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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@medee Apologies for the delay in responding and thanks for asking. I am generally feeling a bit better than a month ago, although the tinnitus is present and the dizziness has not yet been "cured". Like others on this forum, I have done a lot of reading on vestibular and inner ear problems and am now, regrettably, more "expert" on the subject that I would like to be! I suspect that the biggest factor in recovery is that of time, which gradually helps the body compensate for the dysfunction. I think that vestibular rehabilitation or keeping active and challenging the balance system (albeit uncomfortable when you're dizzy and/or feeling queasy) will also contribute.

I had the follow-up with the ENT specialist recently and mainly saw him to see if he thought anything else was going on other than inner ear problems since it was 7 months since I first started having post-jab symptoms. He didn't seem concerned and confirmed that my experience of non-linear improvement with "two steps forward, three steps back" is common and it's hard to predict how long it takes. I asked if he thought the improvements I have had are due to post-vaccine inflammation reducing or compensation and habituation. His view is that inner ear dysfunction often results from inflammation and the problem is there whether or not inflammation reduces. So, it's actually compensation that helps as the brain starts to adapt to the conflicting signals it's getting.

He once again told me that drugs to treat the problem are "nasty" and they only delay recovery so he did not recommend them in my case. Since I am self-funding (in the UK, given long NHS waiting lists), he did not recommend undergoing VNG/ENG testing unless the problem persisted even longer with no further signs of improvement. He said the results of expensive testing would, in effect, only confirm the diagnosis and would unlikely change treatment options. However, the ENT specialist did agree that I could benefit from more targeted vestibular retraining in person. I spent a few months doing exercises recommended by a balance therapist I never met and we only had email and phone contact. I'm going to see the new vestibular physiotherapist in person next week to see if there are specific exercises that would be helpful to my own symptoms.

Finally, I can't comment on supplements since I haven't tried many, but I have had some results with acupuncture, at least in the short-term. It hasn't occurred after every session and it could be a matter of correlation or coincidence rather than causation, but I have typically felt more relaxed and less dizzy in the days following acupuncture. Incidentally, the ENT specialist said that acupuncture can help some people, but the mechanism by which it does so is not understood. Hope this helps and please let me know whether you've had any luck with similar or other treatment. 

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@rae23 that’s not great is it 👎 doctors give you any good advice or any sort of medication to help? I’ve been put on beta blockers last 11 days which has helped me so I can stand up longer than 10 mins but unfortunately I’ve got extremely more dizzy on them and and now started to experience legs burning and slight numbness. I would of hoped after 7 months you have made a little progress? 

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@nodiagnosis how you getting on now? Might be a coincidence but every since I’ve been on beta blockers my dizziness has got worse also I have now developed burning in legs which slight numbness anything that has helped your self?

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@ladyd I just updated another forum member, but can report that I am generally feeling a bit better than a month ago. However, the tinnitus is present and the dizziness has not yet gone. I had the recent follow-up with the ENT specialist mainly to hear if he thought anything else was going on other than inner ear problems since my initial consultation 6 months ago. He didn't seem that worried and confirmed that my experience of "two steps forward, three steps back" is common with "good" days being followed by "bad" days. 

His view of vestibular dysfunction is that it is often caused by inflammation, but that recovery occurs via compensation over time rather than inflammation reducing since, in essence, the damage has been done. He thinks I have vestibular neuritis (rather than labyrinthitis, which involves hearing loss) and that medicine doesn't offer much help these problems. He felt seeing a neurologist would be a waste of time since my symptoms didn't suggest migraine dizziness. 

He recommended against any drugs since they delay natural recovery and have side effects. He also did not recommend I spend money for formal vestibular testing, which would primarily confirm the diagnosis rather than change treatment options. His main recommendation is to persist with vestibular retraining in order to aid the process of compensation. He suggested I see a vestibular physiotherapist in person rather than remotely via email or phone (as I had done previously with the retired NHS therapist) and I will do so next week. The ENT said acupuncture can help some people and I have had some short-term results with it so I will continue to do occasional sessions. How are things your end?

