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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@nath7 Yes that is what I have too "arrhythmia" and it is the Heart pause which give you the bad feeling or hard heart bit. I think the tablet will help, but it takes time. writte me after some time and tell me how you are. my Experience is that activity, stay calm and time is the only solution. I belive and still hope it will go away by time pass by as I see improvment for my self. it is very much slow but it improves. Meny are written it takes 6 months to get well. mine is 5 months. The doctors in UK are much better than in Norway. infact i did Whatsapp consultation with Dr Rex Dawson in London which did help me talking to him.  

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Posted by: @judes

@jham1111 YES, yes, a thousand times yes. I was diagnosed with Meniere's in my 20's and controlled it for over 30 years with careful diet and occasional prednisone and Lasix.

This started after each jab, a sudden loud ringing in my ears, a sense of off-balance so severe I had to get on my hands & knees! This feels very like Meniere's to me - and it feels just as awful as I remember. However, after almost a month, the nausea is gone and so is most of the severe headache I had for about 2 weeks.

I have had vision/eye probs too, and the eye clinic doesn't quite know what to make of me. One Dr was sending me on my way but his boss, the attending, was very interested in when I hd the jabs and when my symptoms began (immediately, in each case, but not as severe as they would come to be.) and she's insisted I come back in 2weeks. I'be also had two subconjunctival hemmorhages (July and Sept) as well, never had one before. One was so severe I literally couldn't see - it covered my whole eye - even the ER doctor was alarmed! It's mostly gone, but the Dr actually wasn't satisfied it was completely healed, but isn't that  broken blood vessel which has been a side effect of the vaccines??

Anyone else having vision/eye problems?

I am lost in Meniere'sland. Light and movement trigger my headaches and vertigo....anyone else notice that? So, I'm living in a bubble of audiobooks, trying to minimize any triggers. I've been like this since about Oct 10. I had the 3rd jab on Oct 7 and felt it ll right away but it seemed to settle down by day 4. I remember doing my hair, getting all dressed up and going for a lovely drive to the North shore to check out Talbot's. It was a wonderful day.

The next day all the symptoms came on like a freight train and I have been like this ever since. Last week I was certain I had either a brain tumor or MS (I literally have all those symptoms). The eye clinic wants a CT scan but I doubt it will find anything but I will get it done to rule out anything more serious. As of this week, I'm convinced it's the vaccine because what else could it be?

Wishing you all the best. In my heart, I do believe this will go way but i my experience, my Meniere's takes time to heal and can be easily triggered, so....


Yep! I problems too after first Pfizer vaccine.

Sharp stabbing pains mainly in right eye. Flashing lights and wobbling vision. OCT scan and eye check revealed nothing apparently my eyes are in good health. 

Have you experienced the dots and flashes of light?

Eye floaters I've had over twenty years also suddenly very noticeable again after years of not being very prominent. Also had pins and needles around my right eye at times.

Very strange stuff!

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Posted by: @yoki

UPDATE: 5 Weeks Post 2nd Pfizer Vaccination. I promised that I'd provide an update after receiving my 2nd Pfizer vaccination. Still feeling OK. Summary: 2nd shot 8 months post 1st shot. Waited as long as I could so that my immune system stabilized and my side effects from the first shot subsided (it took about 6 months). Started antihistamines and NSAIDs a week or so prior to my appointment. Started a 2 week course of prednisolone the morning of my appointment. Only side effects from the shot were a sore shoulder and some headaches. This lasted a few days. I have felt fine since. Please note that prednisolone is not without its own set of side effects. While I was on it I had fluid retention, elevated blood pressure, headaches, sleeplessness and mood changes. After stopping the prednisolone, I had headaches, lightheadedness and sleeplessness. Those have all resolved. I think I'm going to be OK.

I know that folks who had nasty side effects from their initial vaccination are being put in a very difficult situation about getting the second dose because of the government mandate. I'm hoping my experience gives you some ideas about taking back some control over the situation. If anyone is still interested, I can post an update on my condition next week.

Good to hear.

Please do keep us up to date on how you are getting on.

