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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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(UK) I had my 1st AZ Vaccine in April. 3 days in i had gut pains and neck ache. 2 weeks on the gut pain had gone but i was left with headaches, brain fog, light sensitivity, dizziness and neck pain.

I have been back and forward to GP's and Hospital, Numerous blood tests, x-ray and ct scan all of which came back normal. my life has change completely. those symptoms have never gone away and i now have to function daily suffering from this. My mood had gotten so low I've now been put on citalipram. i have had the odd day where i thought it was over but then it just comes back. I'm now in to month 8 of this and i honestly have given up hope of it being solved or ever feeling normal again. Has anybody taken any treatment that helped?

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Posted by: @279janka

There are people that recovered fully from the side effects on this forum. It just took some time. I am one of them. And register couple of other people. However there are more people that have not yet recovered. Unfortunately. 

Glad to know you did. How are you feeling these days? 

What were you symptoms if I may ask and what did you do to attain full recovery - doctors, meds, tests etc.

How long did it take to reach full recovery?

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Posted by: @medee
Posted by: @seemamkhrj

@jen789 - Thank you for your response Jennifer. Do you mind sharing what symptoms you had from the vaccine apart from the fullness of ears and dizziness. Did you also notice eye floaters or any other vision problems? Have you recovered 100% from the flare-ups caused by the vaccine? My neurologist prescribed me topiramate to see if this helps in getting rid of the inflammation and reset the brain. I am not sure if I should wait it out like many others or take the med. I am almost 70% back to normal. I got my vaccine on 3rd June and believe would have recovered faster had I not contracted flu from my daughter (who is only 3 and keeps picking up new viruses from her daycare). 

I am so glad to see someone feeling better on this forum. How have you been feeling these days? Did the meds prescribed by the Neuro help you? Have you reached 100% recovery with no relapse?

If I may ask what were your symptoms? I have tingling, muscle tremors, now also feel like something crawling on my body and the head, weakness in hands and legs and nerve pain. Also have tinnitus and chest pain at times.

Do let me know as I too am planning to see a Neuro and I hope this works as I am tired of counting doctors since last 1 month and still felling terrible.

Hey, pls do use the Quote option whike responding. It helps. Take care!


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Posted by: @medee
Posted by: @seemamkhrj

@jen789 - Thank you for your response Jennifer. Do you mind sharing what symptoms you had from the vaccine apart from the fullness of ears and dizziness. Did you also notice eye floaters or any other vision problems? Have you recovered 100% from the flare-ups caused by the vaccine? My neurologist prescribed me topiramate to see if this helps in getting rid of the inflammation and reset the brain. I am not sure if I should wait it out like many others or take the med. I am almost 70% back to normal. I got my vaccine on 3rd June and believe would have recovered faster had I not contracted flu from my daughter (who is only 3 and keeps picking up new viruses from her daycare). 

I am so glad to see someone feeling better on this forum. How have you been feeling these days? Did the meds prescribed by the Neuro help you? Have you reached 100% recovery with no relapse?

If I may ask what were your symptoms? I have tingling, muscle tremors, now also feel like something crawling on my body and the head, weakness in hands and legs and nerve pain. Also have tinnitus and chest pain at times.

Do let me know as I too am planning to see a Neuro and I hope this works as I am tired of counting doctors since last 1 month and still felling terrible.

Hey, pls do use the Quote option whike responding. It helps. Take care!

Sorry, it took me a little bit to figure out how to reply with a quote. 😂


I had no other symptoms than I would get with any other vestibular flare up. I also had none of the other symptoms that some people get from the vaccine like fevers and things like that. So basically my symptoms were lightheaded, dizziness, ear pain along with ears feeling full, irritability, more profound brain fog, and overall weakness. 

My doctor only did steroids and one other med — I cannot remember what it was. When all was said and done, I developed a new normal. Now I did notice that I seem to be more sensitive and can flare up easier now. There was a flare up after the flu vaccine — has never happened before — but it was minimal and self-corrected in just a couple of days. 

My neurologist has actually added a 3rd med to regular medications on a trial basis. He is using it off label of course as vestibular patients always end up having to use meds off label. I actually am starting it today. I am supposed to take one dose every other day. If it works, it should prevent most if not all breakthrough flare ups. We will see as only time will tell. 

I have been advised not to get the 3rd booster unless it is absolutely required. My neurologist believes there are better virus treatment options soon coming out that should make the vaccines not as much of a requirement for otherwise healthy people. He says because I am otherwise healthy, I simply don’t need to be forced to take something that messes me up. I am hoping that no booster ends up being required in my line of work. 