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Posted by: @maddie628

My 47 yr old son is experiencing all the symptoms of tingling numbness, vertigo,ears ringing,fatigue,brain fog,pressure in head, face vibrating,insomnia..all since 2 wks after second Pfizer shot.ALL tests within normal.MD’s don’t have anything more to offer. Have a chance to see a doctor who specializes in environmental illness, vaccine injury, mold illness,etc.. brain inflammation— it’s gonna be expensive, not covered by insurance.May involve using a neural retraining program, low dose naltrexone, supplements, a one hour a day program you do at home to retrain limbic system.. anyone here use any one like this or any programs like this??? Our son’s life is on hold. ALl normal activities down the toilet.No exercise, depression,etc. 

Hi there. Sorry to hear about your son's symptoms.

Has he tried alpha lipoic acid? It's meant to be excellent for nerve regeneration.

It also is a chelating agent so will help draw out heavy metals that have been stored in the body over the years including from amalgam fillings and vaccines!

Also have him try a good quality fish oil. These supplements state on the pack that it can take up to a couple of months before you start noticing a difference so don't worry to much if there is no noticeable improvement initially just keep persevering.

Turmeric Gold has been a godsend for me it knocks the edge off my tingling from my Pfizer vaccine.

A good around multi vitamin would also give the body a little helping hand.

Please do speak to a health professional first before starting the alpha lipoic acid and multivitamins as they can advise you on best doses for the individual etc.

Hope this helps.

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@adelaide I think we have quite different experiences and opinions from doctors. I know mine isn’t VN it’s PPPD induced by a vestibular migraine with panic attack following the vaccine. My nervous system is all over the place with anxiety. My inflammatory markers were normal and apparently no vestibular pathology present so I am now having targeted VRT and assessing anxiety. That’s all I can do. Wish you well x

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@jaytune Hi Jay. My blurry vision got better actually. I'm on my week 7 now post first pfizer shot. Though i still have on and off and dim vision almost everyday but I'm not sensitive to light at all. No eye flashes or anything. I can focus on reading, doing work on my computer whole day, phones etc without any problem. I just have other on and off symptoms as well, but very mild lightheadedness that comes and goes, low temp like (35.7-35.8 everyday but it usually back to 36 up at night but my cousin whos a dr said its normal and nothing to worries) and got some muscle pain too. Numbness are there but very mild too. The new or old symptom I have which I already had it prior to my vaccine is stuffed nose every morning because of my rhinitis but its manageable. I am only taking 3 vitamins now, d c, and my barley juice and 1s a week vit E or perhaps Z again. I eliminated a lot of vitamins in the past weeks due to the other side effects that It worsen me. I eat a lot and rest as much as I can (TWO THINGS I THINK WHERE OUR BODY NEEDS A LOT to excrete the toxin from the vaccine).  I don't take any medicine to taper off any of my pain for a while too or even my antihistamine to my rhinitis now as everyday I get better. I let my body do the work, self healing and so far, slowly, I see great results to be honest. I can work out, I can work, I can errands and etc since week 3 but I felt better at the end of week 5 and even up to now. Just that I still have minor ailments which I know It will be gone soon. I plan on having a repeat tests, blood works, hospital checks and even EYE check up perhaps once I'm confident that these are all gone via natural healing and praying I won't have a bad flare ups along the way or any long term etc. Majority of my wellness came from rest, good food, avoiding the social media & googling my symptoms at all (LOL), focusing with now, light workout, some supplements, acupuncture too (weekly!, it helps me!), verbalising all my angst to my family (LOL) and PRAYERS. I have some GPs in the family with different specialities so before I sort to another hospital visit I always ask them and they always give me facts/good reasons NOT to do it so far again. If you really need to get your eyes check, then go get it. I visited 4 Doctors and 4 different departments in 1 mos since the onset of my symptoms(cardio, neuro, Internist and ENT). ALL of my tests and blood works came Normal, which I'm happy but also traumatic. 