Glad you are doing well especially after your second shot. 🙂

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Posted by: @dannyefc

Hi, I was just wondering if anyone has serious health anxiety from there symptoms? I started off after my AZ 2nd jab. My vision subtly started changing and feeling weird. gradually got worse and stabilized whereby I just have a weird light headed/zoned out feeling. Its not a spinning room sensation as such. It does seem worse in unnatural/bright light but its always there. I've had all my bloods done twice and they came back fine, MRI was clear, ophthalmologist cannot see any issues and in fact said eye health was very good. This is all re assuring but the fact they cannot tell me the issue makes me so anxious as i'm searching for the cause. I'm 99% sure its the vaccine but that 1% says what if. 

This is honestly driving  me insane. I have over time had some of the other symptoms like ear fullness etc. They have actually diagnosed it as long Covid however I never had any of these issues after Covid, The GP said that the jab might have sparked a reaction. I think the only thing keeping me sane is this forum and knowing other people have very similar issues.

Same thing as you. Eyes have been checked and in good health. My eyes particularly the right feels odd. Keep having shaky vision and flashing  in my eye. How long did yours get worse before stabilizing? I'm 3.5 m out from first Pfizer vaccine.

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Hello everyone, 

I’ve been reading this forum for a while now and have decided to post my story. 
I got my first Pfizer shot on June 5th. The next day I only had a sore arm. 5 days later that’s when all the side effects crept up on me : 


- intense headache, loss of taste and smell (got tested for Covid twice and it was negative), sound sensitivity, nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite and I had this weird crawling feelings in my legs, chest pain and heart palpitations.

These symptoms lasted for two weeks then it was followed with clogged ears/head pressure, numbness on my head, face, arms and legs. 

In August more side effects showed up : dry eyes, light sensitivity, eye pain (on the left side where the head pressure is), blurry vision, eye floaters, eyes+body twitching, shaky vision when looking up. 

I’ve been to the ER, had an MRI and CT scan, had a blood test and everything came back normal. I’ve been complaining to my doctor about my chest pain and she said it was anxiety. I’ve seen an Audiologist, ENT, Optometrist, Ophtamologist, Neurologist and all my tests come back normal. These specialists were all clueless. 
I saw a cardiologist last week and he has diagnosed me with Pericarditis. He prescribed anti inflammatory medication for 3 months and I will be having an ECG and ultrasound next week, will keep you guys updated. 

Fast forward to November, I am feeling much better than last summer. My lingering side effects are : 

- taste and smell (only back at 50%)

- muscle twitches (mild) 

- numbness has mostly subsided but only left on my right leg 

- head and ear pressure is mild - when I get a relapse it’s a lot less intense than what it was 

- eye floaters / shaky vision 

- blurry vision - left eye 

- chest pain 

- occasional headaches

Has anyone else lost their taste and smell post vaccine? 
Overall I’d say I’m 80% back to normal. I have been on sick leave because this has affected me mentally.  This experience has been horrifying and I regret taking this vaccine every single day. There is NO WAY I’m taking the second shot. Being dismissed by doctors is the worse feeling ever. People around me have been telling me “stay positive” “you’re okay” “it could’ve been worse”. They don’t understand the severity since they haven’t been through it. 
I’m grateful for this forum and I’m positive we will all recover from this, you’re all in my prayers. 🌻

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@dannyefc I can relate to that all 100% I am having all the same issues. Has your doctor mentioned if things will most likely calm down in time? The weird head feeling of being lightheaded and spaced out 24/7 is absolutely driving me crazy! I’m 7 months out and really wanting this to go away! 

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Posted by: @heybro

I've had nerve problems from this vaccine for 6 months now.  

I tried going gluten free just to see if it helped at all.  I'm one day into it and now my nerves are COLD.  Could this be a sign that my nerves are healing or is this a bad sign?

Has the severity of the nerve problems lessened over 6 months or is it about the same? I sometimes get the cold nerves in my legs. Had peripheral neuropathy since my first Pfizer vaccine 3.5m ago. I haven't tried gluten free but if I sway from my anti inflammatory foods I feel my symptoms get stronger for a while.

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Hello, Gingko has helped me a lot. After 1 Week Gingko i feel much better 

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@magicsign Hello! My mother received the booster dose on 15th of october. She had for the past 5 days the same symptoms, flashes of light in her right eye corner. No side effects after the first 2 doses, except minor arm ache. I am worry she may have some kind of trombosis, little clots blocking little arteries in the brain. 