DrL, Rainyday, Dee and 3 people reacted
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Posted by: @medee
Posted by: @seemamkhrj

@jen789 - Thank you for your response Jennifer. Do you mind sharing what symptoms you had from the vaccine apart from the fullness of ears and dizziness. Did you also notice eye floaters or any other vision problems? Have you recovered 100% from the flare-ups caused by the vaccine? My neurologist prescribed me topiramate to see if this helps in getting rid of the inflammation and reset the brain. I am not sure if I should wait it out like many others or take the med. I am almost 70% back to normal. I got my vaccine on 3rd June and believe would have recovered faster had I not contracted flu from my daughter (who is only 3 and keeps picking up new viruses from her daycare). 

I am so glad to see someone feeling better on this forum. How have you been feeling these days? Did the meds prescribed by the Neuro help you? Have you reached 100% recovery with no relapse?

If I may ask what were your symptoms? I have tingling, muscle tremors, now also feel like something crawling on my body and the head, weakness in hands and legs and nerve pain. Also have tinnitus and chest pain at times.

Do let me know as I too am planning to see a Neuro and I hope this works as I am tired of counting doctors since last 1 month and still felling terrible.

Hey, pls do use the Quote option whike responding. It helps. Take care!

Just a FYI, some of the symptoms I am seeing listed in some posts can be common side effects of meds like topomax, gabapentin, and others. My former neurologist several years ago prescribed me those types of meds and they made all of my vestibular issues much worse. My neurologist now keeps me far away from those types of meds. You may want to avoid those meds if being prescribed something to try to treat issues you are having after the vaccine. 

Quail444 and Quail444 reacted
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@jamesjazz I would start doing any and every single thing you could to bring down inflammation. Fluxomine is an SSRI which binds to the receptor in the brain that controls inflammation- might be worth talking to your doctor about. 

Also, eating an anti-inflammatory diet, taking Turmeric and Quercetin supplements and exercise are all lifestyle focused shifts you could make. I found yoga to be particularly helpful as it possibly helps retrain the brain in coordination and balance. The WORST thing for neuritis/labyrinthitis is to lay around and avoid movement. I learned that the hard way after being so depressed I didn't want want leave my bed and it all just got so much worse.

I had pretty bad vertigo after getting vaccinated that I still struggle with now, 6 months later. Some days are so mild I don't notice it at all. Some days are worse and it can really set you back, emotionally. I think the best thing you can do is all that you can:

-focus on taking care of your health in a positive way and not obsessing over the what if's

-try to enjoy your life: engage in your relationships, practice gratitude, don't avoid doing the things you love

-do NOT obsessively Google and check in on this forum. It will have you constantly swirling in the stress of what's going on, feeling bitter, angry and scared. At the end of the day time will provide the best progress and how you spend that time matters.

I know all of this is easier said than done but from someone who was and is in your shoes I can tell you my quality of life is SO much better with this frame of mind. Good vibes coming your way!

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Posted by: @heybro
Posted by: @medee
Posted by: @heybro
Posted by: @jondick

Gullain Barre syndrome is now listed as a side effect for the vax. I’m thinking that is what I had. Not a severe case but my symptoms line up with it. 

I think this may be mine as well.  I can't imagine that "inflammation" caused my nerves to feel the way they did.  Instead, it felt like my nerves were being attacked from the inside.  It was an actual assault on them.

How are you recovering?

What do you think made our bodies think our nerves were an enemy?

I do not think the technology is right.  To train your body to produce something that it then attacks IS INDEED teaching your body to attack itself. 

It's like making your relative dress up like a boogeyman to then "scare off" so you can learn to sleep at night.  Alright alright, but what if you end up pushing your relative down the stairs and they break their leg.

We shouldn't be mixing friends with enemies.

How are you feeling now? Seems like even you have had nerves issues.

Not to good.  For some reason I'm feeling cold throughout my torso's nerves.  This is different than feeling cold as it is just the nerves that are cold.  I also have not been able to sleep because my entire nervous system does weird things.

I was told by a doctor that I have mild variant of gullian Barre syndrome. Have the pins and needles in hands and legs since first Pfizer. I also sometimes get a strange coldness in my legs at times which is a different coldness to being out in cold weather if that makes sense?

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Posted by: @lmkk
Posted by: @heybro
Posted by: @medee
Posted by: @heybro
Posted by: @jondick

Gullain Barre syndrome is now listed as a side effect for the vax. I’m thinking that is what I had. Not a severe case but my symptoms line up with it. 

I think this may be mine as well.  I can't imagine that "inflammation" caused my nerves to feel the way they did.  Instead, it felt like my nerves were being attacked from the inside.  It was an actual assault on them.

How are you recovering?

What do you think made our bodies think our nerves were an enemy?

I do not think the technology is right.  To train your body to produce something that it then attacks IS INDEED teaching your body to attack itself. 