I'm praying we all get better SOON. My mum always remind me to be patient with my body, to believe that I will be healed (YES) and to always watch for my symptoms so I'm doing it now and to continue doing what I used to do(work, revel, rest and pray)

Hope you get better 🙂


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@maddie628 I have heard that low dose Naltrexone can really help. Dr Mobeen talked about it in one of his YouTube videos. I would definitely try that! There is no guarantee of course but I think its worth trying if nothing else has helped. Your son is very lucky to have you fighting for him, you are such a great mom♡


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@gabw how are you getting on now it’s Been a long time?

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@2324vwea how you getting on now? 

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@bobh Improvement after all this time? 

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@jaytune To add more. The brain fog and ear fullness subsides or it feels like I'm having rhinitis so I don't sometimes recognise or feel them since last week. Its been a good 2weeks for me now with almost 100% or 100% me everyday. I still have flare ups but very mild, as I have replied to you in earlier post;  its the stuffed nose, dim vision (mild) and some other on and off but mild symptoms are the ones that I feel these days. Moreover, I also don't feel them at all and I have a better vision WHEN: I workout, do my daily JOB, run my errands, talking to friends or chatting with my family. Diversion works for me though (Miracles :), I really felt like its almost an anxiety to be honest w vaccine on it but its getting better too. I only notice them when I do nothing, so when I do nothing I rest LOL or take a walk. I also monitor my vitals just to make sure I'm good. BP, HR, TEMP and even my O2 stat. I refer to my family member if I notice a new pain or symptom. Am grateful that I only went through (HELL) of first two weeks & it was the only crazy experience I had then the rest are dwindling down or fading. My younger friend who is 28, she shares our symptoms but it lasted for 3 days only with on and off headaches sometimes but like me very mild to nothing. So hang in there, you will be healed one day, just trust and believe. We are all healthy and well prior to the vaccine, and we are OLDER than their vaccine so we can beat it. Just flow and do whatever you feel is good for you, medicine, therapy, check ups, rest and all. 

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After feeling as if my body was healing for the past two weeks - with head/ear pressure and brain fog almost gone - my symptoms flared yesterday and I'm feeling incredibly defeated.

In desperation, I tried Xyzal before bed, and that seemed to help, if only a little. I'll try Flonase this morning, along with my quercetin supplement and multivitamin. 

Logically, I knew I would have setbacks along the way, but I was hoping so much to be rid of this! 

I think I'm going to ask my provider for a referral to a neurologist. She seems to have next to no idea that the vaccine likely triggered an inflammatory autoimmune response that has resulted in - at times - debilitating symptoms. And she is even less equipped to help me with them. At our last appointment, she chalked my symptoms up to allergies (even though I've never, ever had allergies to anything) and dismissed the idea that it could have been caused by the vaccine and/or inflammation.

Has anyone had any luck with a neurologist? I am so desperate for relief - and desperate for someone to take me seriously. 😔 

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@rainyday my neuro palmed me off as something that will just pass over time although he is going to see me again in 6 months. He said my mri and ct scan were clear so nothing more they can do. I had extensive bloods but all was normal bar iga levels signalling some form of non specific inflammation. He said it should reduce over time as antibodies lessen but its whether the damage is permanent. Nobody knows. I was doing well but I'm having a flare up again brought on by my menstrual cycle.. I'm in alot of pain with my neck and back. I'm convinced I have spinal inflammation. I've been referred to an orthopedic clinician but that's a 3 month wait. I'm 5 months post 1st pfizer now and so unbelievably over this. I've lost my partner because of this. I have no life now. I'm just living a life of consistent symptoms. 

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@larag I was due for my cycle four days ago; I'm still waiting for it. I'm wondering if my hormones are also imbalanced, and if so, if this is what caused the flare-up. That's what worries me: Not knowing whether this is permanent. And not knowing how long this will go on. Six months? A year? The rest of my life? I'm stunned at the refusal on doctors' part to believe in the many, many injuries that have been caused by this vaccine. 

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