sense of imbalance, like I was going to fall over. Each jab lead to a bout of "Meniere's" with the last ne on Oct 7, the real game changer. I've not been been even mildly okay since. I've also had a number of "new" eye/vision issues including 3 new eyeglass scrips for increased blurriness, a new prism for my glasses, two subconjunctival hemmorhages (one so severe I coukdn;t see but of that eye and went to ER, they are still monitoring it, saying the lesion on my eyeball is healing but is not entirely gone, nd now I have to stop writing because this triggers all my symptoms.

I hope you're feeling better! I'm not, but at least my 10-day headache is gone. 🙂


KitKat, Inasweatermood, KitKat and 1 people reacted
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@ladyd that sucks 👎 I was hoping you would of seen improvement even a little, any neurologists say how long you can expect? I’m ok I’ve had a better week this week I’m 4 and a half months in. Been put on beta blockers to stop heart from doing all kinds of crazy things 👎 but since being on them that have caused my dizziness to be a lot worse, but I can move about more now can exercise for like 10 mins without needing to pass out! Have you tired coq10? Or nac? I’ve recently brought them but haven’t tried them yet because I can’t really take them whilst being on beta blockers as it lowers my heart rate and blood pressure even more. But there information that these can help with long haul Covid symptoms which is quite closely linked to all sorts that we are going through with these side affects. There’s a lot of theory’s that the vaccine has caused cytokines to react and attack our own cells from a hyper over reactive response to it. Tbh there’s loads of things what it could be but apparently these can help calm them down if it is this what is causing it 🤷‍♂️ Lately I’ve been worried that I’ve developed ms or motor neurone disease I’ve lost a lot of weight since this mostly muscle mass and I’ve become so much weaker. But I’m probably over reacting as I’ve been not really active for 3 months! Only this week where I’ve been able to be abit more active. Keep fighting I’m hoping between 6-9 months that our body’s sort out the imbalance or damage whatever it is 🙏 

LadyD and LadyD reacted
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@kenny Sure, that has been my problem for weeks unfortunatlely additionally to other side effects. Bloating, feeling full, no appetite, abdominal spasms...

LadyT, Kenny920, LadyT and 1 people reacted
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@jham1111 YES, yes, a thousand times yes. I was diagnosed with Meniere's in my 20's and controlled it for over 30 years with careful diet and occasional prednisone and Lasix.

This started after each jab, a sudden loud ringing in my ears, a sense of off-balance so severe I had to get on my hands & knees! This feels very like Meniere's to me - and it feels just as awful as I remember. However, after almost a month, the nausea is gone and so is most of the severe headache I had for about 2 weeks.

I have had vision/eye probs too, and the eye clinic doesn't quite know what to make of me. One Dr was sending me on my way but his boss, the attending, was very interested in when I hd the jabs and when my symptoms began (immediately, in each case, but not as severe as they would come to be.) and she's insisted I come back in 2weeks. I'be also had two subconjunctival hemmorhages (July and Sept) as well, never had one before. One was so severe I literally couldn't see - it covered my whole eye - even the ER doctor was alarmed! It's mostly gone, but the Dr actually wasn't satisfied it was completely healed, but isn't that  broken blood vessel which has been a side effect of the vaccines??

Anyone else having vision/eye problems?

I am lost in Meniere'sland. Light and movement trigger my headaches and vertigo....anyone else notice that? So, I'm living in a bubble of audiobooks, trying to minimize any triggers. I've been like this since about Oct 10. I had the 3rd jab on Oct 7 and felt it ll right away but it seemed to settle down by day 4. I remember doing my hair, getting all dressed up and going for a lovely drive to the North shore to check out Talbot's. It was a wonderful day.

The next day all the symptoms came on like a freight train and I have been like this ever since. Last week I was certain I had either a brain tumor or MS (I literally have all those symptoms). The eye clinic wants a CT scan but I doubt it will find anything but I will get it done to rule out anything more serious. As of this week, I'm convinced it's the vaccine because what else could it be?

Wishing you all the best. In my heart, I do believe this will go way but i my experience, my Meniere's takes time to heal and can be easily triggered, so....


KitKat, Inasweatermood, KitKat and 1 people reacted
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@itsjustme Exactly the same with me and I also use a prism post head injury for double vision and it has worked VERY well for me, too. However, after my first jab in April about a month later, I realized my prism had suddenly stopped working and everything was also blurry. I got a rush referral to the surgeon who prescribed me a new prism and told me I needed a new progressives scrip.

I did all that - twice but the blurriness continued. It took me weeks to realize it wasn't constant: sometimes I could see just fine and sometimes not at all. I've also had two rather severe eye bleeds (burst blood vessel in eye), one they are still monitoring, but it is getting better. I remember my eyes burning so much over the last month. I was using Systane every hour; thankfully, that all feels a bit better now.

I have no idea what else it could be except for the vaccine!

Hope you are feeling better. Wishing everyone a steady Wednesday....


KitKat, Inasweatermood, KitKat and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @judes

@isismadec Hey! I was diagnosed with Meniere's in my 20's and figured it was basically gone these 30+ years, but it seems to have been triggered by the vaccine. After each jab, I felt an instantaneous high pitched whining (tinnitus) and a severe sense of imbalance, like I was going to fall over. Each jab lead to a bout of "Meniere's" with the last ne on Oct 7, the real game changer. I've not been been even mildly okay since. I've also had a number of "new" eye/vision issues including 3 new eyeglass scrips for increased blurriness, a new prism for my glasses, two subconjunctival hemmorhages (one so severe I coukdn;t see but of that eye and went to ER, they are still monitoring it, saying the lesion on my eyeball is healing but is not entirely gone, nd now I have to stop writing because this triggers all my symptoms.

I hope you're feeling better! I'm not, but at least my 10-day headache is gone. 🙂


That's so disheartening that you were able to control the Meniere's for so many years and now it's reactivated.  ☹️   I've followed this forum from when there were only 25 pages or so--and you are the first to describe the eye bleed.  That's beyond scary.  I wish you all the best and hope that you and everyone else will return to normal sooner rather than later. 

The more I read and the more I hear, the more convinced I am that refusing the vaccine was absolutely the right choice. 

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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@kenny I definitely have the laboured breathing, especially if I've had a big meal. Digestion normally makes you feel tired anyway so that's likely only amplified at the moment

Kenny920 and Kenny920 reacted
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@nath7 I was given beta blockers initially for migraine prevention and for anxiety but yes they do make you more dizzy because they lower your blood pressure. I know that I’ve had all my bloods done, ECG, ENT, Neurologist and finally an Audiovestibular specialist who after hearing the cause of my symptoms diagnosed PPPD. The vaccine I had was a viral vector vaccine not MRNA so different vaccines work differently in the body. I don’t believe I have anything more sinister than a nervous system problem. I know the vaccine triggered a vestibular migraine but because I didn’t know what was happening to me at the time I had a panic attack then I’ve had persistent dizziness since because my brain hasn’t reset itself. Vertigo + panic attack = PPPD and anxiety. I believe this diagnosis is correct.

Amber, vaxdJJ4-21, Nath7 and 3 people reacted
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@ladyd at least you have a diagnosis is your condition reversible?  I hope you start to see some relief soon you think there's any medication you can take to help? its very tough mentally and physically to deal with this day in day out. I'm thinking I might go see a neurologist next I've been diagnosed with an autonomic nervous dysfunction but not sure if its an autoimmune disease or not hopefully a few more tests for me. wish it was simple diagnosis for us seems so strange how long we stay ill for. 

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