It's like making your relative dress up like a boogeyman to then "scare off" so you can learn to sleep at night.  Alright alright, but what if you end up pushing your relative down the stairs and they break their leg.

We shouldn't be mixing friends with enemies.

How are you feeling now? Seems like even you have had nerves issues.

Not to good.  For some reason I'm feeling cold throughout my torso's nerves.  This is different than feeling cold as it is just the nerves that are cold.  I also have not been able to sleep because my entire nervous system does weird things.

I was told by a doctor that I have mild variant of gullian Barre syndrome. Have the pins and needles in hands and legs since first Pfizer. I also sometimes get a strange coldness in my legs at times which is a different coldness to being out in cold weather if that makes sense?

So what next? Have you been put on any medication? How long will it take for recovery?

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@ttoth0210 thank you so much for this.

i’m honestly just scared — this is the WORST possible timing.

im worried it’s something (more) serious as well. I’m so faint and absent all the time.


Thank you so much again, I mean it. 



gingerj, KitKat, gingerj and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @jamesjazz

I am extremely upset.

Exactly 2 weeks have elapsed since my first moderna shot (21, Male), I haven’t stopped feeling dizzy, I get super faint/lightheaded when standing up too quickly, i have this general absent foggy feeling constantly and i’m fatigued at night. All of these symptoms began within hours of the vaccine, with no other lifestyle changes whatsoever. I am extremely active and this has completely paused my life for 2 weeks. I believe I am experiencing either labyrinthitis/vestibular neuritis or having some sort of shocking delayed response to the vaccine.

The lack of online resources is ridiculous. 

Any help or guidance or info as to what the hell is going on is appreciated.


Good luck friends.

Try to get your inflammation down.

Take turmeric and omega 3. Lots of green leafy vegetables and cut out dairy, caffeine and sugar. Boring but it helps.

Chelsun and Chelsun reacted
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@lmkk I have done all of these and THEY DO HELP! In addition to cutting out dairy (I felt a slight improvement the next day),caffeine (1 weak cut of instant per day and tea) and mostly sugar....has all helped. Also taking Turmeric twice a day and Omega 3 -3-4grams per day.

Good luck!

Dee, KitKat, Dee and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @weewizard

Hi! I’ve never posted on a forum ever, but my experience after my first Moderna shot has been so scary I would really like some help. 

I received the shot a little over a month ago. Within hours I developed blurred vision in my left eye and trouble moving my eyes. 

I now still have these issues, as well as tingling and weakness in my limbs, Hand tremor, the feeling of sandpaper in my eyes, chest, and leg nerves, head fullness, pulsating in my head/neck/limbs and some ocular migraine. 

Quickly losing the ability to function on my own. Went to the ER twice and the eye doc that said things were normal but it feels like my body is freaking out. I was a very fit and independent person before this. 

Anything anyone has found that has helped?

Hi Alex how are vision issues and tingling these days? 

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@arica30 it’s truly horrible can’t believe how badly my body has been affected this has caused so much toxic in my body. I was really fit and healthy before this 😢 hope we get relief. Just don’t know how long it will take hopefully not over a year 🙏

BetterDaysAhead, KitKat, BetterDaysAhead and 1 people reacted
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@gab234 hey there. I haven’t been able to work I’ve been off 5 months I’ve had it really severe 😢 mainly heart problems but also bad dizziness and pains recently I’ve had the numbness and weakness in muscles. It’s hard to stay positive after 5 months 🙄 but I’m still here and alive just in pain everyday 😅🤦‍♂️ 
I wouldn’t worry about your mri I had one. Suffered a massive panic attack during it then felt horrible 4 days after like bed bound. But it came back clear. I believe that our nervous systems have either attacked themselves or inflamed. I’m really not sure 🤷‍♂️ The numbness and weakness hasn’t been as bad last 2 days so I’m just hoping that it’s not autoimmune problems. I’ve recently just done a ana test that can be a indicator of certain immune diseases so ill hopefully hear of that in a week. Fingers crossed nothing comes up I’ll keep you informed. I believe you can get through this! If you have managed to keep on track things it will gradually get easier for you! Like I said I think I’ve just had a severe reaction so I don’t think most people will be house bound like myself for so long. I body’s are trying to fight and correct so expect some good and bad days. My private doctor just said you will know when you are starting to get better the good days will outweigh the bad and will carry on improving! Wish you the best 

DrL, KitKat, DrL and 1 people reacted
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@medee I wrote about my experience on the page 374. My whole experience lasted approximately 3 months. When I though that I am already fine, I relapsed. The symptoms that lasted longest were heart palpitations during night. I could not sleep well because of that. But everything slowly went away. Now I am about 3 months without relapse and back to my normal. 

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