Last seen: January 23, 2022 6:42 pm
@sickofthis It’s my pleasure! I’m happy to help in any way I can. If you don’t feel better physically, you can help yourself mentally for now and I ho...
@jkro I am happy to say for now, I am feeling better each day. There are some times where my symptoms hit me hard but I try to stay calm and relax and...
@sickofthis I understand how you feel. I was down in the trenches trying to punish myself for getting this vaccine when my symptoms were at their wors...
@hisrichess yes, I have had slight tingling/numbness in my left hand randomly. It tends to last a few minutes and goes away, I got both shots in my le...
@deedee I definitely get bloating and fullness after I eat. It’s very annoying, it usually subsides with a Tums.
Just a quick update, It’s been almost 4 months since my 1st Moderna vaccine when all my symptoms started. I can honestly say my symptoms are gettin...
@hisrichess I totally feel you! I’ve always suffered with anxiety and mild panic attacks and I would smoke THC to calm myself but after I got the jab ...
@rika33 hi Rika, I also had episodes of derealization/depersonalization shortly after I got vaccinated. DP is the outcome of high anxiety and panic ...
@milena90 I saw a video on YouTube that a man who was suffering from tinnitus after the vaccine said his symptom started to subside after a few months...
Hi Rutha, I have definitely had changes in my vision after my first Moderna vaccine in mid August. My eye symptoms are a bit different than yours th...
@jessiekhri thank you for your reply. I actually visited the ENT earlier this month after my first initial post on here and he diagnosed me with rhini...
@jessiekhri hey Jessie. How is your blurry vision? I am experiencing the same! Especially in my right eye as well. It’s been over 2 months already. Ha...
Hello friends! New member here. I too have been experiencing some strange and frustrating side effects after my Moderna vaccine on August 14th. I’m a ...