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Posted by: @tabby
Posted by: @thamollusk

Can anyone elaborate on their relapses? I had headaches and dizziness for a few months after my two vaccine shots and it all disappeared suddenly one day. I was all good for a few months and then I got a cold and it all came back. It’s been on and off for about a month since then. I was hoping to hear from others in regards to their relapses and hopefully learn more about this. Thanks for reading.

It's a weird thing, but I've relapsed since getting my eyes tested just over a month ago. Since then my headaches and dizziness have been worse and so has the brain fog. Today has been a little better, I started taking COQ10 yesterday (someone here mentioned that their pharmacist had side effects after the jab and took this, sorry to whoever it was, can't remember). Maybe it's just a coincidence but I've felt like doing more today. Best wishes.

Strange but true story...I had my eyes tested about a month ago too as I was experiencing sharp stabbing pains deep in the back of mainly my right eye. Flashing lights and occasional wobbly vision. Had OCT scan and eyes are in good health. Symptoms subsided after a week or they are back in full force the last couple of days. Brain fog also back a little. Trying omega 3 fish oil to see if it helps.

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Hi Everyone!

So I came here recently to report that after 8 months I was pretty much back to normal. Unfortunately now I am having a pretty bad relapse with my dizziness and headaches over the last week. I just cannot believe this keeps happening and I’m so sad about it. 8 months is so long to be dealing with all of this and I just want my old life back. I also recently had a neurology appointment and was basically told (face to face) that it’s migraine associated dizziness. My neurologist side-stepped the vaccine conversation in person but wrote in my electronic chart that my PCP “could consider exempting her from future vaccine mandates on the basis of the severity and disabling nature of her symptoms which were temporarily related to the vaccine.” It’s annoying that no one will come out and admit it but I guess it’s at least some level of validation. No mention of any treatment options or whether or not this will go away. Ugh, feeling so defeated. 

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Will anybody that had auto immune encephalitis be willing to share there story in court. This case might give us a platform 

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@katie I'm so sorry Katie. Are the symptoms as intense as they were the last time you had them?  

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@glenb Hi there. Curious if you experienced anything that you would consider a relapse.  

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Posted by: @jmattos

Help/advice wanted! Pregnant and miserable. I am 31 weeks pregnant with a so far very healthy and very uneventful pregnancy. I held out on getting vaxxed until now because I was afraid to but the fear/pressure got to me and I got my first dose (Pfizer) last week. About 10 hours after I got it I woke up with severe cramping (scary if you are pregnant!) Baby is ok! And I had severe stomach pain & diarrhea for 4 days following. That has resolved and now I have this miserable head/ear pressure & pain that I can't shake. It's driving me insane and making me depressed not to be enjoying my last part of pregnancy. Instead of being happy, I'm miserable and anxious.

What can I take or do that has worked for you? 

Recap of side effects:

-severe stomach pain & diarrhea (resolved)  

-left eye blurry (resolved)

-left eyelid twitch (on and off)

-left ear ringing (on and off)

-itchy arm at injection still


Since I'm pregnant, there isn't a TON I can take but I do have some supplements/vitamins and Tylenol I can take....what should I be doing? These? Diet? Any advice appreciated.

Hi @jmattos

How are you and baby doing.

I feel your frustration about not being able to take much for your symptoms...I developed severe neuro inflammation after my Pfizer vaccine and as I'm currently breastfeeding there is little I can take for relief.

When I can't stand it any longer I pop the occasional ibuprofen. Apart from that I have been treating myself with organic anti inflammatory foods, omega 3 fish oil, resting as much as I can and adding a daily strong cup of turmeric, ginger and honey tea.

Keep up with your vitamins and once you have your baby switch to breastfeeding vitamins. If you are in the UK Boots own brand with fish oil capsules are excellent. 

I'm a bit tin hat and since my problems began after my vaccine I have since switched to Kingfisher flouride free toothpaste, aluminium free deodorant and FAith in Nature shampoo as it's all natural ingredients no sodium laurel sulphates and other nasties in it. I figured as my body is already under pressure to produce milk for my baby plus fight inflammation caused by the vaccine I could help it by giving it a break from heavy metals and other toxins and preservatives in foods and products I use! 

Make sure you get plenty of rest, keep up with your fluids, fruit and veggies and try have some relaxing baths with lavender. Best of luck 🙂 x